X-47B иднина на авијацијата



ima moznost i za dopolnuvanje gorivo a i e stealth b2 e od istata korporacija ova parce mnogumina go semetaat za idnina na UAV(unmaned air vehicle) The Northrop Grumman X-47 Pegasus is a demonstration Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle. The X-47 began as part of DARPA's J-UCAS program, and is now part of the United States Navy's UCAS-D program to create a carrier-based unmanned aircraft. Unlike the Boeing X-45, initial Pegasus development was company-funded. The original vehicle carries the designation X-47A, while the follow-on naval version is designated X-47B.


[edit] Design and development

The proof-of-concept X-47A vehicle was built under contract by Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites at the Mojave Spaceport. The roll out ceremony at Mojave was in July 2001 and the first flight was successfully completed in February 2003. The J-UCAS program was terminated on January 13, 2006 as part of the US Military's Quadrennial Defense Review.
The US Navy did not commit to practical UCAV efforts until mid-2000, when the service awarded contracts of US$2 million each to Boeing and Northrop Grumman for a 15-month concept-exploration program.[1]
Design considerations for a naval UCAV included dealing with the corrosive salt-water environment, deck handling for launch and recovery, integration with command and control systems, and operation in a carrier's high electromagnetic interference environment. The Navy was also interested in using their UCAVs for reconnaissance missions, penetrating protected airspace to identify targets for the attack waves.
The Navy went on to give Northrop Grumman a contract for a naval UCAV demonstrator with the designation of "X-47A Pegasus", in early 2001. The Pegasus demonstrator looks like a simple black arrowhead with no vertical tailplane. It has a leading edge sweep of 55 degrees and a trailing edge sweep of 35 degrees. The demonstrator has retractable tricycle landing gear, with a one-wheel nose gear and dual-wheel main gear, and has six control surfaces, including two elevons and four "inlaids". The inlaids are small flap structures mounted on the top and bottom of the wing forward of the wingtips.

X-47A roll out

The X-47A is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D-5C small high-bypass turbofan engine with 3,190 lbf (14.2 kN) thrust. This engine is currently in use with operational aircraft such as the Aermacchi S-211 trainer. The engine is mounted on the demonstrator's back, with the inlet on top behind the nose. The inlet duct has a serpentine diffuser to prevent radar reflections off the engine fan. However, to keep costs low, the engine exhaust is a simple cylindrical tailpipe, with no provisions for reducing radar or infrared signature.
The X-47A's airframe is built of composite materials, with construction subcontracted out to Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites company, which had the expertise and tooling to do the job inexpensively. The airframe basically consists of four main assemblies, split down the middle with two assemblies on top and two on bottom.
The X-47A was rolled out on 30 July 2001 and performed its first flight on 23 February 2003 at the US Naval Air Warfare Center at China Lake, California. The flight test program did not involve weapons delivery, but Pegasus does have two weapons bays, one on each side of the engine, that may be each loaded with a single 500 pound (225 kilogram) dummy bomb to simulate operational flight loads. The Pegasus was also used to evaluate technologies for carrier deck landings, though the demonstrator did not have an arrestor hook. Other issues related to carrier operations involve adding deck tie-downs without compromising stealth characteristics, and designing access panels so that they wouldn't be blown around or damaged by strong winds blowing across the carrier deck.
Roll out of the X-47B was at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California on December 16, 2008. It is planned to have a three year test program at Edwards AFB, California and NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, culminating in sea trials in November 2011. The X-47B carries no weapons, but it has a full-sized weapons bay. It is that same size and weight as an operational vehicle would be, in order to provide realistic testing.[2][3][4]

[edit] Variants

[edit] Specifications

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[edit] X-47A

General characteristics



None (ISR)

[edit] X-47B

X-47B over sea (CG concept)

General characteristics



2 x JDAM (905 kg each); Sensors: EO/IR/SAR/GMTI/ESM/IO


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Interesno..nekade vo pedesettite godini na minatiot vek, pod direktno vlijanie na Germanskite idei bese razvivan proektot Dina-Soar...i.e. Dinamic-Soaring ( patem son na sekoj edrilicar...dinamicko-edrenje...neostvaren)..
Izgleda ideata pak ja razrabotuvaat , normalno 50 godini podocna so celoto novosteknato znaenje.....

