Hellz Guardian
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Ко прво да кажам само дека има Многу тежок англиски али сепак многу е лесно еден другар од ирска го напиша и браво за идеава екстра е.Е да и не е за нубци ова
WoW Scam Guide:
This is the complete guide on using /DnD to scam people's information. I have been given permission to post this complete guide, provided I delete all my other DnD guides.
This scam is very easy and noob friendly, you just need to have good talking skills and persistence. I have a lot of experience doing this scam, so do not say that it doesn't work. No, it does not only work on noobs, just it is more successful on them.
This scam can be used to obtain the following information:
-Account Name / Password
-Email Address
-WoW TCG Codes
-Phone Numbers
-Somebodies Full Name
-Anything else you can think of.
Below I will explain the Account Name / Password scam in detail, then include conversations on how I obtain the other information.
This scam is about 60% success rate depending on the audience you try it on, if you are scamming level 70's this scam is less successful than trying to scam lower levels. I use this scam mainly for gold, not to keep the account... but you may use it however you please.
Account name + password!
[1] Find a Victim.
Anyone is fine, just try to find someone that is not busy, also do not try to scam 2 people of the same guild with this because chances are they will tell eachother if you are caught.
[2] Set up the Scam.
Tell them that they look like they are pretty good at WoW, if they have a lot of epic gear, comment on it, if they do not... duel them and lose, then tell them they are pretty good.
[3] Turning Point.
This is the time in the scam where it will either work, or fail.
Ask them what their player rating is. Usually you will get responses as follows:
-You mean Arena Rating?
-What is that?
-Player rating..?
For the first response, tell them that Player Rating is different, it is something you have to check by logging into the Player Rating System. Tell them that to log into the player rating system they need to type this:
/timetest/DnD [Account Name] [Password]/player rating
/timetest is a command that is used for testing certain things in game, most people don't know wtf it is, it will make a little fps meter show up on your screen and Taxi Time Test ON will show up in your chat. This makes the scam look more legit.
[4] Reaping the Harvest.
Now you wait, if you are right next to them in game, it is ideal because then you can see when they go <DnD> If you are not, follow my instructions:
-Add them to Friends
-Open and close friends list until they go DnD.
Now, all you have to do is wait... and wait... if they say "hah your a noob" just ignore them and move to the next victim. If they say "I dont really wanna put my password in there." Then just ignore that, and keep talking about your player rating and how high your friends rating is etc. Make them want to check theirs.
Once they go <DND> its pretty obvious what to do... whisper them saying "Got your rating yet dude?" or something along those lines. You will receive their DnD Message back with their info, congrats!
Getting email and other information.
Getting this informations is about 1000 times easier than the account info. Just I advise you... unless you are doing this on a complete noob, do not try to do the /dnd account name password AND the email / name one on them... they will get very suspicious.
To get their email, it is very easy, I use 2 ways of obtaining their email. The first one is as follows:
-Tell them you are quitting WoW, ask them if they want your account.
-If they say yes, say that you do not want to get banned for trading info in game, so you will send it over email.
-They give you email address.
The second way of obtaining their email is by asking them if they recieve the Blizzard Update Email... the blizzard update email contains information on new items, new enchants, and much more... sent to your email. [Just kidding I made that up.] Now tell them if they want to recieve the update all they need to do is type
/DnD [Email Address]
Once they go DnD whisper them, and you have their email.
So do you always see those people spamming trade wanting to sell TCG codes? Find one that sounds legit, and whisper them, tell them that you are interested in buying their TCG card but you want them to "verify" it as being real first. They will ask you "How do I verify?" Thats when you tell them to type this in:
/dnd [Wow TCG code here]
Also, if you know the format for the TCG cards, XXX-XXXXXX-XXX or something like that, put that in the place of [WoW TCG Code here] it will make it look more legit. Now you wait for them to go DnD and you have their TCG code!
Ok, after all of this, your bound to know how to use DnD pretty well so I will not explain the rest of the many ways to use this, however I will include the conversations for them below.
Account Name / Password Scam.
Scammer: Hey dude, that was a pretty epic duel we had, your pretty awesome, whats your player rating, its gotta be pretty high.
Victim: You mean arena rating..?
Scammer: Nah dude, your player rating, it sums up all your kills / deaths into one score.
Victim: Oh, how do I check it..?
Scammer: First type /timetest, then log into the system by typing /dnd account name password. After that, type /player rating.
Victim: Ok, one sec... I dont wanna put my info into the game. =/ for safety reasons.
Scammer: My rating is 1754, dude, like my friends rating is 1987 I was like wtf how did he get that high!
Victim: Whoa nice.
Scammer: Did you get yours yet? yours is probably around 2000 from the looks of it.
Victim:Uh, ok i'll do it one sec.
