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- 17 март 2005
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После банкротот на јужниот сосед, сега е најавен генерален штрајк во Шпанија против “реформите’’ на премиерот 3апатеро.
Се очекува штрајкот да ја парализира земјата.
Официјално, петина од населението е незапослено (неофицијално многу повеќе се разбира).
Доброто е што сега со голо око се гледа каква р’ѓа е Европската Унија, но лошото е што се поместува фокусот од Грција.
It is the first time in six years that the beleaguered Zapatero, whose party has slipped badly in opinion polls, has faced a trade union rebellion. Unions hope hundreds of thousands will join the marches, which look set to kick off a long-running battle for Spain's future.
With the economy still in recession after almost two years, Zapatero is now running a country with 4 million unemployed. A million Spanish households have no bread-winner and predictions for the future are grim.
The government forecasts that the economy will continue to shrink this year and some believe unemployment could rise to 22%.
Economists led by the head of the Spanish central bank, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, are demanding pension and labour market reforms in order to get Spaniards back to work.
But unions claim workers are being unfairly expected to shoulder the blame – and the pain – of recession and instead pin the responsibility on bankers and business leaders.
Some union leaders have already threatened a general strike if Zapatero tries to impose reforms.
"If it is done by decree, then the reply will be at that level," warned Javier López of the Workers Commissions union.
López's union is leading tomorrow's protests with Spain's other main trade union, the General Workers' Union. They have called a series of marches in cities across the country over the next three weeks.
The marches were sparked by Zapatero's proposal that Spaniards delay retirement from 65 to 67 in order to ensure the long-term stability of the country's pensions.
His announcement, at last month's World Economic Forum in Davos, was seen as an attempt to calm markets and stop Greece's debt crisis from engulfing Spain as well. But it provoked a furious reaction from unions, who said they expected pension reform to be negotiated with them first.
"This pensions business is a first warning about where they are coming from," López warned. "We will reply to each and every attack."
Zapatero's government has already withdrawn some pension reform proposals. But reform is needed to help bring down Spain's bulging budget deficit, which hit 11.4% of GDP last year.
The PM is having increasing trouble meeting his twin aims of keeping both unions and debt markets happy. "My government is characterised by its defence of social programmes and for maintaining and extending workers' rights in good times and bad, and that is how I will continue," Zapatero said today.
On a visit to London last week Zapatero announced an austerity drive to bring debt down and attacked the hedge funds and bankers he blames for Spain's problems.
Boom to bust
Jesús Muñoz left school two years ago, but has never worked. "Things are bad. Most young people here are unemployed," he said. In a country with 40% youth unemployment, he is far from unique.
Muñoz comes from Villacañas, a small industrial town in La Mancha where the dizzying transition from boom to bust reflects the deeper problems in Spain's outdated economy.
Factories line the road into town. Some are closed, with signs advertising unused machinery for sale. The others make doors for homes. But an exploded property bubble has left Spain with more than 1m unsold new houses and construction has ground to a halt.
Factory car parks are half-empty, as most have laid off large numbers of workers. Villacañas was once a place where you could leave school at 16 and immediately find a well-paid factory job. But no-one expects the door trade to pick up for many years. Spanish builders started more than 760,000 new homes in 2006, but only 201,000 in 2008.
Those who leave school at 16, as a third of Spaniards currently do, face a gloomy future. Most economists say Spain can no longer grow on the back of cheap, unqualified labour. New jobs will require skills and education.
Pensioner Eugenio Sánchez blames Spain's equivalent of sub-prime mortgages, rather than global meltdown, for the hard times. "People were getting 120% mortgages," he said. "That is madness."
Се очекува штрајкот да ја парализира земјата.
Официјално, петина од населението е незапослено (неофицијално многу повеќе се разбира).
Доброто е што сега со голо око се гледа каква р’ѓа е Европската Унија, но лошото е што се поместува фокусот од Грција.
It is the first time in six years that the beleaguered Zapatero, whose party has slipped badly in opinion polls, has faced a trade union rebellion. Unions hope hundreds of thousands will join the marches, which look set to kick off a long-running battle for Spain's future.
With the economy still in recession after almost two years, Zapatero is now running a country with 4 million unemployed. A million Spanish households have no bread-winner and predictions for the future are grim.
The government forecasts that the economy will continue to shrink this year and some believe unemployment could rise to 22%.
Economists led by the head of the Spanish central bank, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, are demanding pension and labour market reforms in order to get Spaniards back to work.
But unions claim workers are being unfairly expected to shoulder the blame – and the pain – of recession and instead pin the responsibility on bankers and business leaders.
Some union leaders have already threatened a general strike if Zapatero tries to impose reforms.
"If it is done by decree, then the reply will be at that level," warned Javier López of the Workers Commissions union.
López's union is leading tomorrow's protests with Spain's other main trade union, the General Workers' Union. They have called a series of marches in cities across the country over the next three weeks.
The marches were sparked by Zapatero's proposal that Spaniards delay retirement from 65 to 67 in order to ensure the long-term stability of the country's pensions.
His announcement, at last month's World Economic Forum in Davos, was seen as an attempt to calm markets and stop Greece's debt crisis from engulfing Spain as well. But it provoked a furious reaction from unions, who said they expected pension reform to be negotiated with them first.
"This pensions business is a first warning about where they are coming from," López warned. "We will reply to each and every attack."
Zapatero's government has already withdrawn some pension reform proposals. But reform is needed to help bring down Spain's bulging budget deficit, which hit 11.4% of GDP last year.
The PM is having increasing trouble meeting his twin aims of keeping both unions and debt markets happy. "My government is characterised by its defence of social programmes and for maintaining and extending workers' rights in good times and bad, and that is how I will continue," Zapatero said today.
On a visit to London last week Zapatero announced an austerity drive to bring debt down and attacked the hedge funds and bankers he blames for Spain's problems.
Boom to bust
Jesús Muñoz left school two years ago, but has never worked. "Things are bad. Most young people here are unemployed," he said. In a country with 40% youth unemployment, he is far from unique.
Muñoz comes from Villacañas, a small industrial town in La Mancha where the dizzying transition from boom to bust reflects the deeper problems in Spain's outdated economy.
Factories line the road into town. Some are closed, with signs advertising unused machinery for sale. The others make doors for homes. But an exploded property bubble has left Spain with more than 1m unsold new houses and construction has ground to a halt.
Factory car parks are half-empty, as most have laid off large numbers of workers. Villacañas was once a place where you could leave school at 16 and immediately find a well-paid factory job. But no-one expects the door trade to pick up for many years. Spanish builders started more than 760,000 new homes in 2006, but only 201,000 in 2008.
Those who leave school at 16, as a third of Spaniards currently do, face a gloomy future. Most economists say Spain can no longer grow on the back of cheap, unqualified labour. New jobs will require skills and education.
Pensioner Eugenio Sánchez blames Spain's equivalent of sub-prime mortgages, rather than global meltdown, for the hard times. "People were getting 120% mortgages," he said. "That is madness."