Да резимирам. Сонцето е создадено Првиот „ден“ и до Четвртиот „ден“ до планетата Земја достигала само неговата дифузна светлина. Во Четвртиoт „ден“ Сонцето станало видливо од планетата Земја, односно на Земјата станала видлива директната светлина од Сонцето.
GENESIS 1:16 Day 4 __Full Unobstructed Light
“And God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.”“
“And God proceeded to make
(‘a•sah’) the two great luminaries
(ma•’ohr), the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.” (the Hebrew word ‘a•sah’ does not mean to create as with ‘bara’ in Genesis 1:1 where it says “God created Heaven and Earth,” but rather to prepare or bring forth / make visible what was already existing). The Hebrew word ma•’ohr’, means the source of the light.
The source of the once diffused light (seen since day one) is now fully revealed (by day four) to be the already existing sun. This is evident by the discoveries by Hubble and Spitzer made from 2004 – 2007 as they observed the dense dust around young planets, opposed to, very little dust around older, more mature planets.
From this scientific data it appears that
day one would correspond to what Hubble observed about the early stages of young planets, 50 million to 250 million years old that had clouds of thick dust. In this early stage, only
diffused light from the sun would reach the earth, and the moon and stars would not be visible from earth’s surface.
It appears that
day four would correspond to what Spitzer observed about the later stages of older planets that averaged 4 billion years old where the discs faded and a smaller, stable debris disc, like the comet-filled Kuiper Belt in our own solar system, is all that is left. In this later stage the
direct light from the sun would be visible, as well as the moon and stars, as could now be seen from earth’s surface.