Toa e затоа што не се знаат термодинамичките процеси и механизмите за пренос на топлина. Човек кој мисли дека Земјата е плоча, дека гравитацијата не постои и кој не знае елементарна геометрија како може да држи предавања за толку комплицирана наука како што е термодинамика?
The thermosphere indeed lives up to its name. (Remember that “therme”
comes from the Greek word “heat” so thermosphere means “heat sphere.”)
The higher we climb into the thermosphere, the higher the temperature climbs
too! Actually, the temperature hikes so high, it is hard even to imagine—as
high as 3,000 degrees F (1,700 degrees C)!! Why does the temperature keep
climbing? The temperature spikes higher because we are climbing closer
towards the Earth’s source of heat, the sun.
You are probably thinking now might be good time to peel off your winter gear
of scarf and mittens. Not too fast! If you exposed your skin to the
thermosphere, you actually wouldn’t feel hot in the least! Not even at those
dizzyingly high temperatures! You would actually feel VERY cold! Isn’t that
Have you ever sat in a dark, cold room in front of a light bulb? The
temperature of the light bulb would be very hot indeed. You would get burned
if you wrapped your fingers around that glowing light bulb. However, since
there is only one light bulb in the room, you would still be feeling pretty nippy!
The thermosphere is like that large, black room. The molecules floating around
in the thermosphere are like only a few light bulbs in an enormous, empty
arena. Those molecules are very, VERY hot, but there simply isn’t very many
of them! So you would be feeling cold in the thermosphere since there would
not be enough molecules bumping into your skin to actually make your skin
feel warm!
Ваквите „експерти“ што споредуваат температура во Висока печка со температура во термосфера, да ги прашаш како тенкото и слабо стакло од сијалица не пука, кога внатре има зажарен волфрам, нема да знаат да одговорат, ама зато „знаат“ дека НАСА е измама, дека сателити не постојат, дека гравитација не постои, дека Земјата и небото личат на чинија со капак...