Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!

Член од
13 март 2011
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: make a wish


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

толку лоша желба ли замислив :eek:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: make a wish

Stranger: heyy

Stranger: i wish you were a bi/les girl:)

You: lol

You: i'm fat 89 old man

You: bad luck :D

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Член од
5 ноември 2010
Поени од реакции
Stranger: aslc?

You: 18 M Copmton-Los Angeles

You: you ?

Stranger: age sex location color

Stranger: thats aslc

You: black


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

90% се гасат одма кога ќе им кажам дека сум од Комптон xD Стереотипи и расисти владеат на ова омегле.
А видиш,јас па секогаш им викам дека сум од Bronx xD

stick figure

Член од
2 мај 2010
Поени од реакции
А видиш,јас па секогаш им викам дека сум од Bronx xD
Compton, Bronx, Brooklyn.
Ако сакаш да се изгаси. :D
А па да видиш колку е интересно кога ти се погоди он од Бруклин а ти од Комптон. :D
Член од
19 август 2010
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: ih

Stranger: hey asl?

You: wats tat?

Stranger: age, sex, location?

You: 21, yes, you pick a location

Stranger: no age, gender sex, and where are you from? ahaha

You: why no age, i like female sex, and i am from home

Stranger: i dont think you understand tho hah

Stranger: age, gender (you are boy or girl? which im guessin boy) and state/country?

You: 21, boy, usa, but i love russia better

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:pos: требаше да кажам дека повеќе ја сакам USA... :pos: немаше да се исклучи...


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: 2012 is coming... Run for salvation

Stranger: run for it?

You: hide in caves

Stranger: run to where?

You: its the most safe place

You: but be carefull of trolls

You: they are nasty

Stranger: and terrorists

You: ask Dumbledore how to kill them

Stranger: heard they've been known to hide in caves

You: terrorists are pussies

Stranger: yep

You: attacking from behind .. trolls on the other hand can squash you in a sec

Stranger: and they can't get pussy, so they get so sexually frustrated they blow themselves up for a useless cause

Stranger: man are terrorists stupid

You: that is correct

You: give the people some pussy damn it

Stranger: yeah no shit

You: i just had an epiphany

You: Pussy is the key to peace in the middle east

Stranger: if we just send them a boat full of pussy maybe they'll leave us alone

You: damn how didnt i think of that

Stranger: dude

Stranger: you're onto something

Stranger: call the White House

You: omg

You: i gotta write this down

You: maaan

Stranger: I'm going to send my sister

You: these mushrooms are mindfucking me.!

Stranger: because I am a patriot

You: omg

You: not Jenny

Stranger: I know that I'm not supposed to say she's hot, but man

Stranger: if she wasn't my sister

You: damn it dude

You: send her my way when you can

Stranger: yeah

You: ill test her

Stranger: well it's a little confusing since we still shower together

You: to see if shes alright for the sand nggas

Stranger: we just never got out of the habit growing up

You: woow wicked

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: people find it strange

You: nooo

You: its not strange dude

You: its perfectly natural

Stranger: I dont' think so either

You: you both came out of the same vagina man

Stranger: yeah!

Stranger: so what's wrong with a little oral in the shower?

Stranger: we're both single and have needs

You: nothing man!

You: its purely sexual

Stranger: this is a good convo by the way

Stranger: I may have to save this one

You: who do you need to save man

You: wooow

You: wicked

Stranger: check this out:

Stranger: ({})

You: omfg god man

Stranger: awww hell naw he just drew a vagina

You: that just boosted my imagination to a whole new cosmic level man

You: omg

You: pussy is the answer to the black whole theory

You: It attracts stuff in it man!!

You: omg man

You: pussy is the answer to everything man

You: omg i gotta write this stuff down

Stranger: haha

Stranger: are you really on shrooms

Stranger: ?

You: well... the monitor is kinda wiggly and i have all of these strange freakin ideas coming out of nowhere .. so probably yeah.. i think lol

Stranger: whoa

Stranger: dude

Stranger: you don't even know if you're on them?

Stranger: that means you're really high

Stranger: check out this cock and balls:

Stranger: (_)_)=========D

You: i ate somethin.. not sure what it was

You: wooow

You: its a butt canon

You: another weapon against terrorists

Stranger: haha

You: woow ... i just had a flash of cow and chicken

You: they eat butts man

You: how sick is that

You: a buttapult

You: cya dude im gonna go start writing my book now... and dont worry about banging your sis its perfectly natural dont hear what they tell you... just remember GO FOR THE CAVES when shit starts happening but harry potter first so you know what to do with the trolls i know its gay but hey its survival you know.. damn it .. pussy bombai..... LOVE YOUR BUTTAPUSSY

Stranger: yeah yeah check it

Stranger: later on bro

Stranger: peace out 5000

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Хаха се уфилмав дека сум на меџик машрумс!

stick figure

Член од
2 мај 2010
Поени од реакции
You: wazaaa

Stranger: Hi I'm a horny guy, want to fuck? X

You: Fuck no!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: asl

You: fo sho

Stranger: hey 20 year old man here,if you wanna cyber with a cam ,stay:D,

после 1 минута...
You: sucker!

