zmej gorjanin
Ова видео ваљда пробува да го постигне ефектот на reverse psychology.Почивај во мир Германија,лесна ти земја
Ова видео ваљда пробува да го постигне ефектот на reverse psychology.Почивај во мир Германија,лесна ти земја
“I got a strong feeling of guilt and responsibility,” Hauken wrote. “I was the reason he wouldn’t be in Norway, and instead be sent to an unknown future in Somalia. He had already done his time in prison. Would he get punished again, and this time much harder?”http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/06/leftist-norwegian-politician-gets-raped-by-somalian-begs-for-him-not-to-be-deported/
Leftist Norway politican Karsten Nordal Hauken was brutally sodomized by a Somali and felt so incredibly guilty in the aftermath he subsequently begged authorities not to deport the man.
Бил во затвор сомалиецот, многу страдал.
Одлично!Норвешката министерка предизвика потсмев на социјалните мрежи откако во Средоземно Море кај Лезбос скокна во вода „за да види како им е на бегалците“.
A moderate Muslim who supports LGBT rights including gay marriage and calls himself a "proud feminist," Khan was a human-rights lawyer before being elected to the British Parliament.