- Член од
- 22 јануари 2005
- Мислења
- 1.644
- Поени од реакции
- 1.677
Една од точките од договор во Минск, бил аеродромот во Доњецк да биде под територија на ДНР.
До сега не беа познати условите и точките кои беа договорени.
Ова е првата која исплива во јавноста.
The airport of Donetsk in accordance with Minsk arrangements should be put under the control of militias. This question could not be resolved due to the controversy around some other areas of the contact line, while the Ukrainian security forces continued to fire from the building of the Donetsk airport and other locations, resulting in killed civilians, including women and children, destroyed schools, homes and other civilian infrastructure. To prevent these criminal acts of force DND took the airport under its control, however, the Ukrainian troops, regardless of the civilian casualties, launched a full-scale military operation in an attempt to recapture this strategic site in order to continue the shelling of residential areas of the city.
Овде можеш да го најдеш полниот текст на Минскиот Договор. Јас не најдов никакви точки во врска со аеродромот во Донецк. Еве и превод на англиски.
- Ensure an immediate bilateral ceasefire.
- Ensure the monitoring and verification by the OSCE of the ceasefire
- A decentralisation of power, including through the adoption of the law of Ukraine "about local government provisional arrangements in some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts" (law on the special status).
- Ensure the permanent monitoring of the Ukrainian-Russian border and verification by the OSCE with the creation of security zones in the border regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
- To immediately release all hostages and illegally detained persons.
- A law on preventing the prosecution and punishment of persons in connection with the events that have taken place in some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
- Continue the inclusive national dialogue.
- To take measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Donbas.
- Ensure early local elections in accordance with the law of Ukraine "about local government provisional arrangements in some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts" (law on the special status).
- Withdraw the illegal armed groups, military equipment, as well as fighters and mercenaries from Ukraine.
- To adopt the program of economic recovery and reconstruction of Donbas region.
- To provide personal security for the participants in the consultations.
1. The cease-fire is to be considered mutual.
2. Subdivisions and military formations of the sides along are to stop in their juxtaposition as of Sept. 19.
3. There is a ban on the use of all types of weapons and any form of offensive action.
4. Within 24 hours after the approval of this memorandum, all lethal weapons more than 100 millimeter caliber are to be moved back from juxtaposition by at least 15 kilometers (with the exception of those indicated below), including from residential areas, which will allow to create a zone from from use of weapons of no less than 30 kilometers in width (the safety zone).
At the same time, artillery systems of more than 100 millimeter caliber are to be moved back from their juxtaposition by the length of their maximum range, in particular:
100 mm canons MT12 - by 9 kilometers; 120 mm mortars - by 8 kilometers; 122 mm howitzers D30 - by 16 kilometers; 152 mm 2C5 Giatsint-C (2C3 Acacia, 2C19 Mcta-C, 2A65 Mcta-B) - by 33 kilometers; Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS) 9K51 Grad - by 21 kilometers, 9K57 Uragan - by 36 kilometers; 9K58 Smerch - by 70 kilometers; MRLS Tornado-G - by 40 kilometers; MRLS Tornado U - by 70 kilometers; MRLS Tornado-C - by 120 kilometers. tactical rocket systems - by 120 kilometers.
5. A ban is to be introduced on deployment of heavy weapons and military equipment in the district limited by the towns of Komsomolske, Kumacheve, Novoazovsk, Sakhanka, with OSCE monitoring.
6. A ban is to be introduced on installment of new mines and explosive barriers within the limits of the safety zone.
There is an obligation to dismantle previously installed mines and explosive barriers in the safety zone.
7. A ban from the moment of approval of this memorandum is to be introduced on flights of military aviation and foreign drones, with the exception of drones used by the monitoring mission of OSCE, along the line of juxtaposition in the weapons-free zone of 30 kilometer width.
