Фан Клуб: Шкендија


Член од
5 јули 2012
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Cenite 150, za Balisti 100den.

Pak komedija od nivna strana... no ke gi otvorime ko pasteta pak!


Pobeda ostvarena potesko od ocekuvanjata poradi toa sto ne gi iskoristija sansite u prvo i posle u vtoro totalno im ka propustija igrata pri 2 0. Ovdeka trenerot e kriv. Atmosferata voobicaena, poln stadion. Na drugata strana se na se dali imase 10 min navivanje od vkupnite 62 koi odlucija da navivaat. Dobro e 3 boda si se 3 boda a pa na vakov natprevar znacat mnogu pojke. Tipicno gradsko derbi bese toa na terenot

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Последно уредено:


Член од
26 февруари 2009
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Добро со оглед на тоа дека бевме без Алими на средината на теренот, па и Бесир Демири принудно играше како лев бек бидејќи и Ашковски е повреден.

Некако врската помеѓу Милиев и Вукчевич не функционира, ама за тоа треба време. Секако и на младиот Адили треба да му се даде шанса.

Супер издание денеска од трибините, грмевме.[DOUBLEPOST=1425229515][/DOUBLEPOST]Хах пак на 22 Март играме против барбиките. :ROFLMAO:[DOUBLEPOST=1425231124][/DOUBLEPOST] 11043159_830169933706316_9104662587275107953_o.jpg
Последно уредено:
Член од
19 април 2010
Поени од реакции
08.03 Shkendija - Pelister
15.03 Bregalnica - Shkendija
22.03 Shkendija - Teteks
29.03 Sileks - Shkendija
05.04 Shkendija -
08.04 Shkendija -
12.04 Rabotnicki - Shkendija
19.04 Shkendija - Vardar
26.04 Turnovo - Shkendija

Utre go treba da go cekame Renova i Metalurg za 4 i 6 mesto


Член од
5 јули 2012
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Super raspored spored mene.. do mecot protiv Rabotnicki vo Skopje treba da gi zgazime site!
Член од
17 август 2006
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Честитке за победата иако со спорни моменти (поништениот гол и недосуден пенал у 90 за Тетекс) зедовте три бода што е најважно, на 22 Март пак дуел. А денеска паролата со гаргамел и штрумгојте ви беше самоубиство :aplauz:


Член од
26 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
08.03 Shkendija - Pelister
15.03 Bregalnica - Shkendija
22.03 Shkendija - Teteks
29.03 Sileks - Shkendija
05.04 Shkendija -
08.04 Shkendija -
12.04 Rabotnicki - Shkendija
19.04 Shkendija - Vardar
26.04 Turnovo - Shkendija

Utre go treba da go cekame Renova i Metalurg za 4 i 6 mesto
Во Штип ќе кикснеме.

Барем со Ренова да ни беше гостински натпревар.


Член од
26 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции

We are thankful to the fans for the correct support
On Sunday the fans present in stadium supported the club in the best way, especially ‘Ballistët’ who deserve the maximum grade.

Two days after the 2:1 victory in local derby against Teteks, Shkendijas presidency feels it like a moral obligation to publicly thank the fans for the correct support they gave. On Sunday the fans present in stadium supported the club in the best way, especially ‘Ballistët’ who deserve the maximum grade. As we criticize when things are not going well, now we felt that is the time to praise and thanks our fans the best ones in the world. We are grateful for the continuous support that was granted to the squad, the great patience during the game, that in reality didn’t came up as we expected, the maximum restraint even when rivals showed their usual offensive vocabulary and in the end God rewarded us with the so desired victory. The ‘red and black’ fans once again showed that they are different. That can hold their self to provocations from the other side. ‘Ballistët’ on Sunday showed how they can totally ignore the rival and all the time support their team, demonstrating superior support in the tribune that was followed with style and culture. Supporters of Shkëndija have finally understood that now at tribunes the number of women, our sisters and our wives is increasing and in this positive direction is the fact that negative and offensive chants is decreasing. ‘Ballistët’ on Sunday made the next step towards full awareness, suggesting that the most important is the support that will be given to players on their path to new successes. So there is nothing left except a big thank you to everyone who contributed to such a attitude that gave a different image which we hope will be followed more and more in the future. We are different, “Ballistët ‘are the number’ 1 ‘and’ Shkëndija is more than just a football club.

- See more at: http://www.kfshkendija.com/falenderim-tifozeve-per-animin-korrekt/?lang=en#sthash.bh2iCa6P.dpuf

Alimi back from injury
Alimi started with slight jogging last week, while on Monday he joined the training session of the players who didn’t play against Teteks.

Armend Alimi is fully recovered and starting from Monday he was present in the team training. The midfielder was outside the training process since the preparations in Antalya, when as a result of pain in the right leg bone he stoped to train with the team and has exercised individually. After the team came back in Tetovo and the detailed examinations he continued the rehab process in collaboration with the medical team. Alimi started with slight jogging last week, while on Monday he joined the training session of the players who didn’t play against Teteks. He now feels good and is ready for the next challenge with Pelister.

- See more at: http://www.kfshkendija.com/alimi-rikthehet-ne-stervitje/?lang=en#sthash.7dubu4R2.dpuf


Член од
5 јули 2012
Поени од реакции
"We are grateful for the continuous support that was granted to the squad, the great patience during the game, that in reality didn’t came up as we expected, the maximum restraint even when rivals showed their usual offensive vocabulary and in the end God rewarded us with the so desired victory".


Goran Bt

локал патриот
Член од
28 јуни 2009
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Има шанси да се одложи?
Какво е времето во Тетово?
Незнам оти ама...
Член од
7 јули 2014
Поени од реакции
Честитке за победата иако со спорни моменти (поништениот гол и недосуден пенал у 90 за Тетекс) зедовте три бода што е најважно, на 22 Март пак дуел. А денеска паролата со гаргамел и штрумгојте ви беше самоубиство :aplauz:
Edna od najdobrite koreo toa godinava :)

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