Теорија на Шуплива VS Рамна Земја


Женкар, Илуватар
Член од
17 март 2014
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Чим Шекил вика рамна била рамна е.
Шала на страна рамен му е коефициентот на интелект. Исто како јас да кажам дека со палачинки играл кошарка а не со топки. Од сите теории оваа ми е најтапа и најмалце веродостојна. Ако некој тврди дека земјата е рамна тогаш мора да даде објаснување на многу работи.
Како прво за гравитацијата, ако е лажна нека даде факти како се создава таа артифицијална гравитација.
Второ денот и ноќта, нека даде слики од лефлекторот да видиме дека не е сонце. Трето вода,плима-осека.
Да беше Америка монопол во вселената може ќе верував ама вака веќе премногу земји се уклучени во вселената кој со физичка присутност кој со сателити така да не верувам дека нешто кое го знаат илјадници луѓе може да остане тајна.


Член од
23 ноември 2015
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Earth.jpeg Moon.jpeg Mars.jpeg Jupiter.jpeg Saturn.jpeg Sun.jpeg

The Formulas of Gravity
When Galileo performed his experiments on gravity over 300 years ago, he found that the
acceleration of gravity above the surface of the earth varies as to the earth's radius
distance squared. Expressed in a formula this is:
K = a * r 2
Acceleration of Gravity formula
K = a planetary constant of gravity
r = the planetary radius
a = the acceleration of gravity
With this formula, the acceleration of gravity can be obtained at any distance from a
planet's surface.
The gravitation formula was developed from the Acceleration of Gravity formula. Solving
for a:
a = K / r 2
This was substituted into the momentum force formula,
F = M * a
Momentum Force Formula
making it:
F = M * K / r 2
Since K is a planetary constant, a universal gravitation constant was necessary to
calculate the gravitation force of any body in space. K was then replaced in the formula
by G, the universal gravitation constant to make it:
F = G M / r 2
For any planet of radius r, F = a, the surface acceleration of gravity, therefore,
a = G M / r 2
Since GM has replaced K in the Acceleration of Gravity formula, then:
K = GM
The gravitation constant is the gravity force exerted by a unit amount of matter. The
gravity force exerted by a whole planet would be:
F = GM
Since the acceleration of gravity varies as to the distance squared that bodies are from
each other, then it is assumed that the gravitation force between two bodies in space
varies as to their inverse distance squared.
Let's return to the Momentum formula. For a small body falling towards the surface of a
planet the momentum force is,
F = m * a
If we substitute a for the Acceleration of Gravity formula we get,
F = m * K / r 2
Since we have determined that the gravity force for a planet, K = GM, we can substitute
GM for K to arrive at the gravity force acting between the small mass and the gravity of
the whole planet,
F = m * GM / r 2
Thus, the final gravitation force formula is:
F = GmM / r 2
The Gravitation Force Formula
How does the gravity force relate to orbital velocity? To understand this, we must
analyze how the acceleration of gravity relates to the momentum of a mass in orbit. You
can learn how orbital velocity relates to orbital radius by observing a bucket whirled about
yourself on the end of a rope. It is found that as the radius distance increases, the
velocity of the bucket decreases.
In fact, it has been found that squaring the orbital velocity of a satellite in orbit about a
planet divided by the orbital radius equals the acceleration of gravity towards that planet
at the orbital radius distance. This keeps the satellite in orbit. Like the bucket, if the
orbital radius is increased, the orbital velocity of the satellite decreases. The first
satellites put up into orbit orbited the earth in about 60 minutes. Later telecommunication
satellites were placed further out, at the distance called the geosynchronous orbit at
22,243.528 miles. At that orbital distance from the earth, the satellite stays directly over
one spot on the ground below giving it an orbital period of about 24 hours.
So the relationship of the acceleration of gravity to orbital velocity is,
a = v 2 / R
When we substitute this into the momentum formula,
F = m * a
we get the centrifugal force formula:
F = m * v 2 / R The Centrifugal Force Formula
When we substitute a = v 2 / R into the Acceleration of Gravity formula, K = a * r 2 , for a
theoretical surface orbiting satellite where the planetary radius r = R, the orbital radius, we
K = R 2 * v 2 / R, which reduces to:
K = v 2 * R
The Orbital Velocity Formula
To summarize, in our study of gravity, we have to work with,
three planetary constant formulas:
K = a * r 2
K = GM
K = v 2 * R
The Acceleration of Gravity Formula
The Planetay Mass Formula
The Orbital Velocity Formula
and three force formulas:
F = m * a
F = GmM / R 2
F = m v 2 / R
The Momentum Force Formula
The Gravitation Force Formula
The Centrifual Force Formula
From the geosynchronous formula, R^3 = GMT^2 / 4 pi^2,
G = 4 pi^2 R^3 / T^2 M
And since
G = K / M,
Then also,
K = 4 pi^2 R^3 / T^2
In order to calculate the mass of the planets, it was necessary to obtain a unit value for
gravity. How much gravitational force does one gram of matter exert? This was answered
when the gravitation constant was directly measured in the Cavendish experiment.