Dr.Eugen Sanger na toj princip go imase koncepirano America Bomber-ot (Silbervogel) koj trebase na Njujork i Chigago da gi "baci" germanskite nuke bombi......:)


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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Хм, интересен концепт...
Колку што знам моментално и Европјаните и Русите зазвиваат нешто слично на ова...
Би ги намалило трошоците за патување во вселената драстично.


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
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Го видов денес, не можев да престанам да го “милувам’’. Јака машина...
хммм, те ангажирале да бришеш прашина или работиш нешто пософистицирано??? :)
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Аха, дојдов да избришам малку. :wink:

Инаку главниот оргазам беше на симулатор за F-14. Јако, а евтино ($20 за 30 мин.).

Сепак, ништо не е појако од МiG-29 над Москва!

smart ass

Мисирков Америте имаат добар концепт за иден Носач на беспилотни летала,но јас чисто сум скептик....најверојатно првен ќе одат комбинирано.

Инаку имаат и Хеликоптер беспилотен кој може да слетува на Носач,кој дури и да престане да добива инструкции сам ја продолжува мисијата т.е донекаде е независен,истиот може да носи дури и залихи за војниците на копно

Boeing’s A160T Hummingbird UAV has successfully completed a simulated mission test proving the unmanned rotorcraft’s ability to resupply frontline troops in rough terrain. The demonstration saw the A160T carry 1,250-pound sling loads over two 150-nautical-mile round trips operating autonomously on a pre-programmed mission. The demonstration proved the craft is capable of delivering at least 2,500 pounds of cargo from one simulated forward-operating base to another 75 nautical miles away in well under the required six hours.

The A160T completed seven test flights during the demonstration, including a two-minute hover at 12,000 feet with the 1,250-pound sling load, and a nighttime delivery to a simulated forward operating base. Boeing says the A160T's ability to execute extremely accurate autonomous deliveries also was demonstrated.

"The Hummingbird's performance was outstanding, as we had expected," said Vic Sweberg, director of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Boeing Military Aircraft. "The A160T's capabilities can fulfill our customer's near-term need for 24/7, reliable cargo resupply. It also provides unmatched flexibility to carry out a variety of other missions, including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; target acquisition; direct action; and communication relay."

The A160T has a 2,500-pound payload capacity. It features a unique optimum-speed-rotor technology that significantly improves overall performance efficiency by adjusting the rotor's speed at different altitudes, gross weights and cruise speeds. The autonomous unmanned aircraft, measuring 35 feet long with a 36-foot rotor diameter, has hovered at 20,000 feet and cruised at more than 140 knots.

The unmanned chopper established a world endurance record in its class in 2008 with an 18.7-hour unrefueled flight.

Воедно и САД имплементира нова стратегија т.е користење на УАВ но леталото добива инструкции од Апачи,вооружено со хелфајр и ненаведувани ракети,но и со добра способност за детекција на потенцијални закани(посебно рачно САМ системи налик (9к38,ФИМ-95...),ова е логична постапка и мислам дека баш афган е причината за ова...

Manned/unmanned teaming with airborne Army combat platforms has been conceptualized, strategized and realized – though with some limitations.
On today’s battlefield a manned attack helicopter can receive imagery from an unmanned aerial platform, but to heighten the value of these assets, manned/unmanned teaming must go farther and do more.
The Apache Block III with Level 4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control will take manned/unmanned teaming to a whole new level and the UAV will indeed be a wingman for the pilots in command of the attack helicopter platform.
U.S. Army aviators flying the Apache Block III helicopter will deploy with an enhanced tactical advantage on the battlefield as they communicate with a UAV to receive and transmit real-time imagery and meta-data, control and monitor a UAV's sensor and weapons payload, and direct and control the flight of a UAV. This teaming facilitates the pilots' ability to obtain valuable information transmitted from the UAV to locate, identify and target the enemy and share that information with friendly ground and air forces.
"The tactical capability and operational versatility of the Apache is dramatically enhanced by this network-centric capability," said Mike Burke, Boeing director of Army Rotorcraft Business Development.
After listening to presentations given by LTC Royar, previous commander of the 4th Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Burke recalls LTC Royar said as he talked about his units action in Iraq, "You can't replace human thought with an unmanned vehicle". And agreeing with the LTC that the best results can be realized when manned and unmanned aircraft work together, Burke believes that the use of UAVs to augment and expand the capabilities of the human in ground and air operations has already proven to be of great value to the troops.

