Унгарија без многу фанфари зема кинески кредит од 1 милијарда евра, договорен бил во април
Како беше она ? Да не се сетат власите ?
The Hungarian state has taken out a one billion euro loan from China without any announcement from the government, and the amount was already drawn down in April,
portfolio.hu has discovered based on the
data on the website of the Public Debt Management Centre (Államadósság Kezelő Központ – ÁKK). The loan was taken out by the Hungarian state from the Development Bank of China, the Chinese Eximbank and the Hungarian branch of the Bank of China for a three-year term.
There was no prior information from the government on the loan, which was already drawn down in April, and which is similar to the one the state had previously taken from China for the Budapest-Belgrade railway line.