Зошто девојките не ги сакат добрите момчиња?

Член од
5 март 2023
Поени од реакции
Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.[1] The term is derived from the Greek word hubrizein (ὑβρίζειν), meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from hubris ὕβρις, "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for".
  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest.[8][9] He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day.[10] Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated, and married a woman, Carole Ann Boone, whom he had met while both were working in Washington. He proposed to her in the middle of proceedings while Boone was on the witness stand. Boone gave birth to a daughter whom it was believed Bundy had fathered.[11][12]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison despite being a gay man and a cannibal.[13]
  • Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" who killed 13 people and had "more than a passing interest" in Satanism, had fans who would write him letters and pay him visits. This included Doreen Lioy, who married him in California's San Quentin State Prison on October 3, 1996.[14] However, Lioy eventually broke ties with Ramirez in 2009 after DNA confirmed he had raped and murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung, though it seems she never legally filed for divorce.
  • Charles Manson's fangirls are also examples.[15]
  • Terrorists such as Ted Kaczynski,[16] Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik,[17] and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev[18] have also been the objects of hybristophilia.
  • School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have been posthumously subjected to hybristophilia.[19]
  • Karla Homolka, a serial killer who acted as an accomplice to her husband Paul Bernardo, is considered to be a hybristophile by some forensic psychiatrists.[20]
  • Jeremy Meeks, following his 2014 arrest for felony weapon charges, went viral on Facebook for his appearance in his mugshot. After his release, he became a fashion model
Hybristophilia е ИСКЛУЧИВО ЖЕНСКА КАРАКТЕРИСТИКА, односно некој маж кој извршил убиство или убиства е екстремно привлечен кај жените. Не сите жени имаат hybristophilia, но САМО ЖЕНИ ја имаат .

Screenshot from 2024-03-21 21-01-55.png


Член од
17 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Ти реков, едно е што на машко му се допаѓа за сексуализација, а друго што сака за нешто посериозно.

А дали си размислила на следниве 3 работи:

1. Дека не мора да одбереш уопште. Ако само такви биле дур не се појави нешто поасално нема да умреш ако си сингл во меѓувреме.

2. Чим само такви ти се удварале значи дека привлекуваш таков профил. Си помислила дека може е до тебе? До твое однесување, боди ленгвиџ, како се поставуваш, каква енергија оддаваш? Не мислиш дека може ти треба да смениш некои работи?

3. Пошто сме 21 век може и ти да си удварач. Ако не ти се допаѓаат тие што ти се удвараат удварај му се на некој што тебе ти се допаѓа. Како им е на 99% машки кои никој не им се удвара на готово туку мора сами се. За работа на пример ти аплицираш или компании тебе те бараат?
Секат се две Суси, сите знаеме.

Invisible Force

Is with me
Член од
29 јули 2021
Поени од реакции
Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.[1] The term is derived from the Greek word hubrizein (ὑβρίζειν), meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from hubris ὕβρις, "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for".
  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest.[8][9] He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day.[10] Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated, and married a woman, Carole Ann Boone, whom he had met while both were working in Washington. He proposed to her in the middle of proceedings while Boone was on the witness stand. Boone gave birth to a daughter whom it was believed Bundy had fathered.[11][12]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison despite being a gay man and a cannibal.[13]
  • Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" who killed 13 people and had "more than a passing interest" in Satanism, had fans who would write him letters and pay him visits. This included Doreen Lioy, who married him in California's San Quentin State Prison on October 3, 1996.[14] However, Lioy eventually broke ties with Ramirez in 2009 after DNA confirmed he had raped and murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung, though it seems she never legally filed for divorce.
  • Charles Manson's fangirls are also examples.[15]
  • Terrorists such as Ted Kaczynski,[16] Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik,[17] and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev[18] have also been the objects of hybristophilia.
  • School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have been posthumously subjected to hybristophilia.[19]
  • Karla Homolka, a serial killer who acted as an accomplice to her husband Paul Bernardo, is considered to be a hybristophile by some forensic psychiatrists.[20]
  • Jeremy Meeks, following his 2014 arrest for felony weapon charges, went viral on Facebook for his appearance in his mugshot. After his release, he became a fashion model
Hybristophilia е ИСКЛУЧИВО ЖЕНСКА КАРАКТЕРИСТИКА, односно некој маж кој извршил убиство или убиства е екстремно привлечен кај жените. Не сите жени имаат hybristophilia, но САМО ЖЕНИ ја имаат.
Баш читам книга во врска со оваа карактеристика. Токму од тој аспект произлегува и терминот bad boy. Но таа карактеристика има потсвесно влијание кај жените. Можеби попрецизно е она што една жена бара еден вид "татковска заштита" кај таков профил на личности ко што пиша а пак мажите бараат жена која ќе е грижлива како нивната мајка. Но тоа е само кај одредени личности или личности кај кои фали татковска или мајчина грижа.


