Судбината на Грција е се' подраматична - Важно!


Член од
1 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Се работи за процент от БНП, не за абсолутни цифри.
Излиза дека Турциjа има поголемо военно бреме.
Не е тоа проблемот на Грциjа. Вчера по Euronews гледах некои податоци за грчката социална политика и се изненадах - тие си живееха во социализам.
Просто и jaсно-стандарта на живот,коjто го имаше во ГР беше нереален,Гр немаше таков икономически капацитет, беше подржуван от заеми,а сега доjде време да се платат заемите,па и криза доjде за икономиката им.... :toe:
Нема да чуете ништо добро за Гр во следните 5-10 години...па може и повеке
ЕУ ке гарантира заемите на Гр,но нема да j дава пари во кеш. Германиja ке изкупи долгови облигации на Гр,а можно е и Франциja да се вклучи.ГР има 2 години за да намали дефицита си до 3%
Член од
6 јануари 2010
Поени од реакции
Грешка има на еуроњуз.

Во грција владее фашизам а и расизам-ова е потврдено од повеќе релевантни институции...

јбг идат црнци им ги тресат жените,идат срби,германци,идат наши,идат британци кои прават натпревар во орал секс...и тоа е:toe:
Абре момче, разбирам дека не jа сакааш Грциjа, и те разбирам. Но не може да викаш на црното бело.
"Повеќе релевантни институции" за кои сбориш jа оценуват Грциjа за посвободна и демократска от Македониjа /Freedom House/. Викаш фашизам и расизам, па жените им ги тресели црници?!?! Кога е вистината - сам против твоето сбориш.
Биди реален и немоj да сбориш празни приказни. Пак си биди гркомразец, но бади и малце реален!
Член од
30 август 2008
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Абе таман....ама турција е 80 милиона,а грција 10.

Е сега тоа што грција има повеќе ловци од Италија и сите балкански земји заедно???

Тоа што има Леопард тенкови,скапи апачи...Патриот,Ф-16 блок 52,па подморници....едноставно0-претераа,а и најуважно немаат капацитет за одржување за разлика од турција:toe:

Грците се у Параноја...страв им е од турците,ама и на турците Исто(за копнена војна-на балканот)...така да ако се шибаат најверојатно ќе има добри догфајтс,и ќе се тепаат за островите...

Задачата за копнена инвазија би била наша:vozbud:

Naj mnogu voeni avioni ima Turcija,:vozbud:
Turcija 10 ta voena sila na svetot
Turkey Military Strength

Total Population: 71,892,808 [2008]
Population Available: 39,645,893 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 33,444,999 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 1,298,979 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 514,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 380,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 148,700 [2008]
Total Land-Based Weapons: 6,672
Tanks: 4,205 [2007]
Armored Personnel Carriers: 830 [2007]
Towed Artillery: 685 [2007]
Self-Propelled Guns: 868 [2007]
Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 84 [2007]
Mortars: 5,813 [2007]
Anti-Tank Guided Weapons: 1,283 [2007]
Anti-Aircraft Weapons: 1,664 [2007]
Total Navy Ships: 182
Merchant Marine Strength: 602 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 6
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 0 [2008]
Submarines: 13 [2007]
Frigates: 24 [2007]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 28 [2007]
Mine Warfare Craft: 24 [2007]
Amphibious Craft: 8 [2007]
Total Aircraft: 1,199 [2007]
Helicopters: 336 [2007]
Serviceable Airports: 117 [2007]
Defense Budget: $30,936,000,000 [2009]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $76,510,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $853,900,000,000 [2007]
Oil Production: 45,460 bbl/day [2005]
Oil Consumption: 660,800 bbl/day [2005]
Proven Oil Reserves: 300,000,000 bbl [2006]
Labor Force: 23,530,000 [2007]
Roadways: 426,906 km
Railways: 8,697 km
Waterways: 1,200 km
Coastline: 7,200 km
Square Land Area: 780,580 km
Sources: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency



Grcija 22 voena sila:tapp:

Greece Military Strength

Total Population: 10,722,816 [2008]
Population Available: 5,052,447 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 4,150,425 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 104,346 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 177,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 291,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 4,000 [2008]
Total Land-Based Weapons: 4,403
Towed Artillery: 12,228 [2001]

