A i Marin Barleti li e sizofrenik, koj pisuva deka Skenderbeg e kral na site Makedonci od Epir i Albania :helou:
Ili pak Skenderbeg ne znael sto e po narodnost, koga se narekol KOMITA MAKEDONA?
![Тоа е :toe: :toe:](/styles/default/xenforo/emot/toe.gif)
Pardon, sekogas se predstavuval kako Komita Makedona :kesa: i toa site stranski hronicari i istoricari od 15 vek go zabelezale.
Не разликуваш етнитет од ентитет. Батко, јас сум ти македонец според ентитет од албански етнитет значи македонски-албанец,американски-албанец итн.
Научете веќе еднаш да го разликувате вашето етничко-територијално потекло од словенскиот јазик кој го говорите бидејќи се додека етносот првенствено се одредува според јазикот кој го говори еден народ ќе имате голем проблем, имено не можете ем да говорите мајчин македонски(словенски) јазик сличен со српски и бугарски ем да имате било што заедничко со античките македонци.Капираш ?
Нема ништо спорно во тоа дали македонците во државава и во Егеј и Пирин се македонци, спорно е тоа што не може словен да е исто што и македонец. Тоа ви е заблудата,барем по мое мислење. Ајде поздрав и сори што преминав малку на политика.
rymz а капата, каков симбол носи ?
Што означува тој симбол ?
(извини овака прашање за прашање, ама навистина ме интересираат тие детаљи)
The Helmet
Skanderbeg’s helmet is made of white metal, adorned with a strip dressed in
gold. On its top lies the head of a
horned goat made of bronze, also dressed in gold. The bottom part bears a
copper strip adorned with a
monogram separated by rosettes
* IN * PE * RA * TO * RE * BT *, which means:
Jhezus Nazarenus *
Principi Emathie *
Regi Albaniae *
Terrori Osmanorum *
Regi Epirotarum *
Benedictat Te (
Jesus Nazarene Blesses Thee (Skanderbeg),
Prince of
Mat, King of Albania,
Terror of the
King of
Epirus). It is thought that the copper strip with the monogram is the work of the descendants of Skanderbeg and was placed there by them, as Skanderbeg never held any other title but “Lord of Albania”. General Name, Symbol, Number gold, Au, 79 Chemical series transition metals Group, Period, Block 11, 6, d Appearance metallic yellow Atomic mass 196. ... For other types of horns, see horn (disambiguation). ... Species See Species and subspecies The goat is a mammal in the genus Capra, which consists of nine species: the Ibex, the West Caucasian Tur, the East Caucasian Tur, the Markhor, and the Wild Goat. ... General Name, Symbol, Number copper, Cu, 29 Chemical series transition metals Group, Period, Block 11, 4, d Appearance metallic brown Atomic mass 63. ... The Chi-Rho, a monogram of the first two letters in the Greek word for Christ Haddot Ardalone lili The New York Yankees team monogram Ecstacy commonly appears in a tablet form, usually imprinted with a monogram. ... Jesus (8-2 BC/BCE — 29-36 AD/CE),[1] also known as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity. ... This article or section is in need of attention from an expert on the subject. ... The term prince (the female form is princess), from the Latin root princeps, when used for a member of the highest aristocracy, has several fundamentally different meanings - one generic, and several types of titles. ... The District of Mat (Albanian: Rrethi i Matit) is one of the thirty-six districts of Albania. ... Terror is a pronounced state of fear, an overwhelming sense of imminent danger. ... Imperial motto (Ottoman Turkish) دولت ابد مدت Devlet-i Ebed-müddet (The Eternal State) The Ottoman Empire at the height of its power (1683) Official language Ottoman Turkish Capital Söğüt (1299-1326), Bursa (1326-1365), Edirne (1365-1453), Ä°stanbul (1453-1922) Imperial anthem Ottoman imperial anthem Sovereigns Padishah of the Osmanl... Look up monarch in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. ... Epirus (Greek ΉπειÏος, Ãpiros) is a geographical and historical region of the Balkan peninsula in south-eastern Europe. ...
