Vnatresnite tajni na Saentologija koja golem del ima prevzemeno od O.T.O[DOUBLEPOST=1420975340][/DOUBLEPOST][crowleyotothelemaliberaleisteragapeoccult.pdf[DOUBLEPOST=1420975887][/DOUBLEPOST]
Q. Kinsey made a world tour and testified in England before Britain’s Wolfendon Commission and in California before the state legislature.
A. Kinsey’s triumphal tour included Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and England. In England he helped craft the Wolfendon Report to Parliament recommending
sexual license and the end of restrictive laws. In Sicily he made a pilgrimage to Thelema Abbey, the Satanic temple where the fiendish Aleister Crowley conducted his brutal orgies and human sacrifices. Kinsey was fascinated by Crowley and wanted to acquire his diaries for the Kinsey Institute.
Ete od kade bil inspiriran Kinsi covekot odgovoroen za denesnata nemoralna pop kultura kade ogromen akcent e staven na pedofilija,blud,promiskuitet,homoseksualizam
Kinsi bil sponzoriran od Rokfeler ,koj e sponzor na vakvi temni raboti i na red drugi kako sto se
Евгеника od kade poteknuva rasizmot i nacizmot.