Total Navy Ships: 118
Merchant Marine Strength: 869 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 5
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 3 [2008]
Submarines: 8 [2008]
Frigates: 13 [2008]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 39 [2008]
Mine Warfare Craft: 18 [2008]
Amphibious Craft: 13 [2008]
Total Aircraft: 847 [2003]
Helicopters: 218 [2003]
Serviceable Airports: 81 [2007]
Defense Budget: $9,350,000,000 [2007]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $3,658,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $327,600,000,000 [2007]
Oil Production: 5,687 bbl/day [2005]
Oil Consumption: 415,700 bbl/day [2005]
Proven Oil Reserves: 7,000,000 bbl [2006]
Labor Force: 4,920,000 [2007]
Roadways: 117,533 km
Railways: 2,571 km
Waterways: 6 km
Coastline: 13,676 km
Square Land Area: 131,940 km
Sources: Central Intelligence Agency


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]United States of America[/FONT] 2
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]China[/FONT] 3
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Russia[/FONT] 4
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]India[/FONT] 5
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]United Kingdom[/FONT] 6
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]France[/FONT] 7
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Germany[/FONT] 8
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brazil[/FONT] 9
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Japan[/FONT] 10
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Turkey[/FONT] http://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.asp
Член од
24 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
грција е спасена!!!


Шефовите на држави или влади на членките на ЕУ на денешниот вонреден Самит во Брисел постигнаа принципиелен договор за доставување финасиска помош на Грција, соопшти претседателот на Унијата, Хермaн вон Ромпој.

Ех што фаца си, олицетворение на ЕУ!

- Конечните детали за пакетот финансиска помош за Грција ќе бидат усогласени на почетокот на следната недела на Советот на министри за финансии на ЕУ, нагласи Ромпој по завршувањето на вонредниот Самит на ЕУ.
Според неименувани дипломатски извори во Брисел, најголем дел од пакетот финансиска помош за Грција ќе отпадне на кредити од ЕУ, при што поголемиот процент од овие средства се обврзале да ги обезбедат Берлин и Париз.
Точната сума на помошта на Грција засега не е соопштена.

Според финасиските експерти, за справувања со економската криза на Грција во текот на 2010 година ќе и бидат неопходни најмалку 53 милијарди евра помош.

Ај нека им е честито. :tapp:
Член од
8 август 2008
Поени од реакции
не ме изненади веста.......со срека нека им е на ЕУ,касно ке се сетат кого спасиле:jaj:


Deep Fear
Член од
11 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Повеќе од јасно беше дека ќе ја спасат. Западот 150 години ја гради и ја храни Грција и сега туку така ќе ја остават да пропадне?
Член од
20 јуни 2007
Поени од реакции
Зар некој очекуваше да ја остават на цедило?

- Тој што очекува таква работа, не си ја познава историјата доволно.

smart ass

Абре момче, разбирам дека не jа сакааш Грциjа, и те разбирам. Но не може да викаш на црното бело.
"Повеќе релевантни институции" за кои сбориш jа оценуват Грциjа за посвободна и демократска от Македониjа /Freedom House/. Викаш фашизам и расизам, па жените им ги тресели црници?!?! Кога е вистината - сам против твоето сбориш.
Биди реален и немоj да сбориш празни приказни. Пак си биди гркомразец, но бади и малце реален!
Како разбираш кога ниту ме познаваш??

Greek Human Rights Violations Against Its Turkish Minority in Western Thrace

Bruce Fein - 3/24/2008

The United States Helsinki Commission, an independent government agency charged with monitoring and securing compliance with international human rights standards, should hold hearings to spotlight Greece ’s subjugation of its Turkish minority in Western Thrace . While the European Union and the United States have been quick to award Turkey demerits for allegedly slighting Kurdish culture, they have been conspicuously inaudible in the face of Greece ’s decades long campaign of cultural repression, ethnic and religious discrimination and economic marginalization of its Turkish minority. Double standards breed resentment. The soft diplomacy of the United States will be punctured if it is not scrupulously evenhanded between Muslims, Christians, and other religions in the defense of human rights.

