јас не сум жртвата. Ти постирав примери од жртви на педерски здруженија и педери. Од тоа што постирам за другата страна на паричката, ти ми лепиш етикета (покрај едночудо други, со одредена цел, нормално) и единствено што заклучи е - омраза. Значи а се спомне другата вистина од онаа "вистина" што ја пласираат педерски здруженија, одма се удира на муабет омраза. Тоа е реалноста, а што и како сум јас...тоа не е тема на муабет, нели.
И да сме на чисто, зборот хомофобија е одамна склепан, као ментален случај (случајно, намерно...ќе видиме понатаму) како што беше случајот и со хомосексуалноста. Хомосексуалноста ја тргнаа, хомофобијата остана. Она што го предлагаат е далеку посоодветно неголи хомофобија. И за психолозите и за јавноста се дисутира по ова прашање пошто очигледно нема врска денес со реалноста.
Еве уште некоја паричка, од другата страна. И ова за тебе е "омраза" или..."па можеби постои, не знам...".
Heterophobia is the new black
I knew I was heterosexual and liked women ever since I was a small child, but I have always been afraid to come out publically because I was taught that some things are to be kept private and discussed on a need to know basis.
Now that I have come out of the closet, I hope I can get special laws passed that will allow me to walk up to women in the workplace, as well as total strangers, and let them know that I am heterosexual.
Now that I no longer have to keep my sexual preference to myself, I feel so relieved of the burden I have been carrying throughout my life.
Now that I have come out of the shadows and can be who I really am, I hope that I can become a member of the homosexual church choir that my friend belongs to, despite the stipulation that openly heterosexuals are not allowed to join. If I keep my heterosexually hidden and no one finds out, I could possible join the choir.
But why should I have to hide who I am? That is not fair and it’s discriminatory. My homosexual friends want to force the Boys Scouts of America (BSA) to change its policy of not admitting homosexuals, atheists, or agnostics into the scouts; but not one of my homosexual friends are willing to join with me to fight my being excluded from their choir simply because I have publically come out as heterosexual. Anyone who doesn’t accept me for being heterosexual, must be heterophobic, a bigot, and hateful.
As a businessman, I am involved with several chambers of commerces; so now that I am out of the closet, I wanted to join and have my business certified by The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) so I could become more marketable to corporate America.
According to their website: “The NGLCC certifies lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-owned businesses as Business Enterprises (LGBTBEs) and works to provide opportunities for LGBTBEs to build relationships and gain exposure within corporate procurement processes. Certification through the
NGLCC Supplier Diversity Initiative (SDI) offers the opportunity for LGBT-owned businesses to make connections with America’s top corporations and each other.
By becoming certified, LGBTBEs enhance their business visibility with corporations seeking to do business with LGBT suppliers. Corporate partners can search for certified LGBTBEs through our exclusive LGBT supplier database as well as meet face-to-face with potential suppliers at NGLCC SDI matchmaking and networking events, which are held across the country throughout the year…”
I was told that I had to be homosexual in order to join. Again, per their website, the criteria for membership is: “Is your business at least 51% owned, operated, managed, and controlled by an LGBT person, or persons who are either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, exercise independence from any non-LGBT business enterprise, have its principal place of business (headquarters) in the United States, have been formed as a legal entity in the United States?”
What I find interesting is they wouldn’t tell me on the phone nor is it indicated on their website how they prove that you are homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered.
So, let me make sure I understand, they want the Boy Scouts of America to be forced to accept homosexual kids and adults; but yet, because I have come out as openly heterosexual, I can’t be certified by them as an LGBT business.
This is discrimination to the highest heavens. I am considering a lawsuit against them because I think the federal courts should force them to accept me and my lifestyle choices (despite them being a private organization). I have a right to join their organization. America should stand with me in my pursuit of chamber equality.
My God, this is the 21st century and yet a heterosexual still can’t join a homosexual group. I am hoping that I to, like Jason Collins (the homosexual NBA player), will get a call from President Obama. I to, hope that I can get saturated news coverage for a whole two days. I to hope Kobe Bryant, Bill Clinton, and Michelle Obama will give me a shout out on twitter.
I am brave and courageous for admitting that I like women and I think that all Americans who believe in equality should join with me for my civil rights. Where is the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Congressional Black Caucus?
Do I not deserve dignity as much as homosexuals? I have lived my life in the shadows for far too long. Can you imagine living your whole life privately as a heterosexual? Just think of the trauma I have faced walking down the street and people not knowing if I were heterosexual or homosexual? No one should have to live their life like that. We are Americans and we are better than that.
So, I am asking Congress to launch an investigation to find out why no one is paying any attention to my coming out of the closet, why no media outlets are covering my declaration of my heterosexuality, and why homosexual groups refuse to allow me to join their organizations. How can we be the leader of the free world, but yet not give rights to heterosexuals? Our founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
The Rise Of Heterophobia
A new psychological disorder called heterophobia is infecting America. Promoting a heterosexual or traditional family lifestyle is becoming increasingly shamed while criticism of homosexual lifestyle is no longer allowed. Our culture is making it clear that when it comes to sex, only heterosexuality can be ridiculed, especially when it is practiced by men.
I believe we’re only 10-15 years away from when homosexuality or bisexuality will be seen as a superior lifestyle to heterosexuality. We’re already at the stage where homosexual couples are seen as more virtuous than male PUAs (mainstream media criticizes game incessantly, but no such effort has been done on homosexual couples). Any lifestyle choice that involves men wanting to sleep with beautiful, thin women will be linked to misogyny and hate, while lifestyle choices involving men wanting to sleep with other men is seen as progressive and open-minded. Even the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade, an American family institution since 1927, is promoting a gay lifestyle by featuring singing and dancing homosexual men dressed up as women.