Ако ти сакаш така, така нека биде - саркофагот не е албански...............
Не сакам да изгледам дека се обидувам да те убедам во тоа, би сакал да те убедам, но таков е шартерски работник - Ограничен.........сака да верува само во тоа што и се допаѓа...
Јас не велам дека сме илир или македонци тоа го велат други научни луѓе.......
еве Днк-а истражување ако разбираш англиски.....
The highest levels of IBD sharing are found in the Albanian-speaking individuals (from Albania and
Kosovo), an increase in common ancestry deriving from the last 1,500 years. This suggests that a reasonable
proportion of the ancestors of modern-day Albanian speakers are drawn from a relatively small, cohesive
population that has persisted for at least the last 1,500 years. These individuals share similar numbers of
common ancestors with nearby populations as do individuals in other parts of Europe, implying that the
Albanian speakers have not been a particularly isolated population so much as a small one. Furthermore, our
Greek samples (and to a lesser degree, the Macedonians) share much higher numbers of common ancestors
with Albanian speakers than with other neighbors, possibly due to smaller eects of the Slavic expansion
in these populations. The Albanian language is a Indo-European language without other close relatives
(Hamp, 1966) that persisted through periods when neighboring languages were strongly in
uenced by Latin
or Greek. The \origin" of modern-day Albanians is contentious; it is argued for instance that they are
descended in large part from the Illyrians (Wilkes, 1996) who populated the eastern side of the Adriatic sea
and part of modern-day Salento (Italy) during Roman times. Our results are certainly consistent with this
view, including the fact that Italians share more common ancestors with Albanian speakers than with other populations (although these ancestors are estimated to be from the last 1,500 years), so this may reflect more recent migration.
Ова не сум го напишал јас, ако ова не ти изгледа веродостојно тогаш ништо од дискусијава...
--- надополнето: 24 август 2012 во 21:56 ---
ти одговорив со истиот твој аргумент, значи и двајцата сме луди.......