Mislim tuđe misli
Kradem svoje vreme
Provlaćim ga
Između oblaka, snova,
Daljine i snega...
Kada poželim
Da ti nedostajem
Odsanjam pesmu
Zatvorim oci
I na kaldrmi zamislim
Cvet beli.
Kada te nema
Jer tako hoću
Zaledim osmeh
U sebi kažem ime
Udahnem duboko
I pomislim
Tako mi nedostaješ...
Kada mi nedostaješ, Miroslav Mika Antić
--- надополнето: 3 март 2012 во 12:02 ---
We have lost even this twilight.
No one saw us this evening hand in hand
while the blue night dropped on the world.
I have seen from my window
the fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops.
Sometimes a piece of sun
burned like a coin in my hand.
I remembered you with my soul clenched
in that sadness of mine that you know.
Where were you then?
Who else was there?
Saying what?
Why will the whole of love come on me suddenly
when I am sad and feel you are far away?
The book fell that always closed at twilight
and my blue sweater rolled like a hurt dog at my feet.
Always, always you recede through the evenings
toward the twilight erasing statues.
Clenched Soul, Pablo Neruda
--- надополнето: 3 март 2012 во 12:06 ---
I loved you, and I probably still do,
аnd for a while the feeling may remain...
But let my love no longer trouble you,
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew,
the jealousy, the shyness - though in vain -
made up a love so tender and so true
as may God grant you to be loved again.
I loved you..., Alexander Pushkin