The Commission’s chief mission is to police the human rights standards enshrined in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, FINAL ACT, HELSINKI , August 1, 1975. It stipulates, among other things:

“The participating States will respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

They will promote and encourage the effective exercise of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural and other rights and freedoms…

The participating States on whose territory national minorities exist will respect the right of persons belonging to such minorities to equality before the law, and will afford them the full opportunity for the actual enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms….”

According to a recent report issued by The Federation of Western Thrace Turks, Greece is flouting its HELSINKI FINAL ACT human rights obligations towards its Turkish minority. Greece restricts use of the words “Turkish” and “minority” in the naming of organizations, thus impairing the cultural identity of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace . Names are core elements of identity. Consider how the names of children or sacred places are carefully chosen.

Greece denies its Turkish minority equal treatment under the law by providing salaries to Greek Christian families with three children, but denying the same to their Greek Muslim counterparts. Between 1955 and 1998, approximately 46,638 Muslims from Thrace and the Dodecanese islands lost their citizenship when they left the country; this was done under Article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Code, which presumed that every Muslim citizen traveler who left the country, regardless of duration, intended to depart Greece permanently. No such presumption existed for Greek Christians. Though the law was repealed in 1998, 7 years later, in 2005, 30 citizens remained classified as stateless and the ombudsman for human rights noted that delay in processing applications for recovering citizenship was "excessive and unjustified." Equal treatment is additionally violated by Greece ’s discriminatory policy of appointing Muftis as opposed to permitting their popular election by the Turkish minority. In contrast, Jews are permitted to elect Rabbis and Greeks are permitted to elect metropolitans to the Greek Church. Finally, Greece intentionally fragments the voting of its Turkish minority in local election regions to prevent the election of a Muslim mayor or governor; and, a 3% election hurdle has been erected for independent Turkish minority candidates to force them to join Greek political parties if they wish to meaningfully participate in politics.

Education, like naming, is a central component of preserving the identities and cultures of national minorities. The Lausanne Treaty of 1923 endows the Turkish minority in Western Thrace with the right to establish and to administer their schools. Teachers in schools for the Turkish minority, however, are unable to speak Turkish; and, the Turkish minority lacks control over the selection of staff or the curriculum. School resources for Greece ’s Turkish minorities are shortchanged, which has forced Turkish children to seek education in Greek schools because of the superior quality of education. Greece ’s crippling of the Turkish minority’s ability to operate first-class schools in Western Thrace violates its FINAL ACT obligation to promote and encourage their exercise of social or cultural rights.

Ditto for Greece ’s undermining of Turkish minority foundations, which routinely establish schools, pay the salaries of teachers and religious functionaries, and otherwise support the Turkish minority culture. Foundation executives are appointed by the Greek government and are accused of chronically alienating and plundering the property of the foundations they oversee. The Turkish minority is not permitted to elect even the foundation’s officers who hold the purse strings.

Greece deserves harsh condemnation for its egregious mistreatment of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace . At this particular time in history, the Islamic world deserves proof that western democracies do not look with indifference at Christian wrongs inflicted on Muslims—that there is no inescapable battle of civilizations.

smart ass

На ниво на ЕУ е вака

Xenophobia in Europe. Review of Annual report of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published its Annual report.

According to the table of officially recorded crimes motivated by racism in 12 EC countries (where the corresponding statistics was kept), during the period from 2000 to 2007 only in Czechia the tendency toward reduction of number of racial crimes is observed (by 6,4%) while in other countries the number had grown. At the same time it’s obvious that in various countries collection of statistic data was carried on according to various methods (basing upon number of “crimes”, “incidents”, “reports about crimes”, “complaints”, “delinquencies”); besides, in some countries the statistics was collected starting from 2001 or 2002. Thus, the comparative results are conditional enough. Thus, the number of crimes during the period from 2000 to 2007 increased to the greatest extent in Denmark (by 43,2%); it is followed by Slovakia (36,2%), Ireland (31,3%), Scotland (22,6%), France (20,4%), Austria (11,7%), Belgium (8,4%), Poland (8,2%), Finland (6,7%), England and Wales (4,0%), Germany (3,9%), Sweden (0,8%).
At the same time, somewhat different and more encouraging picture is seen during comparable analysis of available data concerning number of such crimes during recent years – in 2006-2007. Number of crimes motivated by racism increased to the greatest extent in Austria (79,5%); it is followed by Poland (58,7%), Ireland (29,5%), Sweden (9,2%), Scotland (4,2%), England and Wales (3,7%). At the same time, in some countries the number of crimes reduced: Denmark is leading here (63,5%), it is followed by France (23,4%), Czechia (21%), Slovakia (17,6%), Finland (6,7%), Belgium (5,2%), Germany (23,9%).

