ОБНОВЕНО: По нападот во Гошинце, пукање во Куманово


Член од
16 април 2014
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Не ми е јасно што бараат роднините и пријателите на терористиве пред суд...? Да ги поддржат за тоа што влегле во туѓа држава, планирале терористички акции и убивале луѓе?

Мој близок да направи нешто вакво, па со 0 ќе го множам.... ама ај, уште еднаш докажаа дека овие се луѓе без грам памет и трошка самосвест.
Тоа им е национален белег.
Член од
17 август 2011
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Не ми е јасно што бараат роднините и пријателите на терористиве пред суд...? Да ги поддржат за тоа што влегле во туѓа држава, планирале терористички акции и убивале луѓе?

Мој близок да направи нешто вакво, па со 0 ќе го множам.... ама ај, уште еднаш докажаа дека овие се луѓе без грам памет и трошка самосвест.
На еден од загинатите татко му имаше изјава дека не му пречело син му да загине за правата на албанците,незнам што очекуваш поише. Кој нормален родител ќе го изјави тоа,одгледани како овци за колење.
Член од
26 септември 2012
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На еден од загинатите татко му имаше изјава дека не му пречело син му да загине за правата на албанците,незнам што очекуваш поише. Кој нормален родител ќе го изјави тоа,одгледани како овци за колење.
во 21ви век покрај толку медиуми,интернет,различни мислења и факти,ма заслужува метак дефинитивно
Член од
16 април 2010
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На еден од загинатите татко му имаше изјава дека не му пречело син му да загине за правата на албанците,незнам што очекуваш поише. Кој нормален родител ќе го изјави тоа,одгледани како овци за колење.
Па зар сеуште некој не ги научил?


betfair trader
Член од
21 март 2011
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денес а највероватно и утре ако и и во следните денови, може да прочитаме кобааги писмо /исповед од еден учесниците во Кумановските настани а моментално во затвор, за тоа што било како било. Колку е точно само господ знае али еве го првиот дел, текстот е англиски преведен а оргиналот е тука на албански http://www.almakos.com/ja-letra-e-plote-e-komandant-malisheves-nga-burgu-i-prilepit/

Dear people!

Once I was given an opportunity to communicate with, I want to inform you about the events of 9 and 10 May 2015 in Kumanovo, where it is known that killed 10 luftërarë us to the National Liberation Army.

After many words of rumors that have been rumored about the case, I took the courage that you inoformoj, point by point.

The first most of the group have been in the wars of liberation and especially 2001 in Macedonia where we were powerful part of the KLA.

After the Ohrid Agreement was taken decision it became demobilization of the KLA and became. We started a normal life while you asked dedicated work of the family.

But 14 years after the signing of marrrëveshjes Ohrid, the implementation of this agreement was only 14%, while the period of implementation has been 3 years which means that to achieve the rights Albanians have to wait 140 years which is absurd.

Albanian political factor bears historical responsibility because they were not interested in the implementation of the agreement. Important to these politicians has been the power of money, not the rights and freedoms of Albanians, so that during this period, 14 Albanians was not anything, except that became orchestrations harmful to Albanians as is the case of Sopot, case Brodec case monster, killing nearly 100 former members of the KLA, as well as many other poisoning of Albanian students, beating mass of Albanians, burning Djordje Petrov, investment of more than 600 million euros in Skopje 2014, the slave etc.

So political parties to carry large fault for not implementing the Ohrid Agreement, while not taken seriously the implementation but very partisan jobs than those who are truly national.

Meanwhile, many Albanian settlements have no drinking water and no roads, lack the basics of life, employment or resource allocation -85% still employed 80 slaves of only 10 -15% .In executive positions Albanians, Albanians have no place anywhere.

The census, which, Slavic I fear, is not made for reasons known to the Albanians may be in equal numbers. Albanian politicians and political parties in the republic, shamelessly seeking even 25% participation in every department, it is very harmful while digits percentage range from 35 -38% Albanians.

I, personally, about almost filled 8 months that I am in detention, a month and a week I was in prison in Shutka and it is clear how involved Albanians, which in that part of town, Albanians constitute 90% of people, while the only 20% are employed, and that the guard service positions, so any position except the deputy leader. Director is the chief of shift, all are Slavic. After that we have Transfera four groups in Prilep, Prilep hinterland known that there are many Albanians, but no employees have not met in the detention center.

