Исламот ќе стане доминантна религија за 50-тина години?



ja edno mu zboruvam toj drugo , jas mu velam zelezoto si e zelezo a on tvrdi deka e drvo , terajsi po tvoe priatele. mislisi kako sto sakas , podobro e ponekogas i da ne se diskutira so tie licnosti koga ke se zabelezi deka od taa diskusija nema da ima plod,
dobro stav te faka ili strav
Страв ме ваќа,печатна грешка. :D

Си терам јас.

Ти како си добар,тераш ?
Член од
28 август 2008
Поени од реакции
Не мораше многу да барам, уште веднаш, на предходната страна го имплицираш токму тоа.
Koga baras i citas,citaj vo kontext. Vrati se ponazad,ponapred,citaj,citaj. Potrudi se da gi razberes lugeto ne samo da gi procitas.
Jas se' ti go razbiram gnevot pa iskreno ocekuvam i se' da kazes,kako sto kazuvas.
Posto 100 pati napisav uste ednas ke ti napisam.

Beric,dali gi osudi drzavava za ubijci ?
Na pokratok nacin od ovoj nemozam nikako da te priblizam,no ke te nosam poleka i samiot da kazes.
Kazi mi dali e donesena odluka od strana na drzavava za doticnite (povtorno vo navodnici ke napisam) "ubijci" ?
Dali drzavava gi osudi i gi kazni ?
Jas ke ti kazam i bez navodnoci ke napisam,koga strucnjacite i onie koi se bavat so slucajot da kazat definitivno i koga dokazite ke gi iznesat deka se ubijci togas i jas ke ti napisam so golemi. UBIJCI BILE.Dali drzavava i vlasta gi kazni "ubijcite" ta jas da gi kaznuvam ?Gi prizna li ubijcite ta da gi priznaam i jas ?Ili seuste se osomniceni ?

Uste podobro,Beric,kolku sto se sekavam,na pocetokot za slucajot uapseni bea dvaeset mina:
I ovie sive bea "ubijci". Ostanaa uste trojca,no i za niv seuste ne e donesen konecen sud.
E sega,ona sto mi go citira mene i na sto mi replicira,povrzi go so ova. Neli ovie dvaeset mina bea uapseni i privedeni za ubistvo a ne bea ni krivi ni dolzni ?

Naslovnata na dnevnik:
(ВИДЕО I) Дваесетина уапсени за убиствата кај Смилковци

Nemojte da se ligavite i da glumite advokati i sudii.... ima koj da si go resi slucajot. Sto poveke pisuvate tolku poveke se brukate.
--- надополнето: 25 јануари 2013 во 17:51 ---
Ne te razbiram...koja pretpostavka ? Teletabisi te prativ da gleas zaradi "malecko" ...i moram li da ti go objasnuvam sekoj moj post...se custvuvam kako da razgovaram so dete od 7-8 godini...

Im only responsible for what i say not for what you understand.... :свиркам:
Cuvstvuvaj se..... deka..... pisuvas..... kako dete...... od 7..... godini.......


Бигус Дикус
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Cuvstvuvaj se..... deka..... pisuvas..... kako dete...... od 7..... godini.......
Mali smeni si pelena prvin i porasni....Pisuvas gluposti i sam se hrabris deka argumentite od g`s izvadeni se nepobitni...YEAH RIGHT...prodolzi sam da si zievees vo tvojot mal svet so 4 zida...nemam namera da trosam vreme da educiram nekoj so ograniceni pogledi na svetov...pozdrav
Член од
14 август 2006
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Sho Beric... tolku li nemo ke projdes ? Ne ti pajdisuva li prethodnoto ? Ke te brkam od sekoja tema ;)
Легализмот што го промовираш во твојот претходен пост е сосема контрадикторен со барањата, карактерот и резултатите од протестите за ослободување на убијците и поради тоа, кга излегува од твоја уста, делува неубедливо, дури и смешно.

Чекате да заврши постапката?:pos:

Оние илјади што врескаа Смрт за Каури, чекаа да заврши постапката или почнаа со тепање недолжни луѓе?


