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да ми нацрташ каде се наоѓа Халеевата комета.
Дали знаеш дека сакаат да го пробијат фирмаментот? Што ако тоа што паѓа се делови од фирмаменто? И гледај "случајност" на антартика
The Best Place to Hunt Meteorites
Hunting Meteorites in Antarctica
With what the ancients called "falling stars" to what is now described as "meteorites", does anyone who believe in flat earth got an idea where they exactly come from? Could it be that the "firmament" is breaking down and such an increase in meteors? Could it be that the stars which can be seen zoomed in as pulsating energy vortexes somehow breaking down?
Good questions, no answers though.
One belief is that tptb wish to have full control of the earth before they break through the firmament, but they wish to get rid of the undesirables first to make an easier to control population, then guide them out to new Eden.
Or so I've gathered...