The event is back fighting in Kumanovo on 9 and 10 May 2015.

All that I mentioned above are the reasons that the KLA, started with reactivated. For this initiative have received Mirsad Ndrecaj and Rizaj Beg, six months have worked for this mobilization.

But it is important to note the fact that this is their mobilization made at the request of thousands of Albanians in Macedonia, looking as soon as possible with organized to come to the defense Albanian population. Once this state after "bombs" Zaev going towards instability and the under orders of the General Staff was supposed to mobilize and stand quietly and wait moments when we have to go on stage. This group has had more Albanians from Macedonia than in Kosovo. But locals day how to avoid fighting because they know the terrain, and we were caught by Macedonian police.

But in this case someone sold us, someone sold the national ideal! We were caught sleeping and were not defended from extinction, because over a thousand special forces about 800 people surrounded us. They had not received orders to arrest but to eliminate physical and it clearly demonstrates that as they came the police have started attacks with gunfire, bombs, 5 automobiles, with heavy tools, guns large caliber and began the burning of houses. With any price at all costs tried to knocked us, not with us arrested, we are protected as we could.

Hours until we dated May 9 morning, he discussed with Ndrecaj Mirsad Ahmeti, he has asked of him by the police just stopped because the fire may have killed civilians may be killed or many others.

Ali Ahmeti has said that are watching what I can do and Mirsad has requested that we withdraw if it is possible to give to the Kosovo authorities. In this question Ali I said that I can not to give promises because it believes them Macedonian police and they can kill us.But after this conversation except that it is not stopped attacking the Police, these attacks was piling up with stiff, until evening.

Mirsad Ndreshaj Sami Ukshini have fallen in relation to the OSCE, and it has stopped the police action. And then we give up, until the moment of our dorëzmit of us were killed 5 people, until one of us has committed suicide not withstand the pressure of combat that took place on 5-10 meters of the house floors above us burned. Floor below where we were, the noise coming from all gauges stopped by Rafal without dorësh njiherësh 3-4 grenades were thrown our way. It was etmerrshme views. I have just experienced such a war even though I have participated in many battles in Kosovo and Macedonia, but this has been lryekëput trap prepared by the intelligence services of this country without our knowledge. But one of us has cooperated with the Macedonian secret services. One thinks that was made and why it was that happened, do not head away probably is initiated mobilization?

No, brothers and sisters under what Ndrecaj Mirsad told me even that I've seen is consent of many Albanian politicians in Kosovo and Albania, as well as many activists in Macedonia and more than 90% of veterans.

Tomorrow will read:

For our group have been informed US diplomats

It is true and prosecutions across Mirsad Ndrecaj and Rizaj Beg met with several agents of the Macedonian DBK

My appeal to the Albanians and Kosovo: Do not leave us to dergjemi Macedonian prisons


Член од
12 април 2010
Поени од реакции
денес а највероватно и утре ако и и во следните денови, може да прочитаме кобааги писмо /исповед од еден учесниците во Кумановските настани а моментално во затвор, за тоа што било како било. Колку е точно само господ знае али еве го првиот дел, текстот е англиски преведен а оргиналот е тука на албански http://www.almakos.com/ja-letra-e-plote-e-komandant-malisheves-nga-burgu-i-prilepit/

Dear people!

Once I was given an opportunity to communicate with, I want to inform you about the events of 9 and 10 May 2015 in Kumanovo, where it is known that killed 10 luftërarë us to the National Liberation Army.

After many words of rumors that have been rumored about the case, I took the courage that you inoformoj, point by point.

The first most of the group have been in the wars of liberation and especially 2001 in Macedonia where we were powerful part of the KLA.

After the Ohrid Agreement was taken decision it became demobilization of the KLA and became. We started a normal life while you asked dedicated work of the family.

But 14 years after the signing of marrrëveshjes Ohrid, the implementation of this agreement was only 14%, while the period of implementation has been 3 years which means that to achieve the rights Albanians have to wait 140 years which is absurd.

Albanian political factor bears historical responsibility because they were not interested in the implementation of the agreement. Important to these politicians has been the power of money, not the rights and freedoms of Albanians, so that during this period, 14 Albanians was not anything, except that became orchestrations harmful to Albanians as is the case of Sopot, case Brodec case monster, killing nearly 100 former members of the KLA, as well as many other poisoning of Albanian students, beating mass of Albanians, burning Djordje Petrov, investment of more than 600 million euros in Skopje 2014, the slave etc.