Член од
23 ноември 2015
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Шупливата Земја - одговор на сите мистерии вклучувајки го и Големиот Арканум. Пирамиди, диносауруси, мамути, Нефилим Џинови, Сиви Вонземјани, НЛО...



Член од
10 мај 2017
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Koga kje procitam vakvi raboti na forumov :pos::rolleyes::blablab::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::confused::ROFLMAO::vrtioci::eek::facepalm::facepalm::shook::lut::icon_lol::pos:,a,be,ste zabegale.....


Член од
23 ноември 2015
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In connection with
the origin of the
icebergs is the
origin of the
remains of tropical
wildlife which are
found in the Arctic.
Robert B. Cook,
writing in the
KNOWLEDGE for 1884, tells of the remains of not only mammoths but of hairy rhinoceros, reindeer,
hippopotamus, lion, and hyena, found in the northern glacial deposits and cannot explain why the
supposedly extinct prehistoric mammoth is lying side by side of the remains of present-day wildlife. The
truth of the matter is that all these animals were trapped in the frozen rivers in the interior and floated out in
the icebergs many of which came to rest on the shores of Siberia and other northern coasts thereby
depositing their trapped and preserved loads of frozen animals.

In fact, a mammoth was actually found encased in an iceberg. In J.W. Buel's, THE WORLD'S WONDER'S,
we read that in 1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff discovered a tremendous elephant
preserved in a huge block of ice clear as crystal along the banks of the river Lena. The flesh was cut off for
dog meat and fed upon by wolves until as a skeleton it was removed to St. Petersburg Museum of Natural
History. Other fresh frozen mammoths were later discovered and scientific banquets featuring ancient foods
including the supposedly ancient frozen mammoth were held.
However, the mammoth's true place of origin
is from within Our Hollow Earth. In Olaf
Jansen's journeys inside Our Hollow Earth he
reported, "One day we saw a great herd of
elephants. There must have been five hundred
of these thunderthroated monsters, with their
restlessly waving trunks. They were tearing
huge boughs from the trees and trampling
smaller growth into dust like so much
hazel-brush. They would average over 100
feet in length and from 75 to 85 in height."
(THE SMOKY GOD, p. 126)



Член од
23 ноември 2015
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The World's Top Secret!:
The Greatest Geographical Discovery In History!

There is a saying that the truth is stranger than fiction. Certainly this is so concerning the
greatest geographical discovery in modern history, which is, that our assumed solid earth is
really HOLLOW with openings near the poles, and that the inner surface of our planet is
populated by a highly advanced civilization.

Confirming that the earth is indeed hollow, in February 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew north from Alaska beyond the north pole
on a flight of 1700 miles over the Arctic Ocean and came to a land covered with
vegetation, lakes and rivers and even saw a prehistoric-type mammoth in the
underbrush. Again in 1956 he flew inside the earth this time from McMurdo
Sound in the Antarctic on a flight of 2,300 miles. Overland continually, after
passing the pole he came to a land with subtropical vegetation, rivers and
lakes, before he had to turn back for lack of fuel. (WORLDS BEYOND THE
POLES, F. Amadeo Giannini, (Quoting from press and radio releases))
News of Byrd's discovery was suppressed by the United States government and by the
International Illuminist Conspiracy which has a substantial control over most of the
governments of the world including the United States.
So great was this fabulous discovery by Admiral Richard Byrd, that news of it was quickly
suppressed. Shortly after the initial announcement of Admiral Byrd's flights through the polar
openings, U.S. Navy Intelligence clamped down on any further publication of the greatest
geographical discovery in history. Henceforth, Our Hollow Earth has been the WORLD'S TOP
The secret that our Earth is HOLLOW, has been hid purposely from the world. A secret
society of the world's richest and most influential men, called the Order of the Illuminati, an
International Conspiratorial organization, has kept the discovery of Our Hollow Earth a secret.
This secret society was founded May 1, 1776 at Ingolstadt, Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt, as
detailed in Professor John Robison's book, Proofs of a Conspiracy, first published in 1798.
The Order of the Illuminati has as it's goal to take over the whole world through Socialism and
then Communism. These super-rich of America and Europe come close to controlling the
world today and one of their most dominant movements is Communism. They have giant
foundations, repositories of practically tax-free money, with which they push their goals into
realities. Through it's control of big business and it's control of world governments including
the United States government, which it controls 60 to 80%, the Illuminati has successfully
influenced the scientific community into opposition to any idea that would indicate that the
earth is a hollow spheroid, or that anything in space is hollow.