Бигус Дикус
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Легализмот што го промовираш во твојот претходен пост е сосема контрадикторен со барањата, карактерот и резултатите од протестите за ослободување на убијците и поради тоа, кга излегува од твоја уста, делува неубедливо, дури и смешно.

Чекате да заврши постапката?:pos:

Оние илјади што врескаа Смрт за Каури, чекаа да заврши постапката или почнаа со тепање недолжни луѓе?
Brat dzabe ti e....porpvo drvo ke razbere nego shoshonov .Religija\Kolektivot gi tera taka.Eden den postira stihovi i poezija od kuranot drugiot smrt za kauri. Se fatil za sudot nebare ako gi osudat ke go priznae sudot kako validen pa uste i ziveeat so takvi idei i ni gi nametnuvaat na nas. Najteskoto e na glup covek da mu objasnis kolku e glup.
Член од
28 август 2008
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Легализмот што го промовираш во твојот претходен пост е сосема контрадикторен со барањата, карактерот и резултатите од протестите за ослободување на убијците и поради тоа, кга излегува од твоја уста, делува неубедливо, дури и смешно.

Чекате да заврши постапката?:pos:

Оние илјади што врескаа Смрт за Каури, чекаа да заврши постапката или почнаа со тепање недолжни луѓе?
Se gleda deka si smeknat.
Da,covecki e da cekas strucnite da kazat i da dokazat za toa.
Neli ti e sram i tebe i na tvoite istomislenici koga 20-mina za ubistvoto gi obvinivte i ubijci gi vikavte ? Neli e sramota pred vreme da kazes deka nekoj e ubiec ? Sto nauci od linkot na Dnevnik ?
Alo,uapseni 20-mina za ubistvoto. Posle izvinite,ne ste bile vie,izvinete sto vi upadnavme taka. I se prasuvate zosto sega protesti ?
Protestite polosi od upadot vo dvaeset domovi i apsenje na NEVINI luge,narekuvajki gi ubijci,islamisti,teroristi.... Pa zosto protesti ?

Beric. I tie trojca sto ostanaa,seuste ne se narekuvaat ubijci,tuku seuste se OSOMNICENI. Toa sto tebe ti e strasna zelba,mozebi ke ti se ispolni,jas ne brzam. Brza kucka slepi kucinja ragja.


Бигус Дикус
Член од
26 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Source: http://www.wikiislam.net/wiki/People_Who_Left_Islam


Muslims often advertise news of non-Muslims converting to Islam, but they don't tell the other side of the story, where Muslims are also leaving Islam. There are more Muslims leaving Islam today than there are new converts joining it. The sheer volume of recent apostates is unprecedented in the history of Islam.
News of Muslims Leaving Islam

"The number of ethnic Muslims in Russia who adopted Christianity is 2 million, while the number of the Orthodox who have been converted to Islam is only 2,5 thousand...The proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia has decreased at least by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised from 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half."
Roman Silantyev: executive secretary of the Inter-religious Council in Russia
"Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa's main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa [a land of 1 billion] has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa...In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed".
Shaykh Ahmed Katani
The number of Muslim-born converts to Christianity in Egypt, who are keeping their faith secret, has reached several million. Due to the State Security's persecution, torture and rape, they have established outside Egypt an organization called "Freed by Christ" as well as "Way TV" to speak on their behalf to the West, and expose their sufferings at the hands of State Security. It is headed by the Christian convert Dr. Mohamad Rahouna, ex-dean of the Faculty of Arabic Studies, Minya University, who fled to the United States.
"The percentage of Muslims declined from 84 percent of the total population in 2001 to 79.3 percent in 2004. In terms of figures...some 100,000 Muslims, of the country's five million population, have converted to Christianity."
Omurzak Mamayusupov: the director of Kyrgyzstan's religious affairs committee
"According to A.T. Willis and others between 2 or 3 million Muslims converted to Christianity after the massacres of the communists in Indonesia, in 1965"
"We have churches that have grown 802%. Many converts have come from Islam with no Christian heritage, no Christian background, no resources whatsoever, no training. But they just believe in God and His Word...In every village and every town there are Christians, and there are churches,..In one town, actually there are more churches than mosques, which is a big miracle to happen in the Middle East...I know of many, many churches today who baptize about 120 to 150 every year. I have never been to a church in the west or anywhere in the world where the church is already packed 2 1/2 hours before the meeting." That's happening in Algeria.
Pastor Youssef Jacob with Operation Mobilization

Исламот ќе стане доминантна религија за 50-тина години?