So political parties to carry large fault for not implementing the Ohrid Agreement, while not taken seriously the implementation but very partisan jobs than those who are truly national.

Meanwhile, many Albanian settlements have no drinking water and no roads, lack the basics of life, employment or resource allocation -85% still employed 80 slaves of only 10 -15% .In executive positions Albanians, Albanians have no place anywhere.

The census, which, Slavic I fear, is not made for reasons known to the Albanians may be in equal numbers. Albanian politicians and political parties in the republic, shamelessly seeking even 25% participation in every department, it is very harmful while digits percentage range from 35 -38% Albanians.

I, personally, about almost filled 8 months that I am in detention, a month and a week I was in prison in Shutka and it is clear how involved Albanians, which in that part of town, Albanians constitute 90% of people, while the only 20% are employed, and that the guard service positions, so any position except the deputy leader. Director is the chief of shift, all are Slavic. After that we have Transfera four groups in Prilep, Prilep hinterland known that there are many Albanians, but no employees have not met in the detention center.

The event is back fighting in Kumanovo on 9 and 10 May 2015.

All that I mentioned above are the reasons that the KLA, started with reactivated. For this initiative have received Mirsad Ndrecaj and Rizaj Beg, six months have worked for this mobilization.

But it is important to note the fact that this is their mobilization made at the request of thousands of Albanians in Macedonia, looking as soon as possible with organized to come to the defense Albanian population. Once this state after "bombs" Zaev going towards instability and the under orders of the General Staff was supposed to mobilize and stand quietly and wait moments when we have to go on stage. This group has had more Albanians from Macedonia than in Kosovo. But locals day how to avoid fighting because they know the terrain, and we were caught by Macedonian police.

But in this case someone sold us, someone sold the national ideal! We were caught sleeping and were not defended from extinction, because over a thousand special forces about 800 people surrounded us. They had not received orders to arrest but to eliminate physical and it clearly demonstrates that as they came the police have started attacks with gunfire, bombs, 5 automobiles, with heavy tools, guns large caliber and began the burning of houses. With any price at all costs tried to knocked us, not with us arrested, we are protected as we could.

Hours until we dated May 9 morning, he discussed with Ndrecaj Mirsad Ahmeti, he has asked of him by the police just stopped because the fire may have killed civilians may be killed or many others.

Ali Ahmeti has said that are watching what I can do and Mirsad has requested that we withdraw if it is possible to give to the Kosovo authorities. In this question Ali I said that I can not to give promises because it believes them Macedonian police and they can kill us.But after this conversation except that it is not stopped attacking the Police, these attacks was piling up with stiff, until evening.

Mirsad Ndreshaj Sami Ukshini have fallen in relation to the OSCE, and it has stopped the police action. And then we give up, until the moment of our dorëzmit of us were killed 5 people, until one of us has committed suicide not withstand the pressure of combat that took place on 5-10 meters of the house floors above us burned. Floor below where we were, the noise coming from all gauges stopped by Rafal without dorësh njiherësh 3-4 grenades were thrown our way. It was etmerrshme views. I have just experienced such a war even though I have participated in many battles in Kosovo and Macedonia, but this has been lryekëput trap prepared by the intelligence services of this country without our knowledge. But one of us has cooperated with the Macedonian secret services. One thinks that was made and why it was that happened, do not head away probably is initiated mobilization?

No, brothers and sisters under what Ndrecaj Mirsad told me even that I've seen is consent of many Albanian politicians in Kosovo and Albania, as well as many activists in Macedonia and more than 90% of veterans.

Tomorrow will read:

For our group have been informed US diplomats

It is true and prosecutions across Mirsad Ndrecaj and Rizaj Beg met with several agents of the Macedonian DBK

My appeal to the Albanians and Kosovo: Do not leave us to dergjemi Macedonian prisons
Crry me a rrivër


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Oчекувано, исто како што (очекувано) сега сите од горе ќе се понашаат како „no shit was given that day„.
Дечкото уствари се жали како се направиле како и порано кога сето тоа било многу успешно, ама сега не успеало „пошто они спиеле и некој ги предал“. Па се чуди како дошла полиција и на до заби наоружаните терористи кои ги пукале, им одговориле со пукање. Се чуди како немало коридор за накај Косово, какво безобразие.

