Mozebi... a mozebi se e karma ko sho vika Hepta pa nekoj go ostvaruva balasot na svetloto i temnoto, zenskata i mashka energija pobrzo nekoj pokasno... nekoj ne... nekoj bez napor intuitivno a nekoj so mnogu citanje... no mislam deka toa shto se narekuva prosvetluvanje e samo percepcija vo povekje decimali, pogled so zgolemen radius... a celta e da se bide poefektno bitie ovde... kako Mahayana budizmot... beshe na planinata, go oseti, sega simni se dolu i grizi se za tvoite, se e isto no sega bez otpor.
“According to
Karma-Yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed until it has borne its fruit;
no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results.
If I do an evil action, I must suffer for it; there is no power in this universe to stop or stay it.
Similarly, if I do a good action, there is no power in the universe which can stop its bearing good results.
The cause must have its effect; nothing can prevent or restrain this.
He who in good action sees that there is something evil in it, and in the midst of evil sees that there is something good in it somewhere, has known the secret of work.
But what follows from it?
That, howsoever we may try, there cannot be any action which is perfectly pure, or any which is perfectly impure, taking purity and impurity in the sense of injury and non-injury.”
Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
И денес имаме:
“For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.”
– Liber AL vel Legis svb figura CCXX, I:44
„This verse is best interpreted by defining ‘pure will’ as the expression of the Nature, the proper or inherent motion of the manner concerned. It is unnatural to aim at any goal. (The student is required to relate to Liber LXV Chap. II, v. 24, and to the Tao Teh King).
This becomes particularly important in high grades. One is not to do anything, etc. in order to get Samadhi, like a schoolboy or a shopkeeper, but for its own sake, like an artist.“
- Aleister Crowley
Тука доаѓа до израз двете патеки во окултните води или езотеријата:
магика и јога.
Магиката е уметност. Така пишува во Магика, Книга 4 на Кроули како и во писмата дадени во „Магика без солзи“. Магиката е алатка, начин, форма, енргија, создавање... не е цел.
Што и да се постигнува на Земјата, не е тоа... но некој толку може. И нема лутење... на нашки „толку ти е чергата“, без разлика материјално, духовно, разумски... едноставно толку се може.
П.С. Терaвада будизaм.