Only six EC countries collected statistics concerning crimes motivated by anti-Semitism. During the period from 2001 to 2007 the number of crimes of anti-Semites increased to the greatest extent in Austria (105,9%), it is followed by France (47,6%), Great Britain (12,1%), Netherlands (11,7%), Sweden (2%), Germany (0,4%). Thus, during 7 years the number of crimes motivated by anti-Semitism increased to various extents in all the countries. But the tendency seen in 2006-2007 gives much more optimistic picture. While in Austria an abrupt leap of anti-Semitic crimes occurred right during these years, in other five countries the number of such crimes reduced: to the greatest extent in Netherlands (by 53,7%), followed by France (32,4%), Sweden (11,9%), Germany (6,1%), Great Britain (5,6%). But the figures being the evidence of abrupt growth of crimes number in Austria are also rather a result of most negligible number of anti-Semitic incidents during previous years, and they are not so big in absolute expression.

Statistics of crimes motivated by extreme right extremism was kept in four countries. In Germany and Austria number of such crimes during the period of 2000-2007 increased – correspondingly by 9,8% (during 2001-2007) and by 1,2%, and in France and Sweden it decreased – by 17,9% and 1,5% correspondingly.

At the same time, during the period of 2006-2007 number of such crimes increased considerably in Sweden and Austria – by 42,3% and 37,3% correspondingly, and decreased in France and Germany – correspondingly by 17,9% and 2,4%.

For collection of corresponding statistics, proper maintenance of databases in EC countries is necessary. A table showing the quality of such databases is provided in the report (they are divided conditionally into four categories – from very qualitative to its complete absence). According to this table, detailed database concerning the crimes motivated by racism (with descriptions of crimes and criminals, place of violence etc) is maintained in Finland, Sweden and Great Britain. Database recording the incidents and crimes basing upon extreme right extremism is maintained in Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland and Slovakia. A limited database recording information about court procedures, when the detailed information is often available just in cases of special requests, and concerning general race discrimination is available in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg. Finally, no official data about racial criminality are available in Greece, Malta, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. The experts fix the dynamics of development of such database annually – as a result, in 2009 Belgium was transferred from the third category into the second one, Cyprus – from the fourth into the third one and Italy, Malta and Portugal got from the third category into the fourth one being the worst.

A separate table is devoted to ethnic belonging of persons who became the victims of crimes (attacks, threats, insults) during recent 12 months. The cases of violence motivated by racial hatred and cases with its unavailability were recorded separately. More often then the others, the following became the victims of violence: Gypsies and natives of African countries to the South from Sahara (22%, among them 18% - basing upon racism), North-Africans (correspondingly 15% and 9%), Turks (12%, 8%), natives of Central Europe (11%, 7%), Russians (9%, 5%), natives of former Yugoslavia (6%, 3%). Otherwise almost every fourth Gypsy and native of the South of Africa became a victim of any form of crime, and every fifth one – of crime motivated by racism. Correspondingly, every tenth Russian became a victim of crime, and every twentieth one – of crime motivated by racism.

The report authors note the progress in keeping the records of crimes motivated by racism and facts of discrimination in some EC countries. Thus, Sweden, in addition to categories “xenophobia”, “anti-Semitism”, “Islam-phobia”, introduced the categories of crimes with “anti-African-Sweden”, “anti-Gypsy” orientation. The efficient system of investigation of racial crimes is operating in Finland. Racial motifs are taken into account now in investigation of crimes against the personality in Portugal, Greece and Italy. Some changes in legislation of Lithuania and Hungary can be marked. At the same time the report authors note that in Latvia, though corresponding corrections were introduced into legislation, they are not effective in practice.