Со право се чуди човекот, пошто овде изгледа националното предавство изгледа станува норма, па очекувал се да иде како подмачкано (подмачкано е изгледа правиот збор). Се чудам и јас како учкиве не ги извадија со автобуси, ваљда се се случи пребрзо за да им се организираат наредбодавците.
Тоа ни кажува дека со ваквите треба исклучиво да се реагира жестоко, бескомпромисно, и со крајна предрасуда. Јас би додал и задолжителна директива: после иницијалните наредби од врвот, полицијата/војската на терен да ги прекине сите контакти со политичкото водство - се до завршувањето на акцијата. Терористи? Пукај за убиеш, ебате - мелено месо направи ги. Да не си мислат дека на излет доаѓаат, на рибарење можеби, и дека ќе се вратат на време за да ја гледаат утакмицата задутре навечер.

Погледајте само како реагираат на ваквите закани државите како САД, Русија, па и помалите како Турција, итн... Не смее лабаво да се реагира, на подолги патеки таквото реагирање ќе убие повеќе луѓе.
Член од
14 април 2012
Поени од реакции
Oчекувано, исто како што (очекувано) сега сите од горе ќе се понашаат како „no shit was given that day„.
Дечкото уствари се жали како се направиле како и порано кога сето тоа било многу успешно, ама сега не успеало „пошто они спиеле и некој ги предал“. Па се чуди како дошла полиција и на до заби наоружаните терористи кои ги пукале, им одговориле со пукање. Се чуди како немало коридор за накај Косово, какво безобразие.

Со право се чуди човекот, пошто овде изгледа националното предавство изгледа станува норма, па очекувал се да иде како подмачкано (подмачкано е изгледа правиот збор). Се чудам и јас како учкиве не ги извадија со автобуси, ваљда се се случи пребрзо за да им се организираат наредбодавците.
Тоа ни кажува дека со ваквите треба исклучиво да се реагира жестоко, бескомпромисно, и со крајна предрасуда. Јас би додал и задолжителна директива: после иницијалните наредби од врвот, полицијата/војската на терен да ги прекине сите контакти со политичкото водство - се до завршувањето на акцијата. Терористи? Пукај за убиеш, ебате - мелено месо направи ги. Да не си мислат дека на излет доаѓаат, на рибарење можеби, и дека ќе се вратат на време за да ја гледаат утакмицата задутре навечер.

Погледајте само како реагираат на ваквите закани државите како САД, Русија, па и помалите како Турција, итн... Не смее лабаво да се реагира, на подолги патеки таквото реагирање ќе убие повеќе луѓе.
Последната реченица...



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Од друга страна @vidooq никој друг нема извршено терористички напад во ’мурика, освен самите ’мураканци (најмените платеници не се рачунаат како ништо друго освен casus belli). Но нејсе, тоа е настрана од поентата. За нас другите (што не сме ’муриканци) поентата е исклучиво во одсечниот, недовосмислен, и пред се бескомпромисен и СУРОВ одговор.


betfair trader
Член од
21 март 2011
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Следува (колку што можам да разберам) третиот дел од писмото, ако може некој од Албанциве на форумов да се снајде на almakos.com и го најде делот што недостига нека го постира, јас најдов само два дела.

In continuation of the third letter of Muhamet Krasniqi - Malisheves commander, among others shows that the group of Kumanovo, have been informed American diplomats.Malisheva commands shows that it is true that Mirsad Rizaj Beg Ndrecaj and met with some of DBK's agents of Macedonia.

Prepared Morina

What can we say that it is more important is the fact that the activities of our group have been informed of the US because the Americans have been and are our eternal friend.The Americans have asked the Beg Ndrecaj Mirsad Rizaj, that in our group do not involve elements of ISI's therefore not inflirtohen religious elements.

But Mirsad Ndrecaj, has granted and promised Americans that we will be your mind, we will be your eyes and your body will be in the field.This is true.We have no intentions do after the terrorist attacks kill civilians but the goal of the mobilization was to protect Macedonian Albanian people face discrimination.

