
Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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А да не си грешка нешто?
Ај испитај се подобро што значи Ошо, и кој му го дал тоа име...дали ја знаеш историјата за името...
Белиот облак не е дестинација неповрат (мада на извесен начин би можело да се важи и тоа),...
белиот облак е на кај дувне ветерот...таму ќе одиш
Е сега...ако вие Ошоистите се слагате со тоа да одите кај ве дувне ветерот....:P...

Една од причините зошто го напуштив Ошо беше тоа...мада има уште една поголема од неа...:cool:
Абе тоа значи... На Зен Мастерите во јапан им го давале овој збор како почит... така да возљубен значи...
Инаку не сум ошоист... а ветрот може некад и да не дува... е тогаш што правиме...? ајде одоговри и ти на едно прашање лесно е да даваш прашања... И после ме мрзело па ќе ме мрзи цело време само јас работам ти се одмараш...:P:D


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Абе тоа значи... На Зен Мастерите во јапан им го давале овој збор како почит... така да возљубен значи...
Инаку не сум ошоист... а ветрот може некад и да не дува... е тогаш што правиме...? ајде одоговри и ти на едно прашање лесно е да даваш прашања... И после ме мрзело па ќе ме мрзи цело време само јас работам ти се одмараш...:P:D
Брат..еве книгата е пред мене...значи преведувам буквално
7 јануар 1989г Бхагван Схрее Рајнеесх изјавува официално дека сака да го промени името по своја сопствена воља. бидејки првиот дел од името Бхагван Схрее за многу луѓе значело „Бог“
Своите ученици едногласно усвоиле да се вика ОШО.
Термино доаѓа од „Osheanic“ од енглиски, што значи „да се вплотиш со океанот“. Мегутоа , океанот е чисто искуство, а како ќе го наречеш оној кој го експериментира тоа искуство?
За да го дефинираат тој поим го нарекле „Ошо“.
Покасно, виделе дека и во Јапонскиот Зен се користил тој термин.....оној кој е благословен, да се биде оној на кој небото остава да паѓаат еден дожд од цвекина.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Брат..еве книгата е пред мене...знаци преведувам буквално
7 јануар 1989г Бхагван Схрее Рајнеесх изјавува официално дека сака да го промени името по своја сопствена воља. бидејки првиот дел од името Бхагван Схрее за многу луќе значело „Бог“
Своите ученици едногласно усвоиле да се вика ОШО.
Термино доаѓа од „Osheanic“ од енглиски, што значи „да се вплотиш со океанот“. Мегутоа , океанот е чисто искуство, а како ќе го наречеш оној кој го експериментира тоа искуство?
За да го дефинираат тој поим го нарекле „Ошо“.
Покасно, виделе дека и во Јапонскиот Зен се користил тој термин.....оној кој е благословен, да се биде оној на кој небото остава да паќаат еден дожд од цвекина.
Епа да де благословен, возљубен слично е... се мисли на возљубен од унивезумот од постоењето, од целината... и не кажав дека е тоа буквален превод зошто и не може да биде баш буквален... А како го добил Багван Ражјнијш името Ошо не ми беше поентата...


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Абе тоа значи... На Зен Мастерите во јапан им го давале овој збор како почит... така да возљубен значи...
Инаку не сум ошоист... а ветрот може некад и да не дува... е тогаш што правиме...? ајде одоговри и ти на едно прашање лесно е да даваш прашања... И после ме мрзело па ќе ме мрзи цело време само јас работам ти се одмараш...:P:D
Абе море..јас се отепав од работа....го поминав твојот пат...те прашувам за да не „забегаш “ од патот, да не те дувне ветерот во некој ќорсокак..:P..


