Не запираат напорите на евробирократите во Брисел за создавање на што е можно поавторитарна, поавтократска и најважно од се - повеќе анти-демократска европска федерација.
Како ви звучи задолжителна употреба на лична карта или лична електронска идентификација за да може да се поврзете на Интернет ?
За волја на вистината, засега станува збор за само уште еден сеуште нецелосно дефиниран предлог на недемократски избраната Европска Комисија, но од досега излезените на виделина факти, ЕУ подготвува законска регулатива со која Интернетот во сите држави членки на ЕУ ќе биде регулиран, така што корисниците кои ќе сакаат да ги користат Интернет сервисите како што се Фејсбук, Твитер и Инстаграм, ќе мораат да користат електронска идентификација за да можат да се логираат на ваквите Интернет сервиси.
За почеток ова е планирано да биде ограничено само на социјалните мрежи, но се разбира, со отворање на Пандорината кутија на ЕУ не се знае што наредно ќе излезе, па така нема да биде никакво изненадување доколку ваквото ограничување со тек на време се прошири и на останати Интернет сервиси, како што се Гугл, Бинг, Амазон, иБеј, Скајп и бројни други.
Во основа се оневозможува Интернет приватноста - онаа малку што ја има, бидејќи ако мораш да се логираш со лична карта или било каква електронска идентификација, тогаш државата знае кога си користел(а) одреден Интернет сервис, како си го користел(а) и за што си го користел(а).
Па немој после да се изненадиш кога ќе ти пристигне казна за плаќање поради "говор на омраза" бидејќи си се осмелил(а) на Интернет да ја критикуваш масовната неконтролирана миграција во Европа, или некоја друга политика на ЕУ, па откриеш дека на одреден, неодреден, или па можеби траен временски период, ти е забранет Интернет пристап само бидејќи си се осмелил(а) да го искористиш твоето право на изразување на твоето лично мислење.
Автор на ваквата предложена законска регулатива е Андрус Ансип, поранешен функционер на поранешната Комунистичка Партија на Естонија од втората половина на 1980-те години кога Естонија беше дел од Советскиот Сојуз, чисто информативно за да се знае кои луѓе ги креираат политиките на анти-демократската ЕУ.
Will you soon need a government ID to log into Facebook? Europe Commission proposes controversial scheme to access social media sites
By Shivali Best For Mailonline
Published: 11:16 GMT, 3 June 2016 | Updated: 20:31 GMT, 3 June 2016
• National ID cards would be needed to log in to online services like Twitter
• The idea has been presented by Andrus Ansip who is from Estonia
• The main reason is to prevent fake user reviews that mislead consumers
• Many people are unhappy saying it will eradicate online privacy
Most of us log into our social media sites, whether it is Twitter, Facebook or Instagram at least a few times a day.
But soon, it could require more than entering your username and password to check your friends' latest updates.
The European Commission is now proposing the idea of using national ID cards to log in to online services, including Facebook, Twitter and even Uber.
Soon, it could require more than entering your username and password to check your friends' latest updates on social media sites like Twitter. The idea has been presented by Andrus Ansip, Vice President for the Digital Single Market on the European Commission
Government ID cards are used in European member states, except for Denmark and the UK. But the move may open the floodgates to similar actions elsewhere.
The idea has been presented by Andrus Ansip, Vice President for the Digital Single Market on the European Commission.
Documents were leaked from within the European Commission, which revealed a call for the roll out of more extensive use of national ID cards across the EU.
Since the leak, the European Commission has uploaded the paper to the Commission's own
The paper outlines that: 'Online platforms need to accept credentials issued or recognised by national public authorities, such as electronic ID cards, citizens cards, bank cards or mobile IDs.
'For every consumer to have a multitude of username and password combinations is not only inconvenient but becomes a security risk.'
Mr Ansip is from Estonia, where they currently have a highly-developed national ID card system.
The paper is called 'Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market' and is dated from 25 May.
The main reason that the paper states for implementing ID cards is to combat the current prevalence of fake user reviews that are misleading European consumers.
The paper states: 'Online ratings and reviews of goods and services are helpful and empowering to consumers, but they need to be trustworthy and free from any bias or manipulation.'
The EC is proposing the idea of using national ID cards to log in to online services, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (stock image used)
However, many people are unhappy about the proposal, saying it will eradicate both online privacy and freedom of speech.
Speaking to
Breitbart London, Diane James, a Member of the European Parliament and the UK Independence Party's spokesman for Home Affair said: 'Calling on us to log onto YouTube with national IDs etc shows a direction of travel which should worry anybody who believes in personal liberty.'
It appears that this interference in social media by the EU is not a new occurrence.
Ms James added: 'In 2013, the European Parliament spent almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for "trolls" during euro-elections amid fears that hostility to the EU was growing.'
The European Parliament claimed 'institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand 'trending topics' and have the capacity to react quickly.'
In 2011, President Obama spearheaded a plan to boost web security by issuing American computer users with an Internet ID.
The Obama administration drafted a paper called the National Strategy for Trusted Identities, which investigates ways that web users can protect their online identities.
Possible methods of creating a ‘trusted identity’ could include issuing a ‘smart card’ or digital certificates that would prove that online users are who they say they are.
They could then be used to buy goods and carry out financial transactions on the Internet.
But Commerce Secretary Gary Locke was quick to reassure people that it wasn’t a guise for more big brother government.
‘We are not talking about a national ID card,’ he said at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.
The plan is currently being tested on a state-by-state basis.
Read more:
The European Commission Wants You To Log Into Social Media Accounts With Govt-Issued ID Cards
EU to Make Every Internet User Have Mandatory Government ID
By Mr. Charrington 03/06/2016 10:27:25
BRUSSELS – Belgium – Every citizen of the EU who uses the internet will be forced to have a trackable government ID number under new DSM plans from the European Union.
The Digital Single Market (DSM) initiative spearheaded by unelected official Andrus Ansip for the European Commission will identify each user of the internet in the EU and assign them an electronic identification tag enabling authorities to better track individuals on the internet.
More generally, this issue includes the ways in which users identify themselves in order to access online platforms and services. It is recognised that a multitude of username and password combinations is both inconvenient and a security risk. However, the frequent practice of using one’s platform profile to access a range of websites and services often involves non-transparent exchanges and crosslinkages of personal data between various online platforms and websites. As a remedy, in order to keep identification simple and secure, consumers should be able to choose the credentials by which they want to identify or authenticate themselves. In particular, online platforms should accept credentials issued or recognised by national public authorities, such as electronic or mobile IDs, national identity cards, or bank cards
Digital Single Market (Pg 10)
By introducing a mandatory ID system for all internet users, the reasoning behind the EU initiative is to do away with multiple passwords for all internet portals and to track users more accurately. The drawback for the user is that their loss of internet anonymity will result in their every move on the internet being tracked by the EU government as well as commercial corporations and marketers. Anonymity, which is one of the hallmarks and original concepts of the internet will thus be removed.
This Orwellian move by the EU is only a totalitarian tiptoe step, as in the future, any form of questioning the EU could be deemed as Thoughtcrime, or in today’s terminology (hate speech). In other words, any form of dissent, questioning of political ideology, alternative view to the state or satire would be punishable with physical imprisonment and arrest.
The future of the EU is a dystopian nightmare becoming reality every day, as little embers and revelations come to light, bit by bit.
Britain must preserve its democracy, its freedom of expression, it must separate itself from this totalitarian EU march towards certain digital imprisonment and
Stasi hell.
We must
Vote Leave on June 23, not only for your sake, but for the sake of future generations, for the mantle of freedom, democratic accountability, and the right to free expression.