Зоран Заев може да им позавиди колку е извадено од контекст тоа што е напишано и тоа што го збори.
„We had several other people in the country EVEN among Jews, the Zionists particulary who were against anything that is to be done if they couldn't have the whole of Palestine and everything handed to them on a silver plateso they wouldn't have to do anything. It couldn't be done we had to take it in small doses. You can't move five or six million people out of a country and fill it up with five or six million more and expect both sets of them to be pleased. We have all sort of objections to everything that was done, something had to be done. We went ahead and done it and had it done and now its working out eventually. I think we'll have them all satisfied, but its gona take great deal of time yet to get the job done. “
Значи кажува дека
незадоволство имало дури и кај евреите, што кажува дека претежно арапите биле тие што се незадоволни со поделбата на палестина.
Еве што е претставено на твитот
„The Zionists, particularly, were against ANYTHING that is to be done if they couldn't have the whole of Palestine “
еве што е кажано уствари (со црвено што е скриено):
We had several other people in the country EVEN among Jews, the Zionists particularly who were against anything that is to be done if they couldn't have the whole of Palestine“
Не бе, ич нема пропаганда.