Законот на Телема


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23 јули 2010
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"Life then is indestructible as all else is. All destruction and construction are changes in the nature of Love, as I have written to you in the former chapter proximate. Yet even as the blood in one pulse-throb of the wrist is not the same blood as that in the next, so individuality is in part destroyed as each life passeth; nay, even with each thought.

"What then maketh man, if he dieth and is reborn a changeling with each breath? This: the consciousness of continuity given by memory, the conception of his Self as something whose existence, far from being threatened by these changes, is in verity assured by them. Let then the aspirant to the sacred Wisdom consider his Self no more as one segment of the Serpent, but as the whole. Let him extend his consciousness to regard both birth and death as incidents trivial as systole and diastole of the heart itself, and necessary as they to its function."

-- Aleister Crowley, De Lege Libellum

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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„Чувајте ги чисти вашите највисоки идеали; стремете се секогаш кон нив без да допуштите ништо да ве сопре или сврти настрана, исто како што ѕвезда броди на нејзиниот непресметлив и бескраен курс на слава, и сè е Љубов.

Законот(L.aw) на вашето битие станува Светлина (L.ight), Живот(L.ife), Љубов(L.ove) и Слобода(L.iberty). (Liber L-L-L-L-L или 150)
Сè е мир, сè е хармонија и убавина, сè е радост.

Зашто послушајте, колку великодушна е Божицата:

“Јас давам незамисливи радости на земјата: сигурност, не верба, за животот, над смртта; мир неискажан, одмор, екстаза; ниту пак барам некакви жртви.”Книга на Законот, Поглавје I, Стих 58

Нели е ова подобро отколку смртта-во-живот на робовите на Боговите-Робови, како што одат потиснати од свеста за “грев,” уморно барајќи или симулирајќи умор и бедни “доблести”?“

--- Законот на Слободата, Liber DCCCXXXVII


Член од
23 јули 2010
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На денешен ден, во 1947 - ма:
"Bury me in a nameless grave!
I came from God the world to save.
I brought them wisdom from above:
Worship, and liberty, and love.
They slew me for I did disparage
Therefore Religion, Law and Marriage.
So be my grave without a name
That earth may swallow up my shame!"

- Aleister Crowley
[DOUBLEPOST=1449015567][/DOUBLEPOST]A young man knocks on the door of a great Thelemic philosopher.

"I wish to study The Book of the Law."

“Do you know Greek?”




“Have you ever studied The Holy Books?”

“No, but I graduated from Harvard summa cum laude in philosophy, and received a PhD from Yale. I'd like to round out my education with a bit of Thelema.”

“I doubt that you are ready to understand Liber AL. It is the broadest and deepest of books. But The Law is for All, so I will examine you in logic, and if you pass the test I will teach you about Thelema.”

"Good. I'm well versed in logic."

"First question. Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

”The burglar with the dirty face."

“Wrong. The one with the clean face. Examine the logic. The burglar with a dirty face looks at the one with a clean face and thinks his face is clean. The one with a clean face looks at the burglar with a dirty face and thinks his face is dirty. So the one with the clean face washes.”

“Very clever. Another question please.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

“We established that. The burglar with the clean face washes.”

“Wrong. Both wash. Examine the logic. The one with a dirty face thinks his face is clean. The one with a clean face thinks his face is dirty. So the burglar with a clean face washes. When the one with a dirty face sees him washing, however, he realizes his face must be dirty too. Thus both wash.”

“I didn’t think of that. Please ask me another.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

“Well, we know both wash.”

“Wrong. Neither washes. Examine the logic. The one with the dirty face thinks his face is clean. The one with the clean face thinks his face is dirty. But when clean-face sees that dirty-face doesn’t bother to wash, he also doesn’t bother. So neither washes. As you can see, you are not ready for Thelema.”

"But Frater, please, give me one more test.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”


“Wrong. And perhaps now you will see why Harvard and Yale cannot prepare you for Thelema. Tell me, how is it possible that two men come down the same chimney, and one emerges with a clean face, while the other has a dirty face?"

"But you've just given me four contradictory answers to the same question! That's impossible!"

"No, my son, that's Thelema."

Превземено од Фратер Oz.
Последно уредено:


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23 јули 2010
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"But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth, and shall stand until the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place." (AL III:34)


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23 јули 2010
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"Unite yourself passionately with every other form of consciousness, thus destroying the sense of separateness from the Whole, and creating a new baseline in the Universe from which to measure it."

- Aleister Crowley, 'Duty'

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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“Има три вида на Атеисти.
  • Ништожен глупак. (Често е многу вешт, како што биле Болингброк, Бредло и Фут). Тој открил една од малите тајни, ја прегрнал и ги презира сите оние кои гледаат повеќе од него, или кои ги набљудуваат работите од различно гледиште...
  • Очаен бедник, кој барајќи го Господ насекаде и не наоѓајќи го, мисли дека сите се слепци како него и дека ако тој не успеал – баш тој, трагачот по вистината! – тоа е затоа што не постои цел...
  • Филозофски адепт, кој спознавајќи го Бога вели „Не постои Бог”, мислејќи „Бог е Нула”, каков што и Е кабалистички. Тој се држи до атеизмот како до филозофска теорија која е исто толку добра колку и другите и малку е веројатно дека ќе го заведе човештвото, или дека ќе направи некоја друга практична штета како што може да се направи со другите теории...
Постои и четврт вид на атеист кој всушност и не е атеист. Тој е само патник во Земјата на Не-Бог и знае дека тоа е само фаза во неговиот пат – фаза која не е премногу оддалечена од целта.
Овој човек, кој не е постојан атеист, туку моментален (на поминување), е многу погоден субјект за иницијација. Тој раскрстил со илузиите на догмата. Од Витез на Кралската Мистерија тој се издигнал за да разбере со членовите на Врховното Светилиште дека сѐ е симболично; сѐ е, ако сакате, Жонглирање на Магичарот. Тој е уморен од теории, теолошки системи и слични такви играчки; и бидејќи е заморен, гладен и жеден бара место на Масата од Адептите, парче Леб од Спиритуалното Искуство и голтка вино на Екстазата.“

