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OSHO - The God Conspiracy
http://www.filesonic.com/en/file/2125083/The God Conspiracy.rar
The skeptical mind is one of the most beautiful things in the world.
It has been condemned by the religions because they were not capable of answering skeptical
questions; they wanted only believers.
And the skeptical mind is just the opposite of the believer.
I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it.
Do not believe anything -- go on questioning, however long it takes.
Truth is not cheap. It is not available to the believer; it is available only to the skeptical.
Just remember one thing: don't be skeptical halfheartedly. Be a total skeptic. When I say be a
total skeptic, I mean that your skeptical ideas should also be put to the same
test as anybody else's beliefs. Skepticism, when it is total, burns itself out because you have to
question and doubt your skepticism too. You cannot leave your skepticism without doubt;
otherwise that is the standpoint of the believer.
If you can doubt the skeptic in you, then the mystic is not far away.
What is a mystic? -- one who knows no answer, one who has asked every possible question and
found that no question is answerable. Finding this, he has dropped questioning. Not that he has
found the answer -- he has simply found one thing, that there is no answer anywhere.
Life is a mystery, not a question. Not a puzzle to be solved, not a question to be answered but a
mystery to be lived, a mystery to be loved, a mystery to be danced.
A totally skeptical mind is bound to finally become a mystic; hence, my doors are open for all. I
accept the skeptic because I know how to turn him into a mystic. I invite the theist because I
know how to destroy his theism. I invite the atheist because I know know how to turn him into a
mystic. I invite the theist because I know how to destroy his theism. I invite the atheist because I
know how to take away his atheism. My doors prevent nobody, because I am not giving you any
belief. I am giving you only a methodology, a meditation to discover for yourself what in reality
is the case.
I have found that there is no answer. All questions are futile, and all answers are more futile.
Questions have been asked by foolish people, and great philosophies have arisen because of
their questions. These philosophies are created by the cunning and the shrewd.
But if you want to have a rapport with reality, you have to be neither a fool nor shrewd. You
have to be innocent.
So whatever you bring -- skepticism, atheism, theism, communism, fascism, any type of
nonsense you can bring here -- my medicine is the same.
It does not matter what kind of nonsense is filled in your head when you come here. I will chop
your head without any distinction. Who is sitting on your head does not matter -- my concern is
I am just a woodcutter.
--- надополнето ---
The difference between doubt and negativity is great.
They look alike; on the surface they have the same color, but deep down the difference is
First, doubt is not negativity; neither is it positivity. Doubt is an open mind, without any
prejudice. It is an inquiring approach.
Doubt is not saying anything, it is simply raising a question. That question is to know, to find
what the truth is.
Doubt is a pilgrimage. It is one of the most sacred values of human beings.
Doubt does not mean no. It simply says, "I do not know, and I am prepared to know. I am ready
to go as far as possible, but unless I myself come to know, how can I say yes?"
Negativity has already said no. It is not inquiry. It has come to a conclusion, the same way
somebody has come to the conclusion to say yes. One man says God is; his statement is positive.
The other says there is no God; his statement is negative. But both are sailing in the same boat,
they are not different people. They have not inquired.
Neither the theist has doubted nor the atheist has doubted; both have accepted borrowed
Doubt says that, "I myself would like to know, and unless I know for myself, it is not knowledge.
Only my experience is going to be decisive." He is not arrogant, he is not denying anything. He is
just open for inquiry.
Doubt is not disbelief -- that's how religions have been confusing people. They confuse doubt
with disbelief. In fact disbelief and belief are exactly the same. Both accept knowledge from
others, from books, from masters. And remember, anything that you do not know, yet you have
started believing or disbelieving in it... you have missed a great opportunity for inquiry. You have
closed the doors already, by yes or by no. You have not traveled.
It is easier to say yes, it is easier to say no, because there is nothing you have to do.
But to doubt needs guts. To doubt needs courage to remain in the state of not-knowing, and go
on questioning everything till the moment you yourself arrive at the reality.
When you come to the reality there is no negativity, no positivity. You simply know -- it is your
experience. I will not say it is positivity because positivity always has the other pole of negativity.
An experience goes beyond both; the whole world of polarities is transcended. That is true
Doubt is the way to truth. No or yes are not ways, they prevent you.
It will look very strange, that yes does the same thing as no. In dictionaries they are opposites,
but in reality they are not. They look opposite only, but both have not asked the question. Both
have not tried to find out what the case is.
