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Police in Serbia arrest migrant carrying the SAME passport as that found close to Stade de France suicide bomber… fuelling speculation ISIS are using forgeries to fool investigators
- Passport had same details as stadium bomber Ahmad Almohammad
- Syrian document had same name and birth date but different picture
- Identity may have belonged to a dead Syrian soldier loyal to al-Assad
- Police believe same passport forger may be providing them for cash
- Paris suspect travelled through Greece with 'aggressive companion'
- See full coverage of the ISIS Paris attacks at www.dailymail.co.uk/isis
PUBLISHED: 03:02 EST, 17 November 2015 | UPDATED: 09:46 EST, 17 November 2015
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A migrant has been arrested carrying an identical
Syrian passport to one found on the body of a Paris suicide bomber, it was revealed today.
Serbian police say the document in the name of Ahmad Almohammad, 25, was the same as one found on a
ISIS corpse outside the Stade de France.
It had the same date of birth and place of birth but the only difference was the photograph and it is thought that both passports are fakes made by the same forger.
Serbian newspaper Blic said the holder of the second passport was arrested at a refugee camp in Presevo on Saturday and held for questioning.
Shocking: A Syrian migrant has been arrested carrying an identical passport to one found on the body of a Paris suicide bomber - including the same name Ahmad Almohammad - but a different photo