gledam tolkav tekst ne vidovte, pa ke postiram us ednus za onie so poslab vid ko boss123
Diodorus Siculus
- The commandant of the garrison of that city, Archelaus, who was a Macedonian by RACE, welcomed Attalus and surrendered the city to him 18.37.3-4.
Diodorus Siculus
- For many days the king lay helpless under his treatment, and the Greeks who had been settled in Bactria and Sogdiana, who had long borne unhappily their sojourn among peoples of ANOTHER RACE and now received word that the king has died of his wounds, revolted against the Macedonians. They formed a band of 3000 men and underwent great hardship on their homeward route. Later they were massacred by the Macedonians after Alexanders death. 17.99.5-6.
za slepcite, ne velit Athenians and Macedonians, tuku Greeks i Macedonians!
The Campaigns of Alexander
- [Book II - Battle of Issus]
"Darius' Greeks fought to thrust the Macedonians back into the water and save the day for their left wing, already in retreat, while the Macedonians, in their turn, with Alexander's triumph plain before their eyes, were determined to equal his success and not forfeit the proud title of invincible, hitherto universally bestowed upon them. The fight was further embittered by the old RACIAL rivalry of Greek and Macedonian." [p.119]
Quintus Curtius Rufus
Grckiot Komandant Patros se obrakja kon DARIUS
"we few are all that remain of 50,000 Greeks. We were all with you in your more fortunate days, and in your present situation we remain as we were when you were prospering, ready to make for and to accept as our country and our home any lands you choose. We and you have been drawn together both by your prosperity and your adversity. By this inviolable loyalty of ours I beg and beseech you: pitch your tent in our area of the camp and let us be your bodyguards.
We have left Greece behind; for us there is no Bactria; our hopes rest entirely in you - I wish that were true of the others also! Further talk serves no purpose. As a foreigner born of ANOTHER RACE I should not be asking for the responsibility of guarding your person if I thought anyone else could do it." [p.112-13]
- I Makedonite i Persijcite se definitivno i nepobitno BELA Rasa
- 50 000 Grci se borele na strana na Persijcite
- Grkot tolku gi mrazel Makedonite sho i pokraj toa sho povekjeto od niv zaginale (
we few are all that remain of 50,000 Greeks) , toj i ponatamu sakal da se bori protiv Makedonite i da go stitat samiot Persiski "Great-King"
ova se svedostva od sovremenici ili lugje koi ziveele kratko posle slucuvajnata.
Ristovski, so seta pocit kon negovata rabota, ne gi sretnal ovie dokumenti???
a ke zakacam i nekoja slika posle...