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Абе море..јас се отепав од работа....го поминав твојот пат...те прашувам за да не „забегаш “ од патот, да не те дувне ветерот во некој ќорсокак..:P..
Не дува ветерот кај мене веќе... затишје пред бура е... со трпение ја очекувам бурата... а додека ја чекам си уживам во мирното ведро време со цветовите, дрвјата и пепрутките... и си пијам :coffee:...:P


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Не дува ветерот кај мене веќе... затишје пред бура е... со трпение ја очекувам бурата... а додека ја чекам си уживам во мирното ведро време со цветовите, дрвјата и пепрутките... и си пијам :coffee:...:P
А замисли..јас пијам чај...го сварив на жената, таа нејке и ке мора јас да го пијам....како енглезите сум...во 16ч чај...ако е надвор 38 топло


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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А замисли..јас пијам чај...го сварив на жената, таа нејке и ке мора јас да го пијам....како енглезите сум...во 16ч чај...ако е надвор 38 топло
Ме изнасмеа бе...:pos: (y) Ајде наздравје чајот... остај го да ти се олади јас така правам со кафето ќе го сварам и едно саат време не го пијам...:D

Donald Sikert

Jane Vitington
Член од
28 ноември 2008
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А замисли..јас пијам чај...го сварив на жената, таа нејке и ке мора јас да го пијам....како енглезите сум...во 16ч чај...ако е надвор 38 топло
Aj koa kje zavrtis na pivo ili vino, vikaj:cool:


