
Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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Thought is the barrier. So if thought disappears in any way, the thing will happen. But
thought must disappear; only then is alertness there. Thought can disappear even in sleep;
thought can disappear when you go unconscious; thought can disappear when you take
some drug. Thought disappears, but then there is no alertness to be aware of the
phenomenon that is hidden behind thought. So I define meditation as thoughtless
consciousness. You can become thoughtless and unconscious; then there is no meaning.
You can be conscious with thought; you are already that.
Bring these two things together -- consciousness and thoughtlessness. When they meet,
meditation happens, meditation is born. And you can try with very small things because
nothing is really small. Even a sneeze is a cosmic phenomenon. In existence, nothing is
great and nothing is small. Even a minute atom can destroy the whole world, and even a
sneeze, a very atomic phenomenon, can transform you.
So don't see things as small or big. There is nothing small and nothing big. If you have
the penetrating eye, then very small things are vital. Between atoms universes are hidden,
and between the universe and an atom you cannot say which is great and which is small.
Even a single atom is a universe in itself, and the greatest universe is nothing but atoms.
So don't think in terms of great and small. Just try.

Само Човек

Ошо потполно го разбирам,човек кој нај јасно го сваќам што сака да пренесе, ама не можам на ист начин да возвратам со мислите. Пробувам да мислам и да резонирам јасно како него но не можам. Премногу ми се нејасни многу работи. Во што ми е проблемот?
Ај вие што сте поупатени во медитацијата кажете дали имате некаков напредок во мудроста откако медитирате, и дали некако подобро ги разбирате работите во животот него претходно?
ајде пријателче да ти одговорам, проблемот е во болдот. Ако си го читал ќе видиш дека вели умот е како море, а мислите го брануваат, колку повеќе мисли толку повеќе бранови и на крај главоболка.
Ти не мислиш, умот мисли кога е тоа потребно-сваќаш, не мисли кога ти сакаш.

совет остави видеа земи букви


Bastardo dentro
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12 јануари 2011
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ајде пријателче да ти одговорам, проблемот е во болдот. Ако си го читал ќе видиш дека вели умот е како море, а мислите го брануваат, колку повеќе мисли толку повеќе бранови и на крај главоболка.
Ти не мислиш, умот мисли кога е тоа потребно-сваќаш, не мисли кога ти сакаш.

совет остави видеа земи букви
Bravos druze...ovaa ti e stvarno dobra.....skoro skoro ja bev zaboravil.......
Ednash go prashale Osho dali go boli glavata...siromashkiot se zacudil i gi prashal: "A shto e toa glavobolka?".....pa potoa morale da mu objasnuvat....
I da, tocno e toa......Coveckiot mozok e kako more......mislite se kako branovite.....
koga moreto e mirno nema branovi.....
koga mozokot e bez misli , togash e prisutna svesta...
kolku poveke misli, tolku poveke branovi....
kolku poveke branovi tolku pogolema oluja....
kolku poveke misli , tolku svesta odi poveke vo dlabocinite i se gubi..
kolku poveke misli, tolku pogolema glavobolka!
Zakon e Osho
Член од
6 март 2007
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Bravos druze...ovaa ti e stvarno dobra.....skoro skoro ja bev zaboravil.......
Ednash go prashale Osho dali go boli glavata...siromashkiot se zacudil i gi prashal: "A shto e toa glavobolka?".....pa potoa morale da mu objasnuvat....
I da, tocno e toa......Coveckiot mozok e kako more......mislite se kako branovite.....
koga moreto e mirno nema branovi.....
koga mozokot e bez misli , togash e prisutna svesta...
kolku poveke misli, tolku poveke branovi....
kolku poveke branovi tolku pogolema oluja....
kolku poveke misli , tolku svesta odi poveke vo dlabocinite i se gubi..
kolku poveke misli, tolku pogolema glavobolka!
Zakon e Osho
Е да ама тешко е морето да го држиш мирно.
Член од
17 јануари 2012
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Da beshe lesno site ke bea kako Osho......neshto vo poverenje....
i mene glava ne me boli poveke.... edno 10g.....;)
Дали тука се рачуна болење на глава од ненаспаност, промена на време, дехидратација и слично.


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Дали тука се рачуна болење на глава од ненаспаност, промена на време, дехидратација и слично.
Toa se samo izgovori shto mozokot na covekot gi izmisluva, za da si ima opravdanie i izgovor za glavobolkata.
Член од
17 јануари 2012
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Toa se samo izgovori shto mozokot na covekot gi izmisluva, za da si ima opravdanie i izgovor za glavobolkata.
OK. Значи се мисли на Mind over mater.

ПС. Онака чисто информативно: кога си се начукал вечерта си испушил едно пакло цигари за некои 4-5 саати и стануваш после отспани 3-4саати сабајле не ти е мутно и немаш чуство како индијанци да ти играат у глава и не си хипер сензитивен на секој звук што го слушаш.


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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OK. Значи се мисли на Mind over mater.