Keep on dreaming....
Член од
28 август 2008
Поени од реакции
Source: http://www.wikiislam.net/wiki/People_Who_Left_Islam


Muslims often advertise news of non-Muslims converting to Islam, but they don't tell the other side of the story, where Muslims are also leaving Islam. There are more Muslims leaving Islam today than there are new converts joining it. The sheer volume of recent apostates is unprecedented in the history of Islam.
News of Muslims Leaving Islam

"The number of ethnic Muslims in Russia who adopted Christianity is 2 million, while the number of the Orthodox who have been converted to Islam is only 2,5 thousand...The proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia has decreased at least by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised from 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half."
Roman Silantyev: executive secretary of the Inter-religious Council in Russia
"Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa's main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa [a land of 1 billion] has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa...In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed".
Shaykh Ahmed Katani
The number of Muslim-born converts to Christianity in Egypt, who are keeping their faith secret, has reached several million. Due to the State Security's persecution, torture and rape, they have established outside Egypt an organization called "Freed by Christ" as well as "Way TV" to speak on their behalf to the West, and expose their sufferings at the hands of State Security. It is headed by the Christian convert Dr. Mohamad Rahouna, ex-dean of the Faculty of Arabic Studies, Minya University, who fled to the United States.
"The percentage of Muslims declined from 84 percent of the total population in 2001 to 79.3 percent in 2004. In terms of figures...some 100,000 Muslims, of the country's five million population, have converted to Christianity."
Omurzak Mamayusupov: the director of Kyrgyzstan's religious affairs committee
"According to A.T. Willis and others between 2 or 3 million Muslims converted to Christianity after the massacres of the communists in Indonesia, in 1965"
"We have churches that have grown 802%. Many converts have come from Islam with no Christian heritage, no Christian background, no resources whatsoever, no training. But they just believe in God and His Word...In every village and every town there are Christians, and there are churches,..In one town, actually there are more churches than mosques, which is a big miracle to happen in the Middle East...I know of many, many churches today who baptize about 120 to 150 every year. I have never been to a church in the west or anywhere in the world where the church is already packed 2 1/2 hours before the meeting." That's happening in Algeria.
Pastor Youssef Jacob with Operation Mobilization

??????? ?? ????? ?????????? ???????? ?? 50-???? ??????? Keep on dreaming....
Gotovo,ne' pobi. Odi legni sega.
Член од
21 август 2008
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abe ke stane pa gleas se stancaat samo nego toa ne e bitno, stvarta e dali ke napraat kalifat so serijat ili ke bidat onaka muslimani a u stvari slatkari i semkari e toa e bitnoto inace vaka ako se ka turcite sea so se sekularisti toas ko da ne se muslimani dzabe sto ke bidat pojke ama najveke od site se mrtvite tie se uvek povekje od zivite.
Член од
14 август 2006
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Se gleda deka si smeknat.
Da,covecki e da cekas strucnite da kazat i da dokazat za toa.
Neli ti e sram i tebe i na tvoite istomislenici koga 20-mina za ubistvoto gi obvinivte i ubijci gi vikavte ? Neli e sramota pred vreme da kazes deka nekoj e ubiec ? Sto nauci od linkot na Dnevnik ?
Alo,uapseni 20-mina za ubistvoto. Posle izvinite,ne ste bile vie,izvinete sto vi upadnavme taka. I se prasuvate zosto sega protesti ?
Protestite polosi od upadot vo dvaeset domovi i apsenje na NEVINI luge,narekuvajki gi ubijci,islamisti,teroristi.... Pa zosto protesti ?

Beric. I tie trojca sto ostanaa,seuste ne se narekuvaat ubijci,tuku seuste se OSOMNICENI. Toa sto tebe ti e strasna zelba,mozebi ke ti se ispolni,jas ne brzam. Brza kucka slepi kucinja ragja.
Од што да се срамам?
јас не бранам убијци на деца само затоа што се од моја вера.

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