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Amrito, everybody is getting old. Since the day you were born, you have been getting old
-- each moment, each day. Childhood is a flux, so is youth -- just old age never ends,
because it terminates! That is the unique quality of old age, that it brings you to ultimate
rest. But you want a few laws for middle age... You are a man of medicine, you should
know better.
As far as I am concerned, I have never been a child, never a youth, and never become old
and never will die. I know only one thing in me that is absolutely unchanging and eternal.
But just for your sake...
There are many laws about middle age, because all over the world people become old.
And many thinkers have been thinking, What is this old age? The first law is De Never's
Lost Law; obviously about old age, the law can be the last: Never speculate on that which
can be known for certain.
You know perfectly well you are getting old, now don't speculate on that, that will make
you more miserable.
The law is beautiful, never speculate on that which can be known for certain. In fact, in
life, except death nothing is certain; everything can be speculated upon, but not death.
And old age is just the door to death.
Middle age is when you begin to exchange your emotions for symptoms.
Lendel's Law: You know you are getting old when a girl calls "No," and all you feel is
Old age is when you start to turn out the lights for economical rather than romantic
Old age is that period of life when your idea of getting ahead is staying even.
Old age is when you can do just as much as ever, but would rather not.
Old age is a mysterious experience, but all these laws have been found by the Western
mind. I have not been able to discover anybody in the whole literature of the East talking
about old age. On the contrary, old age has been praised immensely, because in the East
it has been thought that you are not old. If your life has simply moved on the horizontal
line, you are only aged. But if your life, your consciousness, has moved vertically,
upwards, then you have attained the beauty, the glory of old age. Old age in the East has
been synonymous with wisdom.
These are the two paths: one is horizontal, from childhood to youth, to old age and to
death; another is vertical, from childhood to youth, to old age, and to immortality. The
difference in quality of both the dimensions is immense, incalculable. The man who
simply becomes young, and old, and dead, has remained identified with his body. He has
not known anything about his being, because being is never born and never dies; it is
always, it has been always, it will be always, it is the whole of eternity.
On the vertical line the child becomes young, but the youth on the vertical line will be
different from the youth on the horizontal line. Childhood is innocent, but that is the point
from where these two different dimensions open up. The youth on the horizontal line is
nothing but sensuality, sexuality and all kinds of other stupidities. The youth on the
vertical line is a search for truth, is a search for life -- it is a longing to know oneself.
A man on the vertical line cannot be called young if he is not meditative, and the same is
true about old age. On the horizontal line, old age is simply trembling, afraid of death; I
cannot think of anything except a graveyard, and darkness which goes on becoming
darker and darker. It cannot conceive of himself except as a skeleton.
On the vertical line, old age is a celebration; it is as beautiful as man has ever been.
Youth is a little foolish -- is bound to be; it is inexperienced, but old age has passed
through all the experiences -- good and bad, right and wrong -- and has come to a state
where it is no longer affected by anything concerned with body or mind.
It is a welcome! old age on the vertical line is keeping its door open for the ultimate guest
to come in. It is not an end, it is a beginning of a real life, of an authentic being.
Hence, I continuously make the distinction between growing old and growing up. Very
few people have been fortunate to grow up; the remainder of humanity has only been
growing old. And naturally they are all moving towards death. Only on the vertical line
does death not exist; that is the way to immortality, to divinity. And naturally, when one
becomes old on that dimension, he has a grace and a beauty and a compassion and love.
It has been noted again and again... There is a statement in Buddhist scriptures that as
Buddha became older, he became more beautiful. This I call a true miracle. Not walking
on water -- any drunkard can try that. Not turning water into wine -- any criminal can do
that. This is a true miracle: Buddha became more beautiful than he was in his youth; he
became more innocent than he was in his childhood -- this is growth.
Unless you are moving on the vertical line, you are missing the whole opportunity of life.
But here our whole effort is to block the horizontal line and open the blocked vertical
line. Then every day you are coming closer to life, not farther away. Then your birth is
not the beginning of death, your birth is the beginning of eternal life. Just two different
lines and so much difference.
The West has never thought about it; the vertical line has never been mentioned because
they haven't been brought up in a spiritual atmosphere where the real riches are inside
you. Even if they think of God, they think of him outside. Gautam Buddha could deny
God -- I deny God. There is absolutely no God for the simple reason that we want you to
turn inwards. If God is -- or anything similar -- it has to be found inside you; it has to be
found in your own eternity, in your own ecstasy.
To think of oneself as a body-mind structure is the most dangerous idea that has
happened to people. That destroys their whole grace, whole beauty, and they are
constantly trembling and afraid of death, and trying to keep old age as far away as
possible. In the West, if you say to an old woman, "You look so young," and she knows