Член од
10 мај 2017
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The World's Top Secret!:
The Greatest Geographical Discovery In History!

There is a saying that the truth is stranger than fiction. Certainly this is so concerning the
greatest geographical discovery in modern history, which is, that our assumed solid earth is
really HOLLOW with openings near the poles, and that the inner surface of our planet is
populated by a highly advanced civilization.

Confirming that the earth is indeed hollow, in February 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew north from Alaska beyond the north pole
on a flight of 1700 miles over the Arctic Ocean and came to a land covered with
vegetation, lakes and rivers and even saw a prehistoric-type mammoth in the
underbrush. Again in 1956 he flew inside the earth this time from McMurdo
Sound in the Antarctic on a flight of 2,300 miles. Overland continually, after
passing the pole he came to a land with subtropical vegetation, rivers and
lakes, before he had to turn back for lack of fuel. (WORLDS BEYOND THE
POLES, F. Amadeo Giannini, (Quoting from press and radio releases))
News of Byrd's discovery was suppressed by the United States government and by the
International Illuminist Conspiracy which has a substantial control over most of the
governments of the world including the United States.
So great was this fabulous discovery by Admiral Richard Byrd, that news of it was quickly
suppressed. Shortly after the initial announcement of Admiral Byrd's flights through the polar
openings, U.S. Navy Intelligence clamped down on any further publication of the greatest
geographical discovery in history. Henceforth, Our Hollow Earth has been the WORLD'S TOP
The secret that our Earth is HOLLOW, has been hid purposely from the world. A secret
society of the world's richest and most influential men, called the Order of the Illuminati, an
International Conspiratorial organization, has kept the discovery of Our Hollow Earth a secret.
This secret society was founded May 1, 1776 at Ingolstadt, Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt, as
detailed in Professor John Robison's book, Proofs of a Conspiracy, first published in 1798.
The Order of the Illuminati has as it's goal to take over the whole world through Socialism and
then Communism. These super-rich of America and Europe come close to controlling the
world today and one of their most dominant movements is Communism. They have giant
foundations, repositories of practically tax-free money, with which they push their goals into
realities. Through it's control of big business and it's control of world governments including
the United States government, which it controls 60 to 80%, the Illuminati has successfully
influenced the scientific community into opposition to any idea that would indicate that the
earth is a hollow spheroid, or that anything in space is hollow.
Aj,ovoj bil glupav i lud,ama site shto mu veruvaat se ushte poludi od nego. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos::pos:


Star Platinum
Член од
30 август 2017
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Mislev deka ovie idiotski teorii Bea isklucitelmo za hard-core religious conspiracy theorists of Amerika. Ispagja deka I kaj Nas imalo tezok idiotizam.


Член од
10 мај 2017
Поени од реакции
Mislev deka ovie idiotski teorii Bea isklucitelmo za hard-core religious conspiracy theorists of Amerika. Ispagja deka I kaj Nas imalo tezok idiotizam.
Jas sum religiozna licnost,pocituvam i razbiram tugji mislenja kolku shto mozam,no ovie epten zabeguvaat so toa shupliva i ramna,bash e tezok idiotizam,pa ima kupishta dokazi deka Zemjava e elipsoid.Kolku samo lugje umrea zatoa shto imaa dokazi deka planetava ima elipsoidna forma.Koga vekje se koristi Google,neka se koristi pametno.Na nekoi izgleda deka glavata im e shupliva. :tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp: :pos::pos::pos::pos::pos:


Star Platinum
Член од
30 август 2017
Поени од реакции
Jas sum religiozna licnost,pocituvam i razbiram tugji mislenja kolku shto mozam,no ovie epten zabeguvaat so toa shupliva i ramna,bash e tezok idiotizam,pa ima kupishta dokazi deka Zemjava e elipsoid.Kolku samo lugje umrea zatoa shto imaa dokazi deka planetava ima elipsoidna forma.Koga vekje se koristi Google,neka se koristi pametno.Na nekoi izgleda deka glavata im e shupliva. :tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp::tapp: :pos::pos::pos::pos::pos:
Mnogumina sakaat so sila idiotida se pravat za da ubedat idioti deka see sledniot Kopernik ili Galilej, za da bidat zapomneti na nekoj nacin, ane da umrat kako sad fucks(kako sho se).

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