--- Извадок од „Liber 777 и други кабалистички списи“, А. Кроули


Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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Бидејќи некој праша која е „светата книга“ на Телемата – алудирајќи на тоа дека Телемата е религија како и старо-еонските религии – ете да разјасниме како ние гледаме на „светите книги“. Многу за читање, малку повеќе за разбирање, премногу за сработување.

На овој линк се дадени многу книги, но јас сметам дека за вас битни се оние од Класа А. (y)

П.С. Не велам дека не треба да ја гледате Телемата како религија, само велам дека можеби треба да го смените разбирањето на тоа што е религија далеку од старо-еонските философии и школи)
Член од
3 септември 2010
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На денешен ден, во 1947 - ма:
Прегледај го приврзокот 133953
"Bury me in a nameless grave!
I came from God the world to save.
I brought them wisdom from above:
Worship, and liberty, and love.
They slew me for I did disparage
Therefore Religion, Law and Marriage.
So be my grave without a name
That earth may swallow up my shame!"

- Aleister Crowley
[DOUBLEPOST=1449015567][/DOUBLEPOST]A young man knocks on the door of a great Thelemic philosopher.

"I wish to study The Book of the Law."

“Do you know Greek?”




“Have you ever studied The Holy Books?”

“No, but I graduated from Harvard summa cum laude in philosophy, and received a PhD from Yale. I'd like to round out my education with a bit of Thelema.”

“I doubt that you are ready to understand Liber AL. It is the broadest and deepest of books. But The Law is for All, so I will examine you in logic, and if you pass the test I will teach you about Thelema.”

"Good. I'm well versed in logic."

"First question. Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

”The burglar with the dirty face."

“Wrong. The one with the clean face. Examine the logic. The burglar with a dirty face looks at the one with a clean face and thinks his face is clean. The one with a clean face looks at the burglar with a dirty face and thinks his face is dirty. So the one with the clean face washes.”

“Very clever. Another question please.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

“We established that. The burglar with the clean face washes.”

“Wrong. Both wash. Examine the logic. The one with a dirty face thinks his face is clean. The one with a clean face thinks his face is dirty. So the burglar with a clean face washes. When the one with a dirty face sees him washing, however, he realizes his face must be dirty too. Thus both wash.”

“I didn’t think of that. Please ask me another.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”

“Well, we know both wash.”

“Wrong. Neither washes. Examine the logic. The one with the dirty face thinks his face is clean. The one with the clean face thinks his face is dirty. But when clean-face sees that dirty-face doesn’t bother to wash, he also doesn’t bother. So neither washes. As you can see, you are not ready for Thelema.”

"But Frater, please, give me one more test.”

“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”


“Wrong. And perhaps now you will see why Harvard and Yale cannot prepare you for Thelema. Tell me, how is it possible that two men come down the same chimney, and one emerges with a clean face, while the other has a dirty face?"

"But you've just given me four contradictory answers to the same question! That's impossible!"

"No, my son, that's Thelema."

Превземено од Фратер Oz.
“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”


“Wrong. And perhaps now you will see why Harvard and Yale cannot prepare you for Thelema. Tell me, how is it possible that two men come down the same chimney, and one emerges with a clean face, while the other has a dirty face?"

"But you've just given me four contradictory answers to the same question! That's impossible!"

"No, my son, that's Thelema."

Wrong! One burglar has covered his face with cloth, other burglar not. It isn't Thelema, but simply logic.


Член од
23 јули 2010
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“Two burglars come down a chimney. One emerges with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one washes his face?”


“Wrong. And perhaps now you will see why Harvard and Yale cannot prepare you for Thelema. Tell me, how is it possible that two men come down the same chimney, and one emerges with a clean face, while the other has a dirty face?"

"But you've just given me four contradictory answers to the same question! That's impossible!"

"No, my son, that's Thelema."

Wrong! One burglar has covered his face with cloth, other burglar not. It isn't Thelema, but simply logic.
Поентата на приказнава е дека се зависи од перспективата на оној што перцепира одредено искуство. Приказната е направена како зен поука, и целта е да се нагласи бесмисленоста на догмите и потребата да се унифицира и дефинира дури и нешто кое не е од духовен аспект, туку од секојдневен, како во случајов со крадците и оџакот.
Во приказнава секој одговор може да биде точен, но и секој може да биде демантиран. И тоа е случај кога се осознава духовното. Да се прогласи само една интерпретација или толкување за точно, е показател за духовно слепило.


Член од
23 јули 2010
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The fundamental heresy of the Black Lodge is contempt for 'the world, the flesh, and the devil', all which are essential to the plan of the Universe; it is cardinal to the Great Work for the Adept so to order affairs that 'even the evil germs of Matter shall alike become useful and good'.

Aleister Crowley

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