she is no longer young, she will stand in front of the mirror for hours to check whether
any youthfulness has remained anywhere. But she will not deny it, she will be immensely
happy. In the East, nobody says to an old woman, "You are young"; on the contrary, old
age is so respected, loved, so that to say to somebody, "You look younger than your age,"
is a kind of insult. .
I am reminded of one incident that happened life...
I was staying in Chanda -- a far corner of Maharashtra -- with a very rich family, and they
were very much interested in an astrologer. They loved me and I used to go at least three
times per year. That was their quota, and I used to stay there for at least three or four days
each time. Once when I went there, without asking they had arranged with the astrologer
to come and to look at my hands and tell some things about me. When I came to know
about it, everything was fixed; the astrologer was sitting in the sitting room. So I said,
"Okay, let us enjoy that too!"
I showed him my hand; he pondered over it and he said, "You must be at least eighty
years old."
Of course, one of the daughters of the rich man freaked out, "This is stupid. What kind of
At that time I was not more than thirty-five -- even a blind man could have measured
thirty-five and eighty! She was really angry, and she told me, "I am finished with this
astrologer. What else can he know?"
I said, "You don't understand. You are more Westernized -- educated in the Western
style. You have been to the West for your education -- you can't understand what he was
She said, "What was he saying? It was so clear there is no need to understand; he was
simply showing his stupidity. A thirty-five-year-old young man, and he is saying that you
are eighty years old."
I said, "Be patient."
And I told her a story about Emerson...
A man asked Emerson, "How old are you?"
Emerson said, "Nearabout three hundred and sixty years."
The man could not believe... and he had always believed in Emerson that he is a man of
truth! What had happened -- a slip of the tongue? Or had he become senile? Or is he
To make things clear he said, "I did not hear what you said. Just tell me how much...?"
Emerson said, "You have heard it -- three hundred and sixty years."
The man said, "I cannot believe it. You don't look more than sixty years."
Emerson said, "You are right in a way: on the vertical I am three hundred and sixty, and
on the horizontal I am sixty."
Perhaps he was the first Western man to use this Eastern expression of horizontal and
Emerson was immensely interested in the East, and he had a few glimpses which bring
him closer to the seers of the UPANISHADS. He said, "Actually I have lived sixty years;
you are right. But in sixty years I have lived as much as you will not be able to live even
in three hundred and sixty years. I have lived six times more."
The vertical line does not count years, it counts your experiences. And on the vertical line
is the whole treasure of existence -- not only immortality, not only a feeling of
divineness, but the first experience of love without hate, the first experience of
compassion, the first experience of meditation -- the first experience of the tremendous
explosion of enlightenment.
It is not a coincidence that in the West, the word `enlightenment' does not have the same
meaning as in the East. They say that after the black ages, dark ages, came the age of
enlightenment. They refer to people like Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jaspers as
very enlightened geniuses. They don't understand that they are misusing a word, dragging
it into the mud. Neither is Bertrand Russell enlightened nor Jean-Paul Sartre nor Jaspers.
Enlightenment does not happen on the horizontal. Even in his old age Jean-Paul Sartre
was still running after young girls. Bertrand Russell changed his wife so many times, and
he lived long on the horizontal -- almost a century. But even in his old age, his interests
were as stupid as young people.
The East understands that the word `enlightenment' has nothing to do with genius, has
nothing to do with intelligence, it has something to do with discovering your real,
authentic being. It is discovering God within you.
Amrito, you need not be worried about laws. Those laws are all on the horizontal line. On
the vertical line there is love, no law; there is the growing experience of becoming more
and more spiritual and less and less physical, more and more meditative and less and less
mind, more and more divine and less and less of this trivial material world in which we
are so much enmeshed.
On the vertical line, slowly you feel desires disappearing, sensuality disappearing,
sexuality disappearing, ambitions disappearing, will to power disappearing... your slavery
in all its aspects disappearing -- religious, political, national. You become more of an
individual. And with your individuality growing clear and luminous, the whole humanity
is becoming one in your eyes -- you cannot discriminate.
There are great experiences on the vertical line; on the horizontal line there is only
decline. On the horizontal line the old man lives in the past. He thinks of those beautiful
days, those Arabian nights when he was young; he thinks also of those beautiful days
when there was no responsibility and he was a child running after butterflies. In fact, for
his whole life he has been running after butterflies -- even in old age.
Mulla Nasruddin was passing along a street...
And he saw a beautiful young woman so he gave her a good nudge. The woman was
shocked, because Mulla was old; all his hairs were pure silver white. The woman said,
"You should be ashamed -- all your hairs are pure white. You are the age of my
grandfather -- you should have been dead by now. You are showing your ugliness....
Mulla said, "Listen, my hairs are white, that's true, but my heart is still black -- dark
On the horizontal line, that's what happens -- your hairs will become white, but you don't
