Јас екипата не ја сакам, за фановите ми е гајле што викаат... Не го сакам тоа што секоја година некој добива црвен картон во клучен момент против нив. Не го сакам тоа што плачат како деца кога не им иде резултатот, се дрпаат, фаќаат за врат, провоцираат, глумат... Единствен друг ваков пример што го знам е Рома кога губи (sorry Pupone :smir: ) Не го сакам тоа што се разгалени деца на УЕФА. Многу работи не сакам, а дека си играат, си играат, нема збор тука.
Еве уште еден коментар на инглиш:
There was no game played. Barcelona didn't beat Arsenal. Arsenal didn't lose. Massimo Busacca decided to have his 15 minutes of fame at the expense of an incredible match.
The same asshol...e that stuck his middle finger to the crowd, that had "the worst referring performance in this competition so far" as described by Carlos Alberto Parreira, that was released by FIFA before the round of 16, wanted to show his power while at the same time showing his weakness by being controlled by the fans.
A second elapsed between the whistle and the shot. Someone do the math. The time it takes, when focusing solely on scoring like any good striker would, to hear it, recognize it, process it, and pull your body away, is more than a second. Still irrelevant.
100,000 fans. Screaming. van Persie is towards the end of the pitch. Close to the fans. Watch the replay. He doesn't look up. He doesn't hesitate. He gets the ball. He shoots. He's sent off. It makes no fucking sense.