ПС. Онака чисто информативно: кога си се начукал вечерта си испушил едно пакло цигари за некои 4-5 саати и стануваш после отспани 3-4саати сабајле не ти е мутно и немаш чуство како индијанци да ти играат у глава и не си хипер сензитивен на секој звук што го слушаш.
Tuka ni Osho ne moza da ti pomogne.....;)
Член од
17 јануари 2012
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Tuka ni Osho ne moza da ti pomogne.....;)
:) Фала.
Иначе освен во овој случај у животот не ме болела глава во класична смисла. Мутно ми било и сум гледал на моменти успорено али глава не.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Question – Your teaching seems to be: to be absolutely oneself. This is beyond me. How can one be oneself if one is not oneself?

Osho – Let me ask you another question: how can you not be yourself? You can believe it, but you cannot be anything other than yourself. You can think that you are somebody else, you can imagine that you are somebody else, but all the time you are just yourself, nothing else.

So whether you believe you are yourself or not is irrelevant. You remain, all the time, yourself. You can go on running and chasing shadows, but one day or the other you will have to realize that you have just been doing an absurd thing. How can you be other than yourself7 How? You ask me how one can be oneself. I ask you how one can be other than oneself — and in my questioning is the answer. Nobody has even been other than himself; nobody can ever be other than himself. To be oneself is the only way to be, nothing can be done about it.

You can believe…. It is just like you sleep at night in Poona and you dream that you are in Philadelphia. That doesn’t make any change in reality. You remain in Poona — here, somewhere in Mobo’s. You remain in Poona; Philadelphia remains just a dream. In the morning you will not wake up in Philadelphia, remember. You will wake up in Mobo’s, in Poona. Howsoever miserable, but it is the case! Nothing can be done about it; at the most you can again dream of Philadelphia.

You are gods. That is your reality. You can believe… you have believed in many things. Sometimes you believed you were a tree — many trees are still believing that. Sometimes you believed you were an animal: a tiger, a lion. There are a few people who belong to Lion Clubs — Lion Bhabhutmal Sanghvi. They are not satisfied in being men — lions! Sometimes you believed that you were a lion, and then you WERE a lion: a dream. Sometimes you believed that you were a rock and you WERE a rock: a dream. You have been changing your dreams.

Now the time has arrived. Wake up! I’m not giving you another dream, remember. You hanker for it, you would like me to give you another dream, but I am not going to give you another dream. That’s why to be with me is difficult and arduous — because I am insisting that you wake up. Enough is enough. You have dreamed a lot; since eternity you have been dreaming. You have just been changing dreams. When you get fed up with one dream, you start changing it; you dream another dream. My whole effort is to shake you, to shock you — to wake you.

It is not a question of achieving any new thing. It is already your being. Just opening the eyes, just dropping the dreams, just dropping the clouds and the vision. It is a question of clarity and understanding, that’s all. Between you and Jesus, between you and me, between you and Buddha, there is no difference of being — nothing. You are exactly the same. The difference, at the most, is that you are asleep and Jesus is not asleep, that’s all.

So don’t ask me how to be oneself; you cannot be otherwise. Just ask me how to be awake. You are yourself ALL THE TIME! Just become a little more alert, just bring a new quality of waking consciousness — just watch. Don’t try to be anything because that will again be a dream. Just watch: whosoever you are, wheresoever you are, just watch and be… and allow it. Then the happening, the sudden happening, can come any moment. The heavens can open and the spirit of God, like a dove, can enter in you.

In fact, this is just a way of saying something that cannot be said. It can be said in just the opposite terms also. Let me say it: that when John the Baptist initiated, baptized, Jesus — Jesus opened and the spirit of God, like a dove, was released from him and flew into the infinite sky. That is also exactly the same truth. It is just a way of saying it from two polarities.

You are gods and you have never been anything else. That’s why I am not worried if you want to sleep a little longer. Nothing is wrong; the choice is up to you. You can have a little more sleep — turn over and have a little more sleep; snore a little longer — nothing is wrong. But don’t try to improve, don’t try to achieve anything. Don’t try to become anything because you are already that which you can become! The being is your only becoming, you carry your destiny within yourself. Relax… and be.

Source – Osho Book “Come Follow To You, Vol 1″


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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We have been one in silence, let us also be one in our laughter. To me a silence that cannot laugh is dead and a laughter that has no silence in it is superficial. When silence and laughter meet they create a dance, and our effort here is to join in this cosmic dance.
Just relax into the whole...
Don't keep yourself as a spectator.
Don't remain separate....