Член од
17 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.[1] The term is derived from the Greek word hubrizein (ὑβρίζειν), meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from hubris ὕβρις, "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for".
  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest.[8][9] He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day.[10] Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated, and married a woman, Carole Ann Boone, whom he had met while both were working in Washington. He proposed to her in the middle of proceedings while Boone was on the witness stand. Boone gave birth to a daughter whom it was believed Bundy had fathered.[11][12]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison despite being a gay man and a cannibal.[13]
  • Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" who killed 13 people and had "more than a passing interest" in Satanism, had fans who would write him letters and pay him visits. This included Doreen Lioy, who married him in California's San Quentin State Prison on October 3, 1996.[14] However, Lioy eventually broke ties with Ramirez in 2009 after DNA confirmed he had raped and murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung, though it seems she never legally filed for divorce.
  • Charles Manson's fangirls are also examples.[15]
  • Terrorists such as Ted Kaczynski,[16] Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik,[17] and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev[18] have also been the objects of hybristophilia.
  • School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have been posthumously subjected to hybristophilia.[19]
  • Karla Homolka, a serial killer who acted as an accomplice to her husband Paul Bernardo, is considered to be a hybristophile by some forensic psychiatrists.[20]
  • Jeremy Meeks, following his 2014 arrest for felony weapon charges, went viral on Facebook for his appearance in his mugshot. After his release, he became a fashion model
Hybristophilia е ИСКЛУЧИВО ЖЕНСКА КАРАКТЕРИСТИКА, односно некој маж кој извршил убиство или убиства е екстремно привлечен кај жените. Не сите жени имаат hybristophilia, но САМО ЖЕНИ ја имаат .

Прегледај го приврзокот 410443
Моцарт кај ги копаш сторииве од кај мене, тука сите се излезени надвор од нормала.
Дај бе најдете му едно асално девојче да го сака и негува, изгоре момчево.


Southern comfort, southern sun
Член од
27 декември 2005
Поени од реакции
Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.[1] The term is derived from the Greek word hubrizein (ὑβρίζειν), meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from hubris ὕβρις, "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for".
  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest.[8][9] He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day.[10] Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated, and married a woman, Carole Ann Boone, whom he had met while both were working in Washington. He proposed to her in the middle of proceedings while Boone was on the witness stand. Boone gave birth to a daughter whom it was believed Bundy had fathered.[11][12]
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison despite being a gay man and a cannibal.[13]
  • Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" who killed 13 people and had "more than a passing interest" in Satanism, had fans who would write him letters and pay him visits. This included Doreen Lioy, who married him in California's San Quentin State Prison on October 3, 1996.[14] However, Lioy eventually broke ties with Ramirez in 2009 after DNA confirmed he had raped and murdered 9-year-old Mei Leung, though it seems she never legally filed for divorce.
  • Charles Manson's fangirls are also examples.[15]
  • Terrorists such as Ted Kaczynski,[16] Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik,[17] and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev[18] have also been the objects of hybristophilia.
  • School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold have been posthumously subjected to hybristophilia.[19]
  • Karla Homolka, a serial killer who acted as an accomplice to her husband Paul Bernardo, is considered to be a hybristophile by some forensic psychiatrists.[20]
  • Jeremy Meeks, following his 2014 arrest for felony weapon charges, went viral on Facebook for his appearance in his mugshot. After his release, he became a fashion model
Hybristophilia е ИСКЛУЧИВО ЖЕНСКА КАРАКТЕРИСТИКА, односно некој маж кој извршил убиство или убиства е екстремно привлечен кај жените. Не сите жени имаат hybristophilia, но САМО ЖЕНИ ја имаат .

Прегледај го приврзокот 410443
Да чат-пат и мене ми текнува на ова. Повеќе шанси имаш како сериски убиец отколку како нормален рандом маж. Уште и ако си малку поинтровертен нормален рандом маж, можеш да се сликаш.


Член од
29 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Ти реков, едно е што на машко му се допаѓа за сексуализација, а друго што сака за нешто посериозно.

А дали си размислила на следниве 3 работи:

1. Дека не мора да одбереш уопште. Ако само такви биле дур не се појави нешто поасално нема да умреш ако си сингл во меѓувреме.

2. Чим само такви ти се удварале значи дека привлекуваш таков профил. Си помислила дека може е до тебе? До твое однесување, боди ленгвиџ, како се поставуваш, каква енергија оддаваш? Не мислиш дека може ти треба да смениш некои работи?

3. Пошто сме 21 век може и ти да си удварач. Ако не ти се допаѓаат тие што ти се удвараат удварај му се на некој што тебе ти се допаѓа. Како им е на 99% машки кои никој не им се удвара на готово туку мора сами се. За работа на пример ти аплицираш или компании тебе те бараат?
Ех абе после смрт болест. Мене возот ми поминал, не ми е до маж, доста ми е мојов проблематичен го оправам колку можам и вложувам труд на прав пат да го изведам, засега покажува потенцијал па ќе видиме.
Член од
13 април 2021
Поени од реакции
Јас не можам да бирам кој ќе ми се удвара, едноставно од понудениот избор можам да одберам маж.
Ама можеш да одбериш дали си или не си заинтересирана за удварањето на удварачот.


Член од
29 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Ама можеш да одбериш дали си или не си заинтересирана за удварањето на удварачот.
Не знам дали си чула за преправање и маскирање, многу, т.е не многу него повеќето мажи глумат пред да стапат во брак.;)

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