Ама ги бива де Боинг... хаха интересна изјава прочитав каде америте велат израел има подобри УАВ од нас генерално...но не оти се попаметни од нас,туку бидејќи мораат:toe:

Го видов денес, не можев да престанам да го “милувам’’. Јака машина...
Солиден Домет и ЈДАМ+јак мотор,сензори...ма нема промашај јас баш би сакал да го видам на дело наскоро.

Аха, дојдов да избришам малку. :wink:

Инаку главниот оргазам беше на симулатор за F-14. Јако, а евтино ($20 за 30 мин.).

Сепак, ништо не е појако од МiG-29 над Москва!
Па конкретно кога сме кај 29-ката...нели Ф-15 го доби прекарот МИГ килер...ОК ама уништуваше стари МИГ-21 најмногу и тро МИГ-29 кои секако беа слабо одржувани и со стара електроника...модернизиран миг-29 е закана и тоа голема...посебно ако има добар пилот:)

Ајзенхорн мислам ги спомна арапите...ма не ги бива бе..инаку Либан сега ќе добие 6 МИГ-29 од русија(најверојатно стари),а Сирија е страшно заинтересирана за Панцир и ТОР-М1...и мака им става на Израелците т.е уствари најмногу ако чујат С-300...косата им обелува:)
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Јас ви зборувам за доживување: со МиГ 29 да се искачиш до стратосфера, а другар ми во друг МиГ, па се бркаме и демек дог фајт...

И сето тоа за 7000 евра за двата лета.


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Јас ви зборувам за доживување: со МиГ 29 да се искачиш до стратосфера, а другар ми во друг МиГ, па се бркаме и демек дог фајт...

И сето тоа за 7000 евра за двата лета.
kaj be ima toa???? realen let???....., koga ne mozam u niska orbita, sto mi bese son odamna, za let na Mesecinata pretsnav da fantaziram uste u gimnazija, daj da vidime barem stratosfera i crno nebo????........
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
kaj be ima toa???? realen let???....., koga ne mozam u niska orbita, sto mi bese son odamna, za let na Mesecinata pretsnav da fantaziram uste u gimnazija, daj da vidime barem stratosfera i crno nebo????........
Реален лет, беше таа цена едно време. Денес треба да начекаш цена. Веројатно оди до 10.000 или 12.000 евра, не сум сигурен.

Леташ до 117.000 стапки височина, тоа им е максимум на Русите (до некои 400-500 метра од крајот на атмосферата). Надвор од тоа, авионот може лесно да се распадне. Воздухот е толку тенок што не можеш да го контролираш авионот многу добро.

Инаку, Русиве условуваат со два дена обука и аклиматизација за летот, што е ОК бидејќи има луѓе кои не влегле во авион, а сакаат да летаат скорз горе.

Да го видиш полукругот на 3емјата е големо искуство, но не мора до 117.000, се гледа и на 86.000.

На 46.000 удараш afterburner, другаров мој мислеше дека влегол во рајот.


Denes na Florida pristigna X37B:


A secretive military spacecraft resembling a small space shuttle orbiter flew to Florida in the belly of a cargo plane this week to undergo final processing for launch on April 19.
А вчера е лансиран...

Mysterious X-37B unmanned space shuttle launched by U.S. ... and they won't say what it's for


smart ass

Јас пак гледам дека ова е на USAF-Нема ништо научно тука но ќе има поучно:)

Всушност ова летало иако пократко од спејс шатл сепак "оди натаму" мисијата е да оперира независно,како сателит,а во иднина(ако би ОК) снабдувањето на ИСС не би било никаков проблем со 5-6 летала во орбита:)

Логично е да е беспилотно баш поради несреќата и прекинот на Шатл програмата(Иако имаат околу 20сеттина летови),но димензиите укажуваат на фактот дека првенствена намена на ова летало е.....воена!

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