Konecno Sloboden...
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2 декември 2011
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Osho – The greatest courage in life is needed when you go inwards, for many reasons… The first is: it is a flight from the alone to the alone, it is going deeper into your aloneness. And man is caught up in such a way that he becomes accustomed to company, to people, to family. He forgets absolutely the joy of being alone; hence there is a fear of being left alone.
That’s why nations exist: it is because of fear, not because of any love. That’s why religions exist — not because of a longing for god. How many people really long for god? Not so many Christians, not so many Hindus, not so many Mohammedans. The whole world is religious in that way. But people are afraid of being left alone; they have to be part of some crowd — a political crowd, a social crowd, a religious crowd; any crowd will do, but they are dependent on the crowd. They feel good when they are surrounded by people; they start feeling shaky, scared when they find there is nobody and they are alone. That is the fear that grips you when you are lost in a jungle or in a desert where, as far as you can see, there is nobody. That utter aloneness creates great fear because we are conditioned by the crowd, for the crowd, as part of the crowd. We are not brought up as individuals. We are brought up as small units of a great mechanism called the society, the nation, the church.
People are not satisfied with these crowds — they create their small crowds — because when the crowd is very big you start losing yourself in the crowd. It becomes impossible for you to recognise people, to see who is who; hence people create small crowds of their own: the Rotary Club, the Lion’s Club. These are just small crowds where everybody knows everybody else, where everybody is acquainted with everybody else. The greatest fear arises when you move inwards… because it is possible to find a man in the desert, it is possible to find somebody in the jungle when you are lost.
I have heard a story: Once a hunter got lost in the jungle. He tried for three days continuously, but he could not find any way to get out. He got deeper and deeper in the thicker parts of the jungle. He became desperate: he could not sleep, there was nothing to eat. After three days he thought ‘This is death. Now I cannot survive.’ He shouted and did everything and on the third day evening, he suddenly saw a man coming. They both rejoiced, both ran towards each other and hugged each other. They were absolutely unacquainted, but what a joy to see another man! But soon they found that that joy was wrong, they were disillusioned: both were lost. Each was thinking ‘Now I have found a person who will help me to get out,’ and both rejoiced for a moment, but the moment they explained to each other why they were rejoicing so much, both were shocked.
They were still lost in the same way, but they were not in so much despair. At least they could share their misery, they could communicate, relate, talk to each other, converse, do something — together. They were still lost in the same way but somehow it felt different.
That’s how marriage came into existence. Two lost people for a moment enjoy the honeymoon, thinking ‘I have found the person whom I was seeking,’ and each is thinking the same; soon they will be disillusioned. But still, even though they will be miserable, they will be miserable together. It is better, people think, to be miserable together than to be miserable alone; in fact in togetherness misery is multiplied. But people love togetherness because we are brought up in that way. From the very first moment of birth the child depends on the mother, on the father, on the family. Then his circle becomes bigger, but he always remains part of some group, some collectivity.
Meditation is the only phenomenon where there is no possibility of meeting anybody, where you have to go alone, totally alone. Hence only very courageous people can enter into the world of meditation. That’s why so few people have ever entered, Why so few people have ever become enlightened.
Secondly: when you move inwards you move without any maps. Even if you go to the moon you have a certain map, a certain route. There have been people before you, their footprints are there, there are milestones everywhere. Even in the sea you are not totally lost, in the sky you are not totally lost: you can communicate with people, you can give messages — even from the moon! You can remain in some kind of relationship; it may be just through radio waves, but you can remain connected. You can still hear the voices of people, you can still see that others are there; you are connected.
But when you move inwards, the people who have gone in cannot leave any footprints for anybody. It is impossible, because everybody’s inner territory is so different that Buddha’s footprints won’t help you and if you follow Buddha’s footprints literally, you will never find yourself.
Jesus’ map won’t help you; you cannot follow it literally. It can help in a very indirect way; it can make you aware of certain things inside, but in a very vague sense. It can give you the confidence that ‘Yes, there is a world inside, no doubt about it, because so many people cannot be lying. Buddha, Jesus, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Krishna, Mohammed, such beautiful people cannot all be lying. They cannot be in a conspiracy — for what? They never existed together — they lived in different ages, in different countries — yet they all speak almost the same language… But you cannot follow it exactly because Buddha’s inner territory is different. Each individual is unique, so unique that you have to discover yourself all alone; hence great courage is needed. This is the greatest adventure in life, and one who goes on this adventure is blessed.
Source – Osho Book “The Imprisoned Splendor”


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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There are two laws. One law is of the mind. With the law of the mind you go on creating hell around you; friends become foes, lovers prove enemies, flowers become thorns. Life becomes a burden. One simply suffers life. With the law of mind, you live in hell wherever you live. If you slip out of the mind, you have slipped out of that law, and suddenly you live in a totally different world. That different world is nirvana. That different world is God. Then without doing, everything starts happening.

Religious freedom is freedom not from somebody else, but from yourself. You are no more. Because you are no more, a few masters in the East have called it anatta — no-selfness. Buddha called it nirvana — which is very close to anatta, no-selfness, or selflessness — just a zero, a profound nothingness surrounding you. But it is not emptiness, it is fullness: fullness of being, of ultimate joy, fullness of being blessed, fullness of gracefulness. All that you have known before is no more there; hence is it empty of all that. But something new, absolutely new you had not even dreamt about, is discovered.


Bastardo dentro
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12 јануари 2011
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Aj edno prashanje do ova Oshoistite....
Osho ateist li e?
Jas kolku znam i toj ne- veruva vo bogovi....
Abe ke se skinam od smeshki.....

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