Owned, now you just need to pst them when they go DnD.
Scammer: Hey dude... did you hear about that new enchant coming out?
Victim: No why, what was it?
Scammer: Its called Deathwish, it has a chance on hit of reducing a targets health by 50% for 20 seconds.
Victim: Wtf, thats tight.
Scammer:Yeah it is.
Victim: Where did you hear about it?
Scammer: Oh, in the Blizzard WoW update email, you dont get it...?
Victim: Noo, how do I subscribe?
Scammer: Just type /dnd [Email Address]
Victim: oh ok, nice, i'll do it now.
Might take a bit more effort than that, but most people won't think anything of it.
WoW TCG Codes
Scammer: So I hear your selling a Spectral Tiger Mount huh?
Victim: Yeah dude, are you interested?
Scammer: Sure, but listen, I've been scammed before, So I need you to verify the code for me first.
Victim: Verify? How do I do that?
Scammer: Its easy, you just need to put in a script, if it works, than it should link the mount into chat.
Victim: What is the script?
Scammer: /dnd [TCG Code Here] = Verify.
Victim: Ok i'll check it hold on.
Scammer: Ok cool, just make sure to get the code exact.
Victim <DND>: It didnt work.
Scammer: Oh, its not valid then.
Victim: wtf yes it is.\
Now pst them, and get your TCG Code!
Birthday [Used for recalling email password]
Scammer:LMAO! did you know you can set WoW to tell people when your birthday is.
Victim: ... how?
Scammer: Just type /dnd [M/D/Y]
Victim: Really 1 sec
Scammer: Ok, but if the date isnt the birthday you put while signing up for WoW, it will not accept.
Victim:Mmmk i'm going to put mine in.
Scammer: Ok cool haha
Victim<DND>: K finished!
You know what to do.
Someone's full name.... this is a bit risky but works around 60% of the time.
Scammer: lol I just got 2k gold out of nowhere.
Victim: WTF how.
Scammer: All you have to do is sit at the gates of SW, gold sellers tell their clients to come pick up the gold they bought here.
Victim: What do I do there?
Scammer: Just go /dnd [Your Full Name]
Victim: It works?
Scammer: Just got me a bunch of gold!
Victim: Can't I just put a fake name?
Scammer: Nah, they check the name on your account first, but they just give it to whoever is there to pick it up.
Victim: Mmmk, going to go "grind" for my epic flyer now, DnD style =]
Pst them when they go DnD outside of SW, then watch them wait there for 2 hours HAHA!
WoW Scam Guide:
This is the complete guide on using /DnD to scam people's information. I have been given permission to post this complete guide, provided I delete all my other DnD guides.
This scam is very easy and noob friendly, you just need to have good talking skills and persistence. I have a lot of experience doing this scam, so do not say that it doesn't work. No, it does not only work on noobs, just it is more successful on them.
This scam can be used to obtain the following information:
-Account Name / Password
-Email Address
-WoW TCG Codes
-Phone Numbers
-Somebodies Full Name
-Anything else you can think of.
Below I will explain the Account Name / Password scam in detail, then include conversations on how I obtain the other information.
This scam is about 60% success rate depending on the audience you try it on, if you are scamming level 70's this scam is less successful than trying to scam lower levels. I use this scam mainly for gold, not to keep the account... but you may use it however you please.
Account name + password!
[1] Find a Victim.
Anyone is fine, just try to find someone that is not busy, also do not try to scam 2 people of the same guild with this because chances are they will tell eachother if you are caught.
[2] Set up the Scam.
Tell them that they look like they are pretty good at WoW, if they have a lot of epic gear, comment on it, if they do not... duel them and lose, then tell them they are pretty good.
[3] Turning Point.
This is the time in the scam where it will either work, or fail.
Ask them what their player rating is. Usually you will get responses as follows:
-You mean Arena Rating?
-What is that?
-Player rating..?
For the first response, tell them that Player Rating is different, it is something you have to check by logging into the Player Rating System. Tell them that to log into the player rating system they need to type this:
/timetest/DnD [Account Name] [Password]/player rating
/timetest is a command that is used for testing certain things in game, most people don't know wtf it is, it will make a little fps meter show up on your screen and Taxi Time Test ON will show up in your chat. This makes the scam look more legit.
[4] Reaping the Harvest.
Now you wait, if you are right next to them in game, it is ideal because then you can see when they go <DnD> If you are not, follow my instructions:
-Add them to Friends
-Open and close friends list until they go DnD.
Now, all you have to do is wait... and wait... if they say "hah your a noob" just ignore them and move to the next victim. If they say "I dont really wanna put my password in there." Then just ignore that, and keep talking about your player rating and how high your friends rating is etc. Make them want to check theirs.