The communist believes, exactly as the catholic believes. The communist believes that there is
no God. You can call it disbelief, but it is his belief. He has not inquired, he has not meditated; he
has done nothing to find out that there is no God. The theist says there IS God. He has also done
nothing. Both have chosen without moving an inch towards truth. That's why a very strange
thing happens: the person who is a theist, a believer, can become a disbeliever, an atheist, in a
single moment; and vice versa.
Before the revolution in Russia, Russia was one of the most theistic, religious countries of the
world. Millions of people in Russia could have sacrificed their life for God. After
the revolution, when the authority changed, when the priest changed, when The Holy Bible was
replaced by the holy DAS KAPITAL, within ten years the whole country became atheist.
It was amazing! People who had believed their whole life that there is God started disbelieving.
Even communists could not understand that these people are the same people who could have
died for God -- and now they are ready to die for no-God. Nobody has analyzed the situation up
to now, what happened there. This is the analysis of the fact:
negativity and positivity are both belief systems.
Doubt is against both. Doubt is the insistence of the individual that he wants to taste, to
experience the truth. He is not ready to accept it from anybody else, this way or that.
They are very, very rare people who doubt.
But let me say to you: Blessed are those who doubt, because they shall inherit the kingdom of
It is arduous to doubt, it is risky, it is dangerous. One is going into the unknown, with no
preparation, with no prejudice. He is entering into the dark hole, not even believing that there
will be the other end of the tunnel, and he will again come out of darkness. There is no belief; he
simply takes the challenge. There is only a quest, a question. He himself becomes a question.
It is very consoling to have the answer, and if it is freely available, as it is.... Jesus says, "Just
believe in me and you need not bother: I will take care. I will choose you at the day of judgment.
I will recommend you to God: `These are my people -- they should be allowed in paradise.' All
that you have to do is believe."
A real shortcut -- simple belief. That's why thousands of people around the world have believed,
and thousands of others have disbelieved. Their sources are different but the basic approach is
the same. In India there has been a very ancient philosophy, charvaka. That philosophy says
there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no punishment for your bad actions and no reward for your
good actions. And thousands have believed in it. It is negative, absolutely negative, but very
comfortable. You can steal, you can murder, you can do anything you like; after death nothing
In many ways the West has lagged behind the East, particularly as far as religion, philosophy,
culture, are concerned. Charvaka is a five-thousand-year-old ideology; Karl Marx just in the last
stage of the previous century said there is no God. He was not aware of charvaka, he thought he
had come to a great discovery. For five thousand years charvakas have already been saying that;
but they had not inquired.
The man who created the philosophy was Brihaspati -- must have been a man of charismatic
personality. He convinced people that you can do anything you want to because the thief, the
murderer, the saint, all fall: dust unto dust. And after death nothing is left; the saint disappears,
the sinner disappears. So don't bother at all about afterlife, there is none.
This is not inquiry, because charvakas and their master Brihaspati have never gone beyond
death. According to their philosophy, if they had gone they would have not come back -- so on
what grounds do they say that there is nothing left? Nobody has visited the land. But it is very
easy to believe. His famous statement is worth quoting.
Brihaspati says, RINAM KRITVA GHRITAM PIVET: "Even if you have to borrow money, borrow it,
but drink ghee as much as you can" -- because after death you are not going to be questioned,
punished. The person who had given you money cannot drag you into the court of God; there
are no such things. His whole philosophy is simply, "Eat, drink and be merry." You can believe in
it -- the theists will call it Disbelief.
And that's what Karl Marx did for the communists, he said that there is no soul, no
consciousness. It is a by-product of matter, so when the body falls apart, nothing is left.
This became a very dangerous attitude, because communists could kill people without thinking
Their belief is that by killing you are not committing any sin. There is nobody inside a person;
there is no inside. A man is chemistry, biology, physiology -- but there is no soul. Joseph Stalin
could kill almost one million people after the revolution without feeling even a slight doubt
about what he was doing.
In Soviet Russia man has been reduced to a mechanism. You can kill -- nothing is killed, because
there was nobody in the first place. It is just like a clock functioning. It moves, it shows you the
time; that does not mean that there is somebody inside. You can take the clock apart and you
will not find anything.
--- надополнето ---
Blessed are those who doubt, because they shall inherit the kingdom of
ХАХАХА sermon on the mount.