Od korespondencijata na papata Inokentij Treti so..... ?
I sto tocno pisuva vo korespondencijata?
Tsar Kaloyan in a letter to Pope Innocent III states that the Bulgarian Tsars Peter, Samuil and others have received crowns from Rome
In the first place we, as a beloved son, want from our mother, the Roman Church, a Tsar's crown and dignity, as our Emperors of old had them. As we find it recorded in our books, one was Peter, the second Samuil and others who preceded them on the throne.
ЛИБИ, III, p. 310, letter No. 2; р CCXIV, col. 1112 -1113, letter No. 115; I . Duichev, Correspondence of Pope Innocent III with the Bulgarians, ГСУ, ифф PP-22-23; letter No. 2; the original is in Latin
Pope Innocent III replies to Tsar Kaloyan's letter
You, however, humbly asked the Roman Church to give you a crown, as it is said in your books that it was granted to Peter, Samuil and your other predecessors of illustrious memory ... We, therefore, gave instructions that our registers be carefully read the better to assure ourselves and we learned clearly that many tsars were crowned in the land subordinated to you.
ЛИБИ, Ш. p. 312, letter No. 3; Pgr CCXIV, col. 1113-1115, letter No. 116; I. Duichev, op. cit, PP- 22-25, letter No. 3; the original is in Latin
In a letter to Pope Innocent in Tsar Kaloyan calls the Bulgarian Tsars Simeon, Peter and Samuil his ancestors
After that, last June, our Majesty sent our Archbishop and /head/ of the entire Bulgarian land and of the universal holy and great Church of Turnovo and a great man of my Kingdom, now raised to a Primate and Archbishop of all Bulgaria and Wallachia, named Vassilii, who, on his arrival in Drac was not allowed to proceed to Your Holiness, so that Your Holiness might fulfill the wish of our Majesty in accordance with the custom of my predecessors, the Tsars of the Bulgarians and the Wallachians - Simeon, Peter and Samuil, the ancestors of myself and of all other Tsars of the Bulgarians.
ЛИБИ, III p. 338, letter No. 19; Pgr CCXXV, col. 290-291, letter No. 6; I. Duichev, op. cit, pp 47-48; the original is in Latin
Се извинувам, а која му била престолнината на Самоил? Т.е. од каде на каде почнал да го шири своето царство?
Извини, кога jа покажуваш таа мапа, дали знаео отдека е вземена?
The Bulgarians in their historical, ethnographical and political frontiers. Atlas with 40 maps.
Preface by D. RIZOFF (од Ресен)
Самуил си го проширува царството од Охрид, се разбира, таму се неговите земи, земите кои неговиот род ги владее. Како во цела Европа во средните векови престолнина станува родовата тврдина.