Once they go <DND> its pretty obvious what to do... whisper them saying "Got your rating yet dude?" or something along those lines. You will receive their DnD Message back with their info, congrats!
Getting email and other information.
Getting this informations is about 1000 times easier than the account info. Just I advise you... unless you are doing this on a complete noob, do not try to do the /dnd account name password AND the email / name one on them... they will get very suspicious.
To get their email, it is very easy, I use 2 ways of obtaining their email. The first one is as follows:
-Tell them you are quitting WoW, ask them if they want your account.
-If they say yes, say that you do not want to get banned for trading info in game, so you will send it over email.
-They give you email address.
The second way of obtaining their email is by asking them if they recieve the Blizzard Update Email... the blizzard update email contains information on new items, new enchants, and much more... sent to your email. [Just kidding I made that up.] Now tell them if they want to recieve the update all they need to do is type
/DnD [Email Address]
Once they go DnD whisper them, and you have their email.
So do you always see those people spamming trade wanting to sell TCG codes? Find one that sounds legit, and whisper them, tell them that you are interested in buying their TCG card but you want them to "verify" it as being real first. They will ask you "How do I verify?" Thats when you tell them to type this in:
/dnd [Wow TCG code here]
Also, if you know the format for the TCG cards, XXX-XXXXXX-XXX or something like that, put that in the place of [WoW TCG Code here] it will make it look more legit. Now you wait for them to go DnD and you have their TCG code!
Ok, after all of this, your bound to know how to use DnD pretty well so I will not explain the rest of the many ways to use this, however I will include the conversations for them below.
Account Name / Password Scam.
Scammer: Hey dude, that was a pretty epic duel we had, your pretty awesome, whats your player rating, its gotta be pretty high.
Victim: You mean arena rating..?
Scammer: Nah dude, your player rating, it sums up all your kills / deaths into one score.
Victim: Oh, how do I check it..?
Scammer: First type /timetest, then log into the system by typing /dnd account name password. After that, type /player rating.
Victim: Ok, one sec... I dont wanna put my info into the game. =/ for safety reasons.
Scammer: My rating is 1754, dude, like my friends rating is 1987 I was like wtf how did he get that high!
Victim: Whoa nice.
Scammer: Did you get yours yet? yours is probably around 2000 from the looks of it.
Victim:Uh, ok i'll do it one sec.
Owned, now you just need to pst them when they go DnD.
Scammer: Hey dude... did you hear about that new enchant coming out?
Victim: No why, what was it?
Scammer: Its called Deathwish, it has a chance on hit of reducing a targets health by 50% for 20 seconds.
Victim: Wtf, thats tight.
Scammer:Yeah it is.
Victim: Where did you hear about it?
Scammer: Oh, in the Blizzard WoW update email, you dont get it...?
Victim: Noo, how do I subscribe?
Scammer: Just type /dnd [Email Address]
Victim: oh ok, nice, i'll do it now.
Might take a bit more effort than that, but most people won't think anything of it.
WoW TCG Codes
Scammer: So I hear your selling a Spectral Tiger Mount huh?
Victim: Yeah dude, are you interested?
Scammer: Sure, but listen, I've been scammed before, So I need you to verify the code for me first.
Victim: Verify? How do I do that?
Scammer: Its easy, you just need to put in a script, if it works, than it should link the mount into chat.
Victim: What is the script?
Scammer: /dnd [TCG Code Here] = Verify.
Victim: Ok i'll check it hold on.
Scammer: Ok cool, just make sure to get the code exact.
Victim <DND>: It didnt work.
Scammer: Oh, its not valid then.
Victim: wtf yes it is.\
Now pst them, and get your TCG Code!
Birthday [Used for recalling email password]
Scammer:LMAO! did you know you can set WoW to tell people when your birthday is.
Victim: ... how?
Scammer: Just type /dnd [M/D/Y]
Victim: Really 1 sec
Scammer: Ok, but if the date isnt the birthday you put while signing up for WoW, it will not accept.
Victim:Mmmk i'm going to put mine in.
Scammer: Ok cool haha
Victim<DND>: K finished!
You know what to do.
Someone's full name.... this is a bit risky but works around 60% of the time.
Scammer: lol I just got 2k gold out of nowhere.
Victim: WTF how.
Scammer: All you have to do is sit at the gates of SW, gold sellers tell their clients to come pick up the gold they bought here.
Victim: What do I do there?
Scammer: Just go /dnd [Your Full Name]
Victim: It works?
Scammer: Just got me a bunch of gold!
Victim: Can't I just put a fake name?
Scammer: Nah, they check the name on your account first, but they just give it to whoever is there to pick it up.
Victim: Mmmk, going to go "grind" for my epic flyer now, DnD style =]
Pst them when they go DnD outside of SW, then watch them wait there for 2 hours HAHA!