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Sayuri Narration: You cannot say to the sun, "More sun." Or to the rain, "Less rain." To a man, geisha can only be half a wife. We are the wives of nightfall. And yet, to learn kindness after so much unkindness, to understand that a little girl with more courage than she knew, would find her prayers were answered, can that not be called happiness? After all these are not the memoirs of an empress, nor of a queen. These are memoirs of another kind.
Член од
6 септември 2007
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Brenda: Nate I'm kidding. C'mon. Of course I want to be with you, I love you.
Nate: Well why do you treat me like shit all the time?
Brenda: Because I had a really fucked up life and I use sarcasm to hide how ridiculously vulnerable I really am, okay, c'mon, Jesus you know that.


Dream Theater Fan
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30 ноември 2009
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If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from when you go to sleep at night, just look around. This is where they are made. ” - Од филмот Hugo(2011) иначе ова го напишал Brian Selznick


Dream Theater Fan
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30 ноември 2009
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-It is what it is. Sometimes you don't know what it is until you see what it is. You know? Once you see what it is, then you can figure out, is it what it is? You understand?
-No, but we can move on.
Од филмот We Bought a Zoo


Southern comfort, southern sun
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27 декември 2005
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Мојот прв пост воопшто на форумов беше на оваа тема. Денес 6 и кусур години подоцна редно е да пишам пак. Опкружен со либералци, космополитени, современици, атеокуртони и останати пезевенци а и некои изроди и шлајм како оној со смрштениот аватар кои фазата на мерење кур од 2-ро одделение и фрустрациите уште ги немаат надминато а од друга страна после сите прекрасни луѓе од друга страна кои ги запознав со текот на годините не можам и јас да не ја манифестирам онаа може од страна гледано патетична но без сомневање разбирлива носталгија кои ја манифестираат некои форумџии од старите времиња кои сепак останаа да пишуваат. Се осеќам како маестро Петре Темелковски во "Збогум на 20-тиот век" кога после 1 час 5 минути и 45 секунди ќе ја каже барем за мене култната-"Добро јас можеби сум конзервативен човек, ама вие, вие сте дебили. Дебили сте". Всушност се осеќам како Петре во текот на целото дејствие од 0:53:30-1:17:05



100% Milla
Член од
15 јуни 2009
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911 Operator: 911 emergency...
Ben Thomas: I need an ambulance.
911 Operator: I have you at 9212 West Third Street in Los Angeles.
Ben Thomas: That's room number 2.
911 Operator:Who's the victim?
Ben Thomas: I am.
Член од
7 април 2012
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Leonidas: You threaten my people with slavery and death.
Persian: This is madness!
Leonidas: Madness?! This is SPARTA!

- 300 -

Hello, I want to play a game...

- SAW -
Член од
1 февруари 2012
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Од филмот ''Snatch''
Avi: Tony.
Bullet Tooth Tony: What?
Avi: Look in the dog.
Bullet Tooth Tony: What do you mean "look in the dog?"
Avi: I mean open him up.
Bullet Tooth Tony: It's not as if it's a tin of baked beans! What do you mean "open him up"?

Turkish: Fuck me, hold tight. What's that?
Tommy: It's me belt, Turkish.
Turkish: No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?
Tommy: It's for protection.
Turkish: Protection from what? "Zee Germans"?

Bullet Tooth Tony: Boris the Blade? As in Boris the Bullet-Dodger?
Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet-Dodger?
Bullet Tooth Tony: 'Cause he dodges bullets, Avi.

Brick Top: You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together.
Sol: Would someone mind telling me, who are you?
Brick Top: And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".
Vinny: Well, thank you for that. That's a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?


Член од
4 октомври 2008
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Можеби веќе го иам ова пишано, ама се потсетив сеа на муабетов, па ај.. :)

Kneller: Once upon a time there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. And they grew next to each other. And every day the straight tree would look at the crooked tree and he would say, "You're crooked. You've always been crooked and you'll continue to be crooked. But look at me! Look at me!" said the straight tree. He said, "I'm tall and I'm straight." And then one day the lumberjacks came into the forest and looked around, and the manager in charge said, "Cut all the straight trees." And that crooked tree is still there to this day, growing strong and growing strange

од Wristcutters: A love story


Golem alat
Член од
21 април 2006
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Pineapple express

Dale Denton: Hey, man, what happened to your lip?
Saul: Yeah... it looks like you've been crying or something...
Red: Um, actually, my lip, that's a cold sore. And I've never had a cold sore before, so I cried.
Saul: Dude, a cold sore? Does that mean like... herpes?
Red: Yes, that's what it means. I have herpes.
Saul: Herpes... Whoa, do you know how many, like, joints we've shared? :D
Red: Yes, I know, I'm a disgusting person.
Saul: Herpes is for life,bro!
Член од
7 април 2012
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Tony: What you tell 'em?
Manny: I told 'em what you told me to tell 'em, I told 'em I was in sanitation, but they didn't go for it.
Tony: Sanitation? I told you to tell 'em you was in a sanitarium, not a sanitation!

Е, на ова како се имам смеено. :P

The Godfather Part III

Michael: Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!


Член од
29 октомври 2007
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"If I were thinking clearly, Leonard, I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark, in the deep dark, and that only I can know, only I can understand my own condition." - Virginia

The Hours
Член од
27 декември 2011
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God Bless America

Frank: I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy. I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted, blowjob, gay-bashing, racist and rape jokes all under the guise of being edgy, but that's not the edge. That's what sells. They couldn't possibly pander any harder or be more commercially mainstream, because this is the "Oh no, you didn't say that!" generation, where a shocking comment has more weight than the truth. No one has any shame anymore, and we're supposed to celebrate it. I saw a woman throw a used tampon at another woman last night on network television, a network that bills itself as "Today's Woman's Channel". Kids beat each other blind and post it on Youtube. I mean, do you remember when eating rats and maggots on Survivor was shocking? It all seems so quaint now. I'm sure the girls from "2 Girls 1 Cup" are gonna have their own dating show on VH-1 any day now. I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Kajgana Shop

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