Stranger: M

Stranger: you?

You: XXL

Stranger: ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: anyone who doesnt listen to rock and roll is a uneducated queer.

You: you got that right

Stranger: lol they see me trollin

Stranger: '

You: They hatin'

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: こんにちは

You: Токму така бе пер.

You: Ама ти е грозен ракописот.
You have disconnected.
--- надополнето: Jul 19, 2011 1:04 AM ---
Stranger: bored, fed up with bs at work

You: have you watched the movie wanted?

Stranger: yes

You: take the keyboard and slap your boss in the face with it

Stranger: hahaha, thats not how my job is

Stranger: its bs cause of people higher then my boss

You: is the pay okay?

Stranger: its steady, im in the military

You: Marines?

Stranger: Army

You: who's better?

Stranger: depends on what your looking for

You: Coke and some guns.


Stranger: m india

You: f pakistan
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


A Jedi
Член од
12 април 2009
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Are you by any chance making a nosestand while wearing pink checked onzies?

Stranger: yea?

You: I knew it

You: it's because I'm psychic

Stranger: how did you know

You: because I'm psychic

Stranger: wow

You: I know right

Stranger: weird

You: I know what ur gonna do next

Stranger: what?

You: message me on omegle

Stranger: yea

You: See?

You: And i know u are also breathing and looking at the screen

You: I'm awesome right?

Stranger: yep

You: Wan't me to tell u ur future?

Stranger: ok

You: U will get eaten by a rouch tonight

You: there

Stranger: nope

You: that will be 50 $

Stranger: wraps arms around shoulder

You: I don't work for free u know

Stranger: makes out

You: With urself?

You: Acting retarded wont help u, ur still gonna pay

Stranger: no with you

You: Ohhh

Stranger: kisses

You: Stop it? Ur still gonna pay

Stranger: fine ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: hi

Stranger: Hi

You: asl

Stranger: 15 female Lithuania

Stranger: you?

You: 17 male mars

Stranger: Mars?

You: yes the book mars

Stranger: ok

Stranger: whats your name?

You: moon



и така заебавајќи луге, мене ме заебаа :D

после решив да барам македонци, арно ама

и нешто што ми ја исполни душата



I am not in danger, I am the danger!
Член од
17 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
You: Say Hi

Stranger: hi

You: from ?

Stranger: usa

You: Say Bye

Stranger: bye


Не е Џони.
Член од
4 ноември 2009
Поени од реакции
Очигледен педер во потрага по сајбер секс со машко. Немаше што да ми врати на крај. :)

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: asl

You: 16 M

Stranger: 16/f

Stranger: ;)

You: where are you from ?

Stranger: california

You: LA ?

Stranger: no

Stranger: near sf

You: I really want to live in LA

Stranger: why

You: It's a cool city

Stranger: what an incredibly well thought out and articulate explanation.

Stranger: you must be gifted or something.

You: well what do you except me to say ?

You: I just like the city

Stranger: that you're a flaming homosexual whos always thought la woduld be a great city to go down on dudes in

You: hahahahah

You: no I'm not

Stranger: uh huh

You: SF is the gayest city in the USA

You: so if i wanted to find some dudes i would go there

Stranger: yeah, and im sure w/e hick fucking town your from is the most inbred

Stranger: in fact, it would not surprise me if you are half livestock.

You: No bad feelings but it's fact that

Stranger: or that if you hatched out of an egg

Stranger: you have a low iq

Stranger: ?

Stranger: yea thought so

You: is 120 low ?

Stranger: really

Stranger: mines 170

Stranger: dang

Stranger: sounds like you suck!

You: sounds like youre male

You: ofended by that i said your city has the most gay people in the world

You: and you lied about your grender in the begining

Stranger: or that you're a fat ugly nerd

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Бело, и тоа!
Член од
13 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: bu

Stranger: Hello

You: hi

Stranger: What?

You: that's hi in pakistanian

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Pakistanian не постои, али некој не знае


Stranger: Cum watch me rub my pussy.. %3C3

You: you're fat nerd with ugly face and get a life

You: bitch !

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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