Па Феникија граничела со денешен Египет.
Добро де, ја знаеме приказната за Кадмо.
арно ама , ова е друга приказна.....помодерна....
Или не си видел добро, или што е работата
сакаш да кажеш дека Шќиптарите / Геги дошле од Фениќија / Египет...или Сомалија?
кажи,нема да згрешиш.....
прашањето е, кога дошле?
колку што знаеме,Фениќаните / Египтјаните немале колонии во Шќиперија.....до пред доаѓањето на Турците?
--- надополнето ---
Ne znam dali nekoj ima preneseno do sega.Najnovo e deka Medicinskiot fakultet od Tetovo uchestvuval vo genetsko istrazuvanje vo sklop na
Evropskite genetichari vo koe se slozile da stojat pod referencata PJRM vo dokumentot.Vo toa istrazuvanje ucestvuvale nashite sosedi iskluchuvajki gi Makedoncite.
Celta na istrazuvanjeto bilo da se vidi do kade bile neolitskite migracii od Mala Azija i da se doprecizira ulogata na haplogrupata E vo shirenjeto na zemjodelstvoto i stocharstvoto.Kaj Albancite od Makedonija vo skriptata e posocen sledniot rezultat po haplogrupi=>
E1b1b1a2=34.4-Neolitski doselenici
R1b1b2=18.8 Kavkaz
E1b1b1c=3.1 Balochi
Further subdivisions of J1-M172 have uncovered more recent Bronze age expansions from Turkey and the Balkans (КОН САУДИСКА АРАБИЈА) traced by the J2-M67/M92 and J2-M12 subgroups [21,34,35].
Saudi Arabian Y-Chromosome diversity and its relationship with nearby regions-Abu-Amero 2009
Saudi Arabian=Avari?
ај,не биди смешен...
имале ли твоите "авари" татковци?
ај да видиме кои се?
Haplogroup IJ is a descendant branch of Haplogroup IJK which in turn derives from the greater Haplogroup F. Descendants are Haplogroup I and Haplogroup J.
Various episodes of population movement have affected southeast Europe, and the role of the Balkans as a longstanding gateway to Europe from the Near East is illustrated by the phylogenetic unification of Hgs I and J by the basal M429 mutation. This evidence of common ancestry suggests that ancestral IJ-M429* Y chromosomes probably entered Europe through the Balkan route sometime before the Last Glacial Maximum.
They subsequently evolved into Hg J in the Middle East and Hg I in Europe in a typical disjunctive phylogeographic pattern. Such a geographic corridor is likely to have experienced additional subsequent gene flows, including the migration of agricultural colonists from the Middle East. Pottery is a useful proxy for the spread of farming both spatially and temporally. The first appearance of pottery in the Adriatic region was in Corfu at 6500 BC and reached the northern most Adriatic B1000 years later.
Its dispersal provides a comparative template for spatial and temporal patterns of Y chromosome Hg diversity observed in this area.
Y-chromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast Europe-Vincenza Battaglia 2008
Underhill PA, Myres NM, Rootsi S et al: New phylogenetic relationships for Y-chromosome haplogroup I: reappraising its phylogeography and prehistory; in Mellars P, Boyle K, Bar-Yosef O, Stringer C (eds): Rethinking the Human Revolution. Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute Monographs, 2007, pp 33– 42.
Forenbaher S, Miracle PT: The spread of farming in the Eastern Adriatic. Antiquity 2005; 79: 514– 528.
и т.н.
Е хг неолитски доселеници?
колу неолитски костури досега се откриени,ниеден нема од Е хг......
што велиш за турско/арапска наезда?
--- надополнето ---
turete i pepel na igenea...
we do not find the most common Y chromosome hgs in modern Europe (e.g.,
R1b, R1a, I, and E1b1=
neolitski doselenici![Возбуда :vozbud: :vozbud:](/styles/default/xenforo/emot/vozbud.gif)
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