The Internet plays a special role in dissemination of racial hatred. Thus, in Poland 230 messages with racist and xenophobe content were recorded in 2007. In some countries the combat against this event is beginning: in 2008 the Austrian Federal court sentenced a cyber-criminal motivated by racism to 9 months of imprisonment. At the same time, only 5 EC countries (Cyprus, Denmark, France, Latvia and Lithuania) signed the protocol on combat against such crimes.

Differences in statistic approaches make the analysis of ethnic discrimination in social sphere uneasy but some tendencies can be still seen. Thus, statistic analysis of 2008 showed that in Germany the young people from second generation immigrants have the chances of getting job lower by 15% then the German persons of the same age. Analysis of situation in Estonia shows that, in comparison with ethnic Estonians, state of non-native population is characterized with high unemployment level, unstable job, lower positions, bigger disproportion between educational level and occupied positions.

As for the lawsuits connected with racial crimes and discrimination, just small part of them is examined in courts. Thus, in Ireland only two criminal proceedings were instituted in 2008 against employers who manifested discrimination towards their wage laborers, and in Portugal a single similar case was recorded. In other EC countries the statistics is approximately the same.

During recent years discriminatory notices took place in EC countries, for example in Austria: “Austrians only” or “only German language bearers”; in Denmark the police was informed about three similar notices. In Estonia the Juridical center for human rights called a company which employed the workers whose “native language is Estonian” to account, and in Finland the ombudsman for ethnic minorities examined 33 notices about employment of workers containing requirement of “Finish nationality” and/or “perfect knowledge of Finnish language”. Illegality of such notices was stressed by the decision of the European court.

Many reports came from NGOs and other structures about cases of racism and xenophobia in 2008. Several anti-Polish incidents were recorded in Eastern Germany. It was reported from Austria about discriminatory actions towards Croatians, Turks, Indians, Iranians, and Tunisians – including refusals to service the women in hijabs, humiliations on the part of work colleagues with non-interference on the part of employer, threats and insults in public places. One African suffered from racist humiliations in the military service on the part of other servicemen who sometimes put on the Ku-Klux-Klan smocks. In Belgium a Moroccan was the object of insults for a year without any response on the part of his employer. In Ireland a French of African origin was fired basing upon racism. In Germany a Nigerian suffered the insults; his employer advised him not to make complaints as he “would be expelled back to the forest”.

The interrogations conducted in EC countries provide an obvious idea of the racism level. Thus, in Slovenia 31,5% of 132 interrogated stated they would prefer hiring the citizens of Slovenia or born Slovenians. In Lithuania 40,7% of employers would not hire the Gypsies. In Finland the attitude towards employment of Gypsies varies depending upon economic sector: in construction 65% of employers would use the labor of Gypsies (having corresponding skills) versus 41% in retail trade.

Interrogations of migrants and minority representatives themselves are conducted too. Thus, in Sweden an interrogation of grown-up Africans was published where many of the interrogated complained about discrimination and racism in the labor market. In France more than a third of the interrogated did not inform about the cases of discrimination they felt at their job, first of all on the part of their employers. Most women-migrants interrogated in Germany asserted they felt discrimination in the labor market or in training, up to the cases of rude threatening.

The study conducted in Ireland showed that natives of non-English-speaking countries suffered from much higher discrimination during search of job, and the Nigerians and the Chinese considered themselves the victims of this most of all. According to the study in Great Britain, a third of natives of Asia and 20% of black-skinned managers state the impossibility of overcoming the career threshold due to racial reason. In Belgium most of residents of Turkish or Moroccan origin feel they have fewer chances to get job than native Belgians. After receiving a diploma, the Turks and Moroccans spent almost four months on average for search of job while the native Belgians – three or a little more than two months.