The first element which commands attention is the meaning and symbolism of the horned goat on the helmet. It is difficult to assess with certainty what the horned goat might signify. It might be explained by the cult of the wild goat, the symbol of the “zana” minor deities akin to
Valkyrie in the
Norse mythology, which live in mountain forests and pastures. There are signs indicating that the cult of the wild goat is very ancient. The
Roman writer and historian of the I-II century A.D., S. Suetom Tanquilli (De Vita Caesarum, L.II, 12, 94.) writes that the
Roman Emperor Augustus, after putting down the Illyrian revolt of
Bato, cut a coin bearing the head of a horned goat to celebrate the victory. A statue from 1908 by Stephan Sinding located in Copenhagen, presents an active image of a valkyrie. ... Norse or Scandinavian mythology comprises the pre-Christian religion, beliefs and legends of the Scandinavian people, including those who settled on Iceland, where the written sources for Norse mythology were assembled. ... The Roman Forum was the central area around which ancient Rome developed. ... Roman Emperor is the term historians use to refer to rulers of the Roman Empire, after the epoch conventionally named the Roman Republic. ... Augustus (Latin: IMPERATOR CAESAR DIVI FILIVS AVGVSTVS[1]; September 23, 63 BC – August 19, AD 14), known to modern English speaking historians as Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus for the period of his life prior to 27 BC, was the first and among the most important of the Roman Emperors, though... Bato is the name of three places in the Philippines: Bato is a Illyrian (Albanian) male name. ...
There is another possible explanation with serious historical ramifications. According to a report by historian Shefqet Pllana, Sami Frasheri in his Kamus-al-Alam maintains that the wording "Dhu lKarnejn" (owner of the two horns) was an appellative attributed to
Alexander the Great of
Macedon, the very name which Skanderbeg bore in the Islamic form. This second explanation may be the truer, since the theory of the Macedonian-Albanian and Epirot-Albanian continuance is strong not only among Albanians but among all the peoples of Europe. This opinion agrees with the work of
Marin Barleti who writes: “
When the people saw all those young and brave men around Skanderbeg, then it was hard to believe that the armies of [Sultan] Murat were so defeated by the Albanians. Indeed, the times when the star of Macedon shone brilliantly had returned, just as they seemed in those long forgotten times of Phyrrus and Alexander." Alexander the Great (Greek: Μέγας ΑλέξανδÏος Megas Alexandros; July 356 BC — June 11, 323 BC), also known as Alexander III, king of Macedon (336–323 BC), is considered one of the most successful military commanders in world history, conquering most of the world known to the ancient Greeks before his death. ... Macedons regions and towns Macedon or Macedonia (from Greek ; see also List of traditional Greek place names) was the name of an ancient kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece, bordering the kingdom of Epirus on the west and the region of Thrace to the east. ... A page from Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarum principis Marin Barleti (Latin: Marinus Barletius, Italian: Marino Barlezio; ca 1450, Shkodër - 1512 or 1513, probably Rome) was a humanist of Albanian descent, the first and greatest Albanian historian, and a Catholic priest. ... Murat is a name of: People Joachim Murat Murat I Murat II Murat III Murat IV Murat V Murat Rais Murat Zyazikov Murat Yakin Murat Bayhan Murat Bernard Young Murat Yuce Places Murat is the name or part of the name of several communes in France: Murat, in the Allier... Bust of Alexander the Great in the British Museum. ...
Верувам нема да ти биде тешко да си преведеш. Инаку и Пиро и Александар го користеле шлемот со два рога, некои историчари го поврзуваат етничкото потекло на Скендербег со нивното етничко потекло и го опишуваат како нивен наследник, си можел да прочиташ од објаснувањето на сликата некој пост погоре и на некои предхидни страни. Сепак во времето на Пиро и Александар на балканот воопшто немало словени, ниту пак Скенербег бил словен.
![Тоа е :toe: :toe:](/styles/default/xenforo/emot/toe.gif)
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