become white. In fact, on the contrary: as you grow old, you become more and more
infatuated by desires, because now you know that ahead there is only death. So you enjoy
as much as possible, although enjoying becomes difficult, physically you have lost the
energy. So the old man on the horizontal line becomes cerebrally sexual; he is
continuously thinking of sex.
Psychologists have been watching thousands of people, and they have concluded that
every man thinks of a woman at least once in three minutes. Just check it! That will show
you on what line you are -- horizontal or vertical. And each woman thinks of a man one
time in seven minutes. That is the difference that creates conflict. The moment the
husband comes and asks, "Dear, what about it?" and she says, "I have a headache, don't
torture me any more..." The difference is that she thinks of it only one time in seven
minutes, that means one day in seven days...!
The man thinks of the woman one time in three minutes, that is average. In old age those
three minutes shrink into one minute. The old man has nothing else to do but to think --
and what else is there to think about? He imagines beautiful women.
One day Mulla Nasruddin was sitting on his balcony watching the beautiful sunset...
And suddenly he shouted to his servant, "Bring my glasses, bring my glasses quickly!"
The servant said, "What calamity has happened?" He brought his glasses.
Mulla said, "You idiot, when I say quick it mean quick. We missed the opportunity."
The servant said, "I don't understand, what opportunity?"
He said, "Such a beautiful woman was going by, but my eyes can't figure out whether she
is a woman or a man, whether she is really beautiful or I am imagining. Glasses were
needed, but by the time you brought the glasses she was gone."
The servant said, "You are under the wrong impression; she was not a woman! He is my
brother who has come to see me. Nobody else has passed."
The old man is continuously thinking of the past -- this is the psychology. The child
thinks of the future because he has no past; there is no question of thinking of the past --
no yesterday. He thinks of days to come, the whole long life. Seventy years gives him
space... He wants to become big enough quickly to do things that all the big people are
The old man has no future -- the future means death; he does not even want to talk about
the future. The future makes him tremble. The future means the grave -- he talks about
the past.
And the same is true about countries. For example, a country like India never thinks of
the future. That would mean it had become old; it is symptomatic. It always thinks of the
past. It goes on playing the life of Rama and Sita; for centuries the same story... every
village performs that drama. It goes on thinking about Buddha and Mahavira and
Adinatha and RIGVEDA and the UPANISHADS.
Everything has passed. Now the country is simply waiting to die; there is no future.
According to the Indian idea -- and that is the idea of the old mentality, the mind of the
old man -- the best age was millions of years ago; it was called satyuga, the age of truth.
After that man started falling.
You can see the psychological parallel; there are four ages: childhood, the young man,
middle age, the old man. According to these four he has projected four ages for life itself.
The first age was innocent, just like a child -- very balanced. They give the example that
it has four legs just like a table, perfectly balanced. And then the decline starts....
In India, the idea of evolution has never existed, but on the contrary just the opposite
idea. The word is not even used in the West -- you may not have even heard of the word -
- but in India they have been thinking about involution, not evolution: "We are shrinking,
we are falling down."
In the second stage of the fall one leg is lost; the table becomes a tripod. It is still
balanced, but not as much as it was with four legs. In the third stage it loses another leg;
now it is standing only on two legs, absolutely unbalanced. And this is the fourth stage:
even two legs are not available; you are standing on one leg -- how long you can stand?
The first stage is called satyuga, the age of truth; the second is simply named by the
number; treta is the third, because only three legs are left. The second is called dwapar.
Dwa is exactly what two is in English; this `two' comes from the Sanskrit dwa; moving
through many other languages it becomes twa, and then finally it becomes two. And the
fourth age they have called kaliyuga, the age of darkness.
We are living in the age of darkness. This is the mind of the old man: ahead there is only
darkness and nothing else. The child thinks of the future, of the golden future; the old
man thinks of the golden past. But this happens only on the horizontal line. On the
vertical line, the past is golden, the present is golden, the future is golden; it is a life of
tremendous celebration.
So rather than being worried about the laws of old age, think about which line your train
is moving on. There is still time to change trains; there is always time to change trains
because from every moment that bifurcation is available. You can shift, shift from the
horizontal to the vertical; only that is important.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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A da zemesh edna cela kniga da postirash?
Ova nekako kratko mi stoi.....:P
Kako ipsi si....samo fotokopii
Ха ха... абе ако не ти се чита не читај ја да си ставам тоа што ми е интересно(плус ти и онака не знаеш англиски хихихих:P) :D


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Ха ха... абе ако не ти се чита не читај ја да си ставам тоа што ми е интересно(плус ти и онака не знаеш англиски хихихих:P) :D
ma ne e shtosot jas kolku znam i shto znam....shtosot e da se nauchi neshto i da go primenish...
vaka si kako ateistive....samo definicii i prepiski...
nema evolucija taka..nema

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