Qatar Airways


Член од
29 јануари 2012
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Денес не направив ни јас ништо, повеќе среќа и знаење, шарм и убавина следниот пат ;)Ко ќе има следен пат, плс известуј тука, ако нешто не сум во можност да дознаам :)
bev zadovoeln sum od uslovite top e se ali na mene cv mi bese krsh i najverojatno radi toa ne mis e ni javia taka da poise sreka next time inace ako me viknat obavezno idam ne se dvoumam zdravje slednoto
Член од
28 март 2013
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Dali nekoj znae koga e sledniot datum na intervjua od Qatar Airways ?


Еве нешто инфо плус :)

Член од
8 септември 2012
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Да ја отворам пак темата бидејќи сакам да ве прашам колку висина е потребно за машкиот пол ?


Еден од многуте случаи кои се издешаваа во 2013 , ама чисто сумљам ке излезат на крај ко што треба.
Еве еден артикл од поранешен пилот кој ја суди компанијата.

He was fired without reason and “was never paid for his work” shortly afterwards, the suit says.
He alleges Qatar Airways withheld $40,000 from him for 24 days and cancelled his Qatari residential permit. He claims the airline blocked him from leaving the country even though he had interviews in other countries.
--- надополнето: 6 јануари 2014 во 11:28 ---
И секако едно мало потсетување пред да аплицирате за стјуарди/стјуардеси за QA

With Qatar Airways, you can be terminated for simple reasons as forgetting to give a glass of water, wine or coffee to a passenger.
It will then be your word against the passenger’s and most likely your word is rendered worthless. You can be terminated, demoted, or receive a warning letter.
You can lose your job for personal photos of you (not even posted in facebook) or parking your car in the wrong place in front of company official premises.

The latest news of terminations was because the company has been checking the photos posted by the crew on Facebook. Any crew caught smoking or with cigarettes around will be fired instantly!

There is no other airline in the world that has a CEO who uses profanity while addressing his staff. He even uses these words in the presence of young females.
The most common phrase that he will say goes something like this, “If you think you come here for, think again. You come here to work.”
Or, “if you came here to f....k young girls, go home.”
He has also said something like this, “you didn’t come here to travel, you came here to serve passengers.”

Со среќа на сите оние кои аплицираат :)


Член од
15 април 2012
Поени од реакции
Еден од многуте случаи кои се издешаваа во 2013 , ама чисто сумљам ке излезат на крај ко што треба.
Еве еден артикл од поранешен пилот кој ја суди компанијата.

He was fired without reason and “was never paid for his work” shortly afterwards, the suit says.
He alleges Qatar Airways withheld $40,000 from him for 24 days and cancelled his Qatari residential permit. He claims the airline blocked him from leaving the country even though he had interviews in other countries.
--- надополнето: 6 јануари 2014 во 11:28 ---
И секако едно мало потсетување пред да аплицирате за стјуарди/стјуардеси за QA

With Qatar Airways, you can be terminated for simple reasons as forgetting to give a glass of water, wine or coffee to a passenger.
It will then be your word against the passenger’s and most likely your word is rendered worthless. You can be terminated, demoted, or receive a warning letter.
You can lose your job for personal photos of you (not even posted in facebook) or parking your car in the wrong place in front of company official premises.

The latest news of terminations was because the company has been checking the photos posted by the crew on Facebook. Any crew caught smoking or with cigarettes around will be fired instantly!

There is no other airline in the world that has a CEO who uses profanity while addressing his staff. He even uses these words in the presence of young females.
The most common phrase that he will say goes something like this, “If you think you come here for, think again. You come here to work.”
Or, “if you came here to f....k young girls, go home.”
He has also said something like this, “you didn’t come here to travel, you came here to serve passengers.”

Со среќа на сите оние кои аплицираат :)

Да, го читав ова на форуми. Emirates, in other hand се тотално про-западна компанија. Кога веќе некој аплицира, нека аплицира таму. За година дена, би можел и јас да си испробам среќата.
Член од
29 ноември 2013
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Дали има некој што бил на последниот open day на Qatar airways да сподели искуство :)
И некој што веќе работи за Qatar или Emirates да сподели свое искуство

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