One of the waves, 30 missiles were inbound, 28 destroyed and only 2 reached their intended targets, then the US secretary of Defense comes and say their attack was a success?!
A complete Anti Access/Areal Denial area was enforced by Syrian Air Defenses and SyAAF, and against who, the United States, UK and France; good luck facing Russia, if we were you we wouldn't threaten the Russians so much.
Just the team member of the page who are in SyAAD cost the US tax payers over 500 million in destroyed Tomahawk missiles; and for that, well, most expensive target practice ever, at least we weren't the ones paying tho.
Hey good move
Donald J. Trump, how big are your hands now?! You embarrassed the US Military like no one else.
On a more serious note, a full comprehensive report will be up when possible.
Picture reportedly from over Damascus tonight of an SyAAD missile intercepting a US tomahawk.