8. The OSCE monitoring mission made up of observers of the organization is to be deployed to the cease-fire zone within 24 hours from the moment of approval of this memorandum. The above-mentioned zone should be divided into sectors, the number and limits of which should be agreed in the course of preparation of the OSCE monitoring mission for work.
9. All foreign militarized formations, military equipment and militants and mercenaries are to exit the territory of Ukraine under OSCE monitoring.
2. Subdivisions and military formations of the sides along are to stop in their juxtaposition as of Sept. 19.
3. There is a ban on the use of all types of weapons and any form of offensive action.
4. Within 24 hours after the approval of this memorandum, all lethal weapons more than 100 millimeter caliber are to be moved back from juxtaposition by at least 15 kilometers (with the exception of those indicated below), including from residential areas, which will allow to create a zone from from use of weapons of no less than 30 kilometers in width (the safety zone).
At the same time, artillery systems of more than 100 millimeter caliber are to be moved back from their juxtaposition by the length of their maximum range, in particular:
100 mm canons MT12 - by 9 kilometers; 120 mm mortars - by 8 kilometers; 122 mm howitzers D30 - by 16 kilometers; 152 mm 2C5 Giatsint-C (2C3 Acacia, 2C19 Mcta-C, 2A65 Mcta-B) - by 33 kilometers; Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS) 9K51 Grad - by 21 kilometers, 9K57 Uragan - by 36 kilometers; 9K58 Smerch - by 70 kilometers; MRLS Tornado-G - by 40 kilometers; MRLS Tornado U - by 70 kilometers; MRLS Tornado-C - by 120 kilometers. tactical rocket systems - by 120 kilometers.
5. A ban is to be introduced on deployment of heavy weapons and military equipment in the district limited by the towns of Komsomolske, Kumacheve, Novoazovsk, Sakhanka, with OSCE monitoring.
6. A ban is to be introduced on installment of new mines and explosive barriers within the limits of the safety zone.
There is an obligation to dismantle previously installed mines and explosive barriers in the safety zone.
7. A ban from the moment of approval of this memorandum is to be introduced on flights of military aviation and foreign drones, with the exception of drones used by the monitoring mission of OSCE, along the line of juxtaposition in the weapons-free zone of 30 kilometer width.
8. The OSCE monitoring mission made up of observers of the organization is to be deployed to the cease-fire zone within 24 hours from the moment of approval of this memorandum. The above-mentioned zone should be divided into sectors, the number and limits of which should be agreed in the course of preparation of the OSCE monitoring mission for work.
9. All foreign militarized formations, military equipment and militants and mercenaries are to exit the territory of Ukraine under OSCE monitoring.
Симптоматично е што интервјуто и веста не се пренесени од ИтарТасс, РИА, дури и РТ: Би требало да е бомбастична вест, особено на РТ. Со оглед на бламажата со претходното лажно интервју за истиот случај, сигурно се повнимателни.Интервју со преживеаниот возач на автобусот кај Волновахи:
- Из чего, по вашему мненију, были сделаны выстрелы?
- Сам блокпост обстрелјали Грады. Но если бы рјадом попал снарјад Града, то ја бы уже с вами не разговаривал. Просто на блокпосту стојат еште мины. И это сработала мина, именно осколочнаја.
- Од што, според вашето мислење, било пукано?
- На самиот контролен пункт беше стрелано со ГРАДови. Но, доколку бевме последователно погодени од Град, тогаш не би го воделе овој разговор со вас. Веднаш при контролниот пункт сеуште има мини. И ова беше дело на мина, со директна фрагментација.
Според возачот, автобусот бил сопрен од украинската контрола, било побарано да излезат сите од автобусот но не можеле да се отворат вратите па луѓето почнале преку прозорите да истрчуваат кон надвор, тогаш дошло до детонацијата.
Под прозорот на косина била поставена даска од украинската патрола, за да излезат по неа луѓето. (Веројатно некој земал преголем залет по даската и завршил во минското поле).
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