


boeing nasa i MIT veke razvivaat nov tip na transporten avion

perhaps during our lifetimes....

Body: The flying wing would be constructed out of advanced composite materials and be divided by 10 intermediate ribs that run from the front to the back of the aircraft. These ribs divide the aircraft into 10 separate passenger bays. The body is fused together with the engine and wings, creating one lifting surface. This lightweight design allows the flying wing to use 25 percent less fuel than a 747.

Passenger Bays: The aircraft would carry 800-1000 passengers in a double-deck cabin that is divided into five bays per deck. Most passengers won't have a window, so the aircraft will have video screens that display window views. Each bay will have doors at the front and back to make emergency exits easier.
Engines: Three jet engines, called high-bypass-ratio engines, would be constructed into the rear of the aircraft's body. Air that is on and near the surface of the wing would flow through the flying wing's curved inlets and into its engines.

Potential Advantages:
-Improved fuel economy
-Reduced noise impact (if the engines are placed above the wings)
-Enormous payload advantages in strategic airlift/air freight and aerial refueling roles
Problems that need to be overcome:
-Difficulty in control, owing to the lack of a tail
-Greater strength needed to maintain internal pressure, compared to tube-shaped body
-Due to the majority of passengers' location far from the roll axis of the aircraft, passengers will be far more affected as a result of a steep turn than they would be in a conventional tube-with-wings airliner, where all the passengers are located immediately next to the roll axis
-Most of the aircraft's occupants will not be able to see a window for looking outside the aircraft at their immediate disposal; a system of 'false-windows', such as LCD displays at each seat or each group of seats that would simulate the presence of a window through use of an externally mounted camera. -Emergency evacuation of a passenger aircraft may also pose a challenge.

'Silent aircraft': How it works
Engineers from the University of Cambridge and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have unveiled a radical design for a "silent aircraft".
The team says any noise from the concept aircraft, known as the SAX-40, would be "imperceptible" beyond the boundaries of an airport. It would also burn far less fuel than conventional planes.
The design is the result of three years' work and includes both new and existing technologies.
Here, the BBC News website details some of the design's key features.

1. Airframe
2. Engines
3. Exhausts
5. Trailing edge
4. Undercarriage
6. Leading edge

i zaboraviv da potsetam ke moze od 700 do 1000 patnici da prevezuva:nesvest:


Член од
5 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Па овој авион има многу голем проблем!!!
Во случај на несреќа, колку време ќе им треба на тие од средината да излезат надвор?

Duffy Duck

Pilot Lovac
Член од
12 мај 2006
Поени од реакции
Па овој авион има многу голем проблем!!!
Во случај на несреќа, колку време ќе им треба на тие од средината да излезат надвор?
Во целава студија тоа е мислам еден од најмалите проблеми . . .


alte Esel
Член од
22 март 2005
Поени од реакции
BlendedWingBody konceptot e mnogu dobra zamisla...stara zamisla , no duri sega malku poveke se analizira , iako tesko da se realizira...vo segasna situacija.
Za info..prvo ovde:
Inaku Burnelli, e poznat po avioni so koncept , a skicata na posledniot negov proekt e epten indikativna..:)

ova e eden od prvite ,

ova od vremeto na WW2


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