We are not the first nor the last patriots who have sacrificed for the national cause, finality of all this would be a confederation or federation on ethnic divisions in Macedonia.But the hope is patriotic and who will take forward the issue of Albanians in the Macedonian state, where in the Constitution of this country the Albanians are a minority, which is absurd.This state all orchestrations he intended to do with the scared Albanians not to seek their rights of all these accomplices are Albanian parties that have been governing together in times when these events occurred.

Prisons are overcrowded with Albanians of us accuse us of terrorists (KLA) and terrorism.We have always been against terrorists and terrorism so we called and Serbia in Kosovo, and now those in Macedonia.

We are not terrorists, do not leave us to dergjemi Macedonian prisons!

Every Albanian terrorist for these Macedonians is, anyone holding an KLA emblem or her uniform or a gun is a terrorist Macedonians.We must stop this logic and action Macedonians forever.Therefore I urge the Albanian state who is the father of all Albanians, we call on the state of Kosovo not to allow this country to accuse us of terrorism, because we are not like that.We have been and are only liberation.I appeal to our values because we appreciate the national value.

He tried to call us ISIS, but they had no where to be captured, tried to call us criminals that have committed crimes allegedly different, it fell down because it was Slavic politics.

Brothers and sisters, we torturuam for more than thirty hours we are broke ribs, someone broke the jaws, arms .Asnjë one of us has escaped torture and therefore deserve the support of the people.

This is the real war in Kumanovo!

Long live the Albanian people!

PS Here ends the letter of Muhamet Krasniqi - Commander MALISHEVA which provided Botapress.


diplomiran klozetar
Член од
26 јануари 2012
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Значи, ботом лајн:
Ова у Гошинце и у Куманово е дел од поголема игра, на светските велесили и ако сакаме да бидеме на страната на добрите, т.е. Русија (со што се сложувам), треба да се помириме со сите срања кои ни ги праи Груевски (со што апсолутно не се сложувам). Ете тоа им е поентата на неколкумината тука, кои наводно се грижат за државните интереси.
Тие секако не сакаат да приметат дека национален интерес и е да не го цедиш својот народ како лимун и да не го угнетуваш на социоекономски план, како најдолна гнида. Национален интерес е законите да важат за сите подеднакво. Национален интерес е да не ги амнестираш воените злосторници, кои вршеле воени злосторства врз твојот народ и плус уште мал милион работи и нешта, кои надвор од сите закони, прописи и норми, световни и духовни, морални и етички, ни ги прави оваа банда!
Но НЕ! Битно е гасот кај ќе тече. Затоа ве молиме остајте го Груевски.

Вие сите имате врска со националните интереси колку што баба ми се разбира од програмирање у Фортран. Да бидам искрен исто толку имате врска и со идеалите на ВМРО или пак со идеалите на истоимената партија.
Gruevski sedi na dve stolcinja, od edna strana ideoloski i religiski poveke ja saka Rusija i brat mu Putin no ete kolku da ne ispadne anti-zapadnjak koketira i so zapadot odi po Briseli i po Vasingtoni se slika so Han-Man, Bajden-Majden i.t.n. kolku ete ovde pred narodecov da se pretstavi kako da e najgolemiot pro-zapadnjak no mislam deka celata rabota e tolku providna !


Скитник низ паралелни светови
Член од
24 септември 2011
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Gruevski sedi na dve stolcinja, od edna strana ideoloski i religiski poveke ja saka Rusija i brat mu Putin no ete kolku da ne ispadne anti-zapadnjak koketira i so zapadot odi po Briseli i po Vasingtoni se slika so Han-Man, Bajden-Majden i.t.n. kolku ete ovde pred narodecov da se pretstavi kako da e najgolemiot pro-zapadnjak no mislam deka celata rabota e tolku providna !
Голем дел од луѓето повеќе ја практикуваат Русија
Член од
24 март 2010
Поени од реакции
Gruevski sedi na dve stolcinja, od edna strana ideoloski i religiski poveke ja saka Rusija i brat mu Putin no ete kolku da ne ispadne anti-zapadnjak koketira i so zapadot odi po Briseli i po Vasingtoni se slika so Han-Man, Bajden-Majden i.t.n. kolku ete ovde pred narodecov da se pretstavi kako da e najgolemiot pro-zapadnjak no mislam deka celata rabota e tolku providna !
Глупи се овие Хан-Ман, Бајден-Мајден изгледа. Тој ги лаже во лице, тие го пречекуваат.

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