But not all the minority representatives complain about oppressions. Thus, according to interrogation of 2008, Ukrainian migrants in Poland stated they felt no oppressions in general. In Bulgaria just 1% of women-migrants felt themselves the victims of discrimination in the labor market. But in some countries not so “immigrants” are subject to discrimination as the locals: about 60% of Gypsies interrogated in Bulgaria, Czechia, Romania and Slovakia stated they felt discrimination. According to recent reports from Spain, almost every interrogated Gypsy told he faced the discrimination during search of job once at least.

The revealing experiment was conducted in Belgium. Two CVs were submitted to 50 employers being absolutely identical except the item of ethnic origin of the employee. Ethnic Belgians got the job in 60% of cases while representatives of minorities – in 25% of cases.

Ethnic minorities sometimes face the discrimination of religious or cultural character. While in Denmark 9 of 10 employers try to permit the minorities to mark their principal religious holidays and permit women to wear hijabs, and in Sweden this is fixed in legislation, in Slovenia just 34% of 112 interrogated employers were ready to permit their employees to mark their principal religious holidays, and the majority thinks it’s impossible to wear religious clothes at the workplace. In Belgium the leaders of 71% of big companies and of 55% of medium companies think that wearing of hijabs by their women-employees whose functions include contacts with clients would have negative consequences for contacts.

smart ass

Later on the FRA report notes the discriminatory practice during renting of accommodation, in medical service, in access to education. Manifestations of racism take place in educational institutions; the racist content is sometimes available in school manuals.
The report reviews in detail the changes in legislation of EC countries concerning the problems of racism and xenophobia. Such changes deal with punishment of those guilty of racist crimes and discrimination, compensation for the victims of racist actions. Special attention is paid to the rights and protection of children. In some countries local human rights organizations demanded to improve the state of migrants in immigrant centers and hostels from the authorities. Many problems of migrants are connected with the problems of receiving visas and boundary inspection, and this is also the subject of discussion of human rights organizations of these countries.
Они не знаат што да мразат веќе....нема потреба јас да ги мразам...

а околу мразењето се изјаснив дал мразам ил не се имам изјаснето.

Naj mnogu voeni avioni ima Turcija,:vozbud:
Turcija 10 ta voena sila na svetot
Turkey Military Strength

Total Population: 71,892,808 [2008]
Population Available: 39,645,893 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 33,444,999 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 1,298,979 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 514,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 380,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 148,700 [2008]
Total Land-Based Weapons: 6,672
Tanks: 4,205 [2007]
Armored Personnel Carriers: 830 [2007]
Towed Artillery: 685 [2007]
Self-Propelled Guns: 868 [2007]
Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: 84 [2007]
Mortars: 5,813 [2007]
Anti-Tank Guided Weapons: 1,283 [2007]
Anti-Aircraft Weapons: 1,664 [2007]
Total Navy Ships: 182
Merchant Marine Strength: 602 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 6
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 0 [2008]
Submarines: 13 [2007]
Frigates: 24 [2007]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 28 [2007]
Mine Warfare Craft: 24 [2007]
Amphibious Craft: 8 [2007]
Total Aircraft: 1,199 [2007]
Helicopters: 336 [2007]
Serviceable Airports: 117 [2007]
Defense Budget: $30,936,000,000 [2009]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $76,510,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $853,900,000,000 [2007]
Oil Production: 45,460 bbl/day [2005]
Oil Consumption: 660,800 bbl/day [2005]
Proven Oil Reserves: 300,000,000 bbl [2006]
Labor Force: 23,530,000 [2007]
Roadways: 426,906 km
Railways: 8,697 km
Waterways: 1,200 km
Coastline: 7,200 km
Square Land Area: 780,580 km
Sources: US Library of Congress; Central Intelligence Agency



Grcija 22 voena sila:tapp:

Greece Military Strength

Total Population: 10,722,816 [2008]
Population Available: 5,052,447 [2008]
Fit for Military Service: 4,150,425 [2008]
Reaching Military Age Annually: 104,346 [2008]
Active Military Personnel: 177,000 [2008]
Active Military Reserve: 291,000 [2008]
Active Paramilitary Units: 4,000 [2008]
Total Land-Based Weapons: 4,403
Towed Artillery: 12,228 [2001]

