Филмови, режисери, актери: Генерална дискусија


Џонтра Волта

Умрел тој, таа, тоа од Палп Фикшн, Alexis Arquette, братот-сестра на Patricia Arquette.

Arquette’s brother, actor Richmond Arquette, posted a statement about her death on Facebook (via People):
Our brother Robert, who became our brother Alexis, who became our sister Alexis, who became our brother Alexis, passed this morning September 11, at 12:32 am.


Blade Torch

Баш ми се гледаше вилмче како The ones below. Хорор не е, ама драма заебана е! 7ца чиста.

Џонтра Волта


Dr. King Schultz and Paula Schultz – Dr. King Schulz is a character in the movie "Django Unchained,"wich is a German dentist turned bounty hunter. Paula Schultz is the name of the grave that Beatrix Kiddo (The bride) from the movies (Kill Bill Volume 1 and Kill Bill Volume 2) was buried. Paula Schultz was the wife of Dr. King Schultz.One theory I found interesting is in Django Unchained. While searching the web for these connections I found a theory on the Miramax website that speculated about Dr. King Schultz and why he was in the bounty hunting business at all. In the beginning of the movie, Django asks him how long he has been a dentist and he answers with he had given up dentistry almost five years ago to become a bounty hunter. Dr. King Schultz never talks about family much, but it is speculated that his wife, PAULA, left him and that is why he took up the business. Later his wife realizes the terrible deed she has done and goes out seeking him, only to find he has been killed by Calvin Candie. After hearing this she is so devastated she never gets married again, and keeps Dr. King Schultz’s last name. Finally she dies in 1893, buried with the tombstone that says PAULA SCHULTZ 1823-1893. Sound familiar? That’s the same grave that Beatrix Kiddo is buried alive in almost one hundred years later. This I found really interesting. Although there is no evidence to prove that Paula Schultz was intact Dr. King’s wife, the name is the same, and the date matches the time she could have possibly died.

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17 октомври 2011
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Како што минатите две години беа во знакот на Ињариту, така годинава изгледа му се смешкаат наградите на Пабло Лараин (Чиле, режисерот на номинираниот за Оскар - No, и минатогодишниот фестивалски хит El Club). Чиле го предложиле за Оскар неговиот Neruda (повторно со Гаел Гарсија Бернал во главна улога), а по Венеција и buzz-от по неговото првенче на англиски - Jackie (зеде награда за најдобро сценарио), многу веројатно е да собере некои од наградите. За сега, Натали Портман е ран фаворит за Оскарот за главна женска улога за Jackie, а ништо чудно Лараин да лапне и номинација за режија.

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