Toa shto go narekuvame prosvetluvanje e diganje na level u svesnost, izleguvash od autopilot mod, pokraj razbiranjeto deka se ova e maja... tvoeto poimanje na svetot voopshto... stanuva jasno kako da se stavish vo upaja - da navigirash, plovish umeshno vo iluzijata. Toa i nema nekoja vrska so zivot posle smrt ami so zivot tuka.
Moze najubo prael Jovan Krstitel, gi drzel pod voda... davel za da im pukne balonot na strav od smrt i koga gi digal bile prerodeni, sposobni da ziveat ovde i sega. Site koi imale nijrd ded ekspiriens go doziveale toa, ne e strashno da se umre.
Тоа што го нарекуваат просветлување, не може да знаеме на што мислат. Симбилите се симболи за да скријат, не да откријат.
„За адептот, гледајќи го ова одозгора, не постои потреба да избира помеѓу Буда и Мухамед, помеѓу Атеизам и Теизам.“
- Liber Porta Lucis
Thus we find that Maya is not a theory for the explanation of the world; it is simply a statement of facts as they exist, that the very basis of our being is contradiction, that everywhere we have to move through this tremendous contradiction, that wherever there is good, there must also be evil, and wherever there is evil, there must be some good, wherever there is life, death must follow as its shadow, and everyone who smiles will have to weep, and vice versa. Nor can this state of things be remedied.
Thus the Vedanta philosophy is neither optimistic nor pessimistic. It voices both these views and takes things as they are. It admits that this world is a mixture of good and evil, happiness and misery, and that to increase the one, one must of necessity increase the other. There will never be a perfectly good or bad world, because the very idea is a contradiction in terms. The great secret revealed by this analysis is that good and bad are not two cut-and-dried, separate existences.
The same thing which is producing misery in one, may produce happiness in another. The fire that burns the child, may cook a good meal for a starving man. The same nerves that carry the sensations of misery carry also the sensations of happiness. The only way to stop evil, therefore, is to stop good also; there is no other way. To stop death, we shall have to stop life also. Life without death and happiness without misery are contradictions, and neither can be found alone, because each of them is but a different manifestation of the same thing. What I thought to be good yesterday, I do not think to be good now. When I look back upon my life and see what were my ideals at different times, I final this to be so.
- Vivekananda, Jnana Yoga, Maya and Illusion (Џнана јога се заморува со медитација и вистинско разбирање на постоењето тука, меѓу луѓето и зошто баш луѓе - што ќе понуди човекот на друг човек и зошто смрт, а и зошто живот на Земјата )