Препораки за игри


Matt Akisson
Член од
12 септември 2007
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Ke умрам чекајки MAFIA II :nesum:
Play Stalker Clear Sky while you wait. :)

За Prince Of Persia, ке земам некој ден ке го фрлам писито низ терасата. Од глупавата камера ми пука филмот веке, незнам веке колку пати скока на погрешна страна, намесно нагоре се залетува на страна кога трча по ѕидот и паѓа во пм. Ако немаш Sands да се враташ назад, ке треба пак да ги играш последните 10-15 минути.
Член од
2 април 2006
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Купи си гејмпад.

Корун,се кладиме дека ГТА вади над 9 од Gamespy ? :)


Член од
30 јануари 2007
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Фифа 2009 и Пес 2009 ? :)
Ја тие ги чекам, и менаџер исто, за другиве неам надеж дека ќе можам да ги играм.
Член од
13 февруари 2007
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* The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria

+ Тип на игра: MMORPG
+ Датум на излегување: 15.10.2008 (сеуште не е потврдено, но сигурно е дека ќе биде оваа есен)
+ Краток опис: Mines of Moria е првата експанзија за минатогодишната MMORPG сместена во Толкиновиот свет. Оваа експанзија освен што го зголемува максималниот левел на карактерите на 60, носи и три нови области, две нови класи и таканаречени Legendary Weapons кои левелираат паралелно со карактерот.
+ Оцена од Metacritic.com: \
Член од
13 февруари 2007
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Requiem: Bloodymare.

Не сум ја имал таа прилика да ја пробам, ама доста ја фалат. Според многумина оваа е една од најдобрите free MMORP игра.
Член од
13 август 2008
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jas gi cekam Gta 4 i Fifa 2009 ama ne znam dali ke mi gi prima, aj neka pise nekoj ksto ke bara Gta 4


u jelly?
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Абе Ред Алерт 3 не е фпс игра,поправи тоа
Член од
13 август 2008
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GTA 4 (pc) Sistem Requirements--preporacano--

Dual Core processor (Intel Pentium D or better)
Ram: 2GB
Hard Drive: 18GB free hard disk space
Video Card: 512MB Direct3D 10 compatible video card or Direct3D 9 card compatible with Shader
Drive: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive

Izvor:Game Spot Forums.....


Matt Akisson
Член од
12 септември 2007
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Ова е recommended,он сака минимални да знае :)
Треба да додаде.. Rumors.

Left 4 Dead is an upcoming multiplayer co-operative survival horror first-person shooter game by Valve Corporation. The game has been built using Valve's Source engine and will be available on Microsoft Windows and the Xbox 360. Left 4 Dead pits four human playable or AI controlled survivors of an apocalyptic pandemic against hordes of zombie-like, aggressive "Infected". The Survivors' goal is to help each other make it through various scenarios to safety. The Infected are controlled by an AI that dynamically balances difficulty and mood depending on the players' progress and situation. In an alternate game mode, human players can control up to four mutated Boss Infected with special abilities and cooperate to stop the Survivor players.
The expected release date for Left 4 Dead is November 18, 2008 in the U.S. and November 21, 2008 in Europe to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the release of Half-Life.[2]


Matt Akisson
Член од
12 септември 2007
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We're happy to announce that World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King will ship in standard as well as Collector's Edition packages. The Collector's Edition will come in a special box that contains many exclusive extras to enhance your adventure into Northrend, including:
  • World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King on DVD-ROM.
  • The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a 208-page book featuring never-before-seen images from the game.
  • An exclusive in-game pet: Frosty, the baby frost wyrm.
  • A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, the Wrath of the Lich King intro cinematic with director’s commentary, and more.
  • The official soundtrack CD, containing 21 epic tracks from the game, along with exclusive bonus tracks.
  • A mouse pad featuring a map of the newly opened continent of Northrend.
  • Two World of Warcraft Trading Card Game March of the Legion™ starter decks, along with two exclusive cards available only in the Collector’s Edition.
The behind-the-scenes DVD will offer developer interviews and commentary on all aspects of the creation of Wrath of the Lich King, as well as trailers and cinematics from the game, and even footage of panel discussions from BlizzCon 2007.

Collector's Edition owners will also be able to take their adventures from the computer to the tabletop with two starter packs for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game -- one for themselves and one to share with a friend. In addition, Collector's Edition owners will receive two exclusive tournament-legal World of Warcraft Trading Card Game cards to incorporate in their decks or trade with other World of Warcraft TCG players.

With the Collector's Edition-exclusive in-game pet, Frosty the baby frost wyrm, you'll be the envy of your guildmates and other players as you roam the expanses of Northrend.

A soundtrack CD with stirring music from the expansion pack, a beautiful coffee table book with exclusive concept art, and a Northrend-themed mouse pad round out the wealth of bonus items available in the Collector's Edition of World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King. Head over to our Wrath of the Lich King Pre-Order page now to learn more about pricing and availability of both the Standard and the Collector's edition.


Wanna play a game?
Член од
14 февруари 2007
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Уште не се искочени (барем ги нема по торенти) Far Cry 2 и Crysis: Warhead.

Таман си викам да ги пуштам да се симињаат, да поиграм уште нешто пред да почне факултетов...

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