Total Navy Ships: 118
Merchant Marine Strength: 869 [2008]
Major Ports and Harbors: 5
Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2008]
Destroyers: 3 [2008]
Submarines: 8 [2008]
Frigates: 13 [2008]
Patrol & Coastal Craft: 39 [2008]
Mine Warfare Craft: 18 [2008]
Amphibious Craft: 13 [2008]
Total Aircraft: 847 [2003]
Helicopters: 218 [2003]
Serviceable Airports: 81 [2007]
Defense Budget: $9,350,000,000 [2007]
Foreign Exch. & Gold: $3,658,000,000 [2007]
Purchasing Power: $327,600,000,000 [2007]
Oil Production: 5,687 bbl/day [2005]
Oil Consumption: 415,700 bbl/day [2005]
Proven Oil Reserves: 7,000,000 bbl [2006]
Labor Force: 4,920,000 [2007]
Roadways: 117,533 km
Railways: 2,571 km
Waterways: 6 km
Coastline: 13,676 km
Square Land Area: 131,940 km
Sources: Central Intelligence Agency


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]United States of America[/FONT] 2
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]China[/FONT] 3
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Russia[/FONT] 4
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]India[/FONT] 5
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]United Kingdom[/FONT] 6
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]France[/FONT] 7
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Germany[/FONT] 8
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brazil[/FONT] 9
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Japan[/FONT] 10
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Turkey[/FONT] http://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.asp

Тоа се бројки.

На фронт и Шит хепнс.All the time.


Член од
23 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
Просто и jaсно-стандарта на живот,коjто го имаше во ГР беше нереален,
се чудев на стандардот и им завидував на бавното релаксирано темпо на живот, додека битпазар изгледаше како пчеларник грците работеа со темпо на желка... ми изгледаше невозможно и нереално како еден цел град кулира не трудејки се да заработи евро повеке...

и еве не денес повторно во 1989..ние на шопинг во солун, а во солун штрајкови и попусти...златните времиња се вратија


Член од
1 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
се чудев на стандардот и им завидував на бавното релаксирано темпо на живот, додека битпазар изгледаше како пчеларник грците работеа со темпо на желка... ми изгледаше невозможно и нереално како еден цел град кулира не трудејки се да заработи евро повеке...

и еве не денес повторно во 1989..ние на шопинг во солун, а во солун штрајкови и попусти...златните времиња се вратија
Наполно сум согласен, ништо убаво не ja чека Гр. Мора да затегат каиша и то многу во идните 2-5 години.
Член од
12 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Grcija ke se raspadne za nekoja dekada.Vrzete gi pojasite,ke bide mnogu turbulentno:kesa:
A ako nekoj se somneva?...zivi bili pa videli :kesa:
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Според неименувани дипломатски извори во Брисел, најголем дел од пакетот финансиска помош за Грција ќе отпадне на кредити од ЕУ, при што поголемиот процент од овие средства се обврзале да ги обезбедат Берлин и Париз.
Точната сума на помошта на Грција засега не е соопштена.

Ne e tochno deka Grcija e spasena! Imaat namera da ja spasuvaat, shto e edna rabota, no daleku e od toa da bide spasena.

Sakale ili ne da ja spasat, no prashanjeto ostanuva - KOJ KJE PLATI ?!?

I pokraj deklarativnoto zalaganje na Pariz i Berlin da ja "spasat" Grcija, Berlin definitivno odbiva da dade pari!!!
Taka shto juzhnite mozhat da se slikaat.


Angela Merkel dashes Greek hopes of rescue bid

German chancellor refuses to rescue Greece's ailing economy amid Berlin's domestic austerity

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, mounted stiff resistance tonight to any swift bailout of Greece, as a rift opened up between European capitals over how best to tackle the risks posed to the euro.

Despite a show of Franco-German unity on the crisis and the first statement from EU leaders pledging to safeguard the currency's stability, hopes on the markets of a German-led rescue plan to shore up Greece's critical public finances were dashed by Merkel, who repeatedly emphasised that Athens would need to put its own house in order and brushed aside all questions of financial support.

"Germany is stepping totally on the brakes on financial assistance," said a senior EU diplomat. "On legal grounds, on constitutional grounds and on principle." Another senior diplomat said of the Germans: "They're not waving their chequebooks."

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