Стоик и Машкртник!
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- 27 јануари 2007
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Кога ли ќе прекинеш да се осрамотуваш?
Плини јасно ставил до знаење за која Албанија станува збор.
А “албанското куче“ кое е познато и како Канис Молосус е кучето кое Александар го добил на поклон кога ја освоил Персија и ’ослободил’ Индија.
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Кучето потекнува од АЗИЈА како и сите Мастифи кои пристигнале во Европа
These dogs were most likely descendants of the Macedonian dogs, as they were called at the time of Alexander the Great around 350 BC, because his homeland was Macedonia.
Alexander probably obtained the ancestors of these dogs from the peoples he had encountered in his many conquests of the lands stretching from India to Macedonia. The dogs he brought back were called Indian Dogs or Assyrian Dogs, in accordance with the names of the peoples who inhabited these lands at the time. When Alexander died, and Macedonia and Eastern Europe fell to the Romans, the great war dogs were seized and propagated by the Romans.
Имавне и тема за ова:Македонскиот-Мастиф!&highlight=%CC%E0%F1%F2%E8%F4
Плини јасно ставил до знаење за која Албанија станува збор.
А “албанското куче“ кое е познато и како Канис Молосус е кучето кое Александар го добил на поклон кога ја освоил Персија и ’ослободил’ Индија.
Види Ориџин:
Кучето потекнува од АЗИЈА како и сите Мастифи кои пристигнале во Европа
These dogs were most likely descendants of the Macedonian dogs, as they were called at the time of Alexander the Great around 350 BC, because his homeland was Macedonia.
Alexander probably obtained the ancestors of these dogs from the peoples he had encountered in his many conquests of the lands stretching from India to Macedonia. The dogs he brought back were called Indian Dogs or Assyrian Dogs, in accordance with the names of the peoples who inhabited these lands at the time. When Alexander died, and Macedonia and Eastern Europe fell to the Romans, the great war dogs were seized and propagated by the Romans.
Имавне и тема за ова:Македонскиот-Мастиф!&highlight=%CC%E0%F1%F2%E8%F4