Имаат искуство и традиција лекции да им држат на некој(cough* mitsubishi *cough) во што сакаат,и резиденцијални и комерцијални уреди!
Митсу почнал да прави клими 1996!
Nemoj taka za Mitsu, daj napravi gi postari.
-Митсубиши прави клими од 1996год.
Ако мислиш на Mitsubishi Electric да 95/96 али Мitsubishi heavy industries e постар 1950-60 првите клими
Не знам од кај ви е годинава 1996, нишо не ми излага на гугл....
Официјална Википедиа вика:
January 15, 1921; 100 years ago
Тие на нивниот сајт во делот "History" објавиле
1920s-1970s, in the History section of Mitsubishi Electric's website.
- Released a wall-mounted split-system room air conditioner featuring a line flow fan. (1968)
Инаку, малку историја....
Both the
Mitsubishi Heavy and Mitsubishi Electric develop air conditioning units. Other than the name, they vary in most of the other features of their units. The mother company is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, MHI. Initially, there used to be Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which was established in 1870.
Nonetheless, Mitsubishi Electric was later on founded in 1920. It was still a part of the MHI Company before it split into an individual company. Since then, the two companies have rivaled the market share, the customer base, and the products. They both develop reliable aircon units, but there is still a difference, and every customer is satisfied differently with each brand.
И двете си имаат прос и конс
Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are the two most common air conditioner brands in Singapore. Which would provide you with the most reliable air conditioner unit?
Mitsubishi is one of the top aircon brands in Singapore. Many Singaporeans rate this brand as a top choice because of sheer reliability.
Меѓутоа едната компанија доста напреднала во имплементација на Хај-Тек, а другата малу заостанува....
What makes Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners stand out are their highly advanced smart technology features.