Сите убави мисли ТУКА!

Член од
19 септември 2005
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Незнаејќи да се бориш со тоа што пополека те убива, се самоубиваш.
(бај Димитар)


§įмθπŞ ďª φΪШ
Член од
28 јануари 2007
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Famous Quotes

"It is the unconquerable nature of man and not the nature of the weapon he uses that ensures victory." - George Patton
Prevod: Nepobedlivata sila na covekot e taa sto ja nosi pobedata, a ne silata na oruzjeto.

"I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight." - George Patton
Prevod: Jas sum voin, Se boram koga ke me spomnat, A koga se boram.. Pobeduvam

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George Patton
Prevod: Poentata vo vojnata ne e da umres za svojata zemja, Tuku da napravis drugoto kopile da umre za negovata.

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula." - George Patton
Prevod: Vojnata e umetnost.. I kako takva nema objasnuvanje po nekoja konkretna formula.

Mnogu mokni misli..

George Patton

“George Patton” redirects here. For the 19th century Scottish jurist and politician, see George Patton, Lord Glenalmond.

George Smith Patton Jr. (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was a leading U.S. Army general in World War II in campaigns in North Africa, Sicily, France and Germany, 1943-45. In World War I he was a senior commander of the new tank corps and saw action in France. After the war he was an advocate of armored warfare but was reassigned to the cavalry. In World War II he commanded major units of North Africa, Sicily, and the European Theater of Operations. The popular image of "Old Blood and Guts", contrasts with the historians' image of a brilliant military leader whose record was also marred by insubordination and some periods of apparent instability.
Za poveke informacii za George Patton koj spored mene ima najmokni misli sto dosega sum gi procitala.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Patton

Aj tolku za sega.. Drugpat poveke..
Член од
18 јули 2007
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So teska glava, so mrzliva dusa, umoren, iskilaven, strosen, bez verba, bez ljubov, bez cel, kako senka se vlecam megu lugeto i ne znam: sto sum jas, zosto ziveam, sto sakam? I mene veke mi se cini deka ljubovta e glupost, deka neznostite se blutkavi, vo rabotata ne naogam smisla, pesnite i plamenite zborovi mi izgledaat trivijalni i stari. i nasekade jas vnesuvam taga, studena zdodevnost, nezadovolstvo, odvratnost sprema zivotot...SOSEM PROPADNAV! (Chehov)

Se e dim, se e nisto, se e bunilo na apsolutnoto!(Jurij Mamleev)

Recept za dolg zivot: Zivej sekoj den po malku!(Kiro Urdin)

Premini vo druga forma, nikoj ne te zabelezuva...

Se dodeka ne napravis nesto sto se koci so mojot interes si dobar, ako ne-sum bil vo zabluda

Imas identitet brojot na tvoite lica e reduciran

Ljubovta ima svoj nagon, taa znae da go pronajde patot do srceto kako i najmaljiot insekt odi po cvetot so neodoliva volja ne plasejki se od nisto...Zatoa koga edno cuvstvo e vistinsko, negovata sudbina ne e neizvesna...

Kade potoa zaminuva preostanatata ljubov i koj ja smetuva, koj ja isfrla kofata i kade e kontejnerot...

Toj den ke mu receme na Pekolot:
-"Se napolni li?"
A Pekolot ke odgovori:
-"Ima li uste?"

Site gi zaboraviv, no seedno, nema ni sto da se pameti.Se e iluzija, no jas sum uveren deka se e vo red.(M.Selimovik)

Zosto vo toj povik na cistat dusa pocuvstvuvav taga i zosto srceto tolku bolno mi se stegna? Ako nekogas ti zatreba mojot zivot, dojdi i zemi go... (Chehov)


Tale of the inexpressible
Член од
21 април 2006
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that everyone you meet
is afraid of something,
loves something,
has lost something.


Член од
25 јули 2007
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-"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."непознат
"You can never be too thin, too rich, or have too many books." - Carter Burden
-"If music be the food of love, play on." - W. Shakespeare
-"If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both." - Индијанска поговорка
-"The wisest men follow their own direction." - Euripides
-"There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance." - Ali ibn Abi Talib
-"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
-"Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many, who have the majesty of the state to defend them." - N. Machiavelli
-"And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor ***Shall be lifted- nevermore!" - E. A. Poe
-"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse..." - Don Vito Corleone, филм "Кум"

-I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect. And in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it.

»»Don'T WorrY abouT The PeopLe In YouR pasT. There's A Reason Why They Didn'T Make iT TO YouR FuTure


Член од
20 мај 2006
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Моето срце е врата која никогаш нема да ти се затвори.



Најголемите вистини за љубовта:

1.Љубовта ни е најпотребна тогаш кога најмалку ја заслужуваме.
2.Условената љубов не заслужува да се нарече љубов.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness ...

YOU are more blessed than
the million who will not survive the week.

If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture,
or the pangs of starvation ...

YOU are ahead of
500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting
without fear of harassment, arrest,
torture, or death ...

YOU are more blessed than
three billion people in the world.

If you have food in the refrigerator,
clothes on your back,
a roof over your head,
and a place to sleep ...

YOU are richer than
75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet,
and spare change in a dish somewhere ...

YOU are among
the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful ...

YOU are blessed because
the majority can, but most do not.

If you can read this message ...
YOU are more blessed than
over two billion people in the world
that cannot read at all.
Have a good day and count your blessings!
Член од
8 февруари 2007
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I believe friends are like quiet angels who lift us to our feet when we forget how to fly.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi (На другите простувај им често,себеси никогаш).
Bona Terra. Mala Gens (Добра земја ,но народ лош).
Amor non est medicabilis herbis (Љубовта со билки не се лечи).
Aquila non captat muscas(Орелот не лови муви).
Quot capita, tot sensus (Колку глави ,толку умови).


Мy life..my rules..any questions?
Член од
18 февруари 2006
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Ogranici gi svoite zelbi ako ne sakas so tebe da zavladee haosot.

Sekogas odnesuvaj se mudro, kako da te gledaat deset oci i vo tebe da se vpereni deset prsti.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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БОГ спие во минералите, сонува во растенијата, оди во животните и мисли во човекот.

Древна мудрост
Член од
21 јули 2007
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Paulo Koeljo

Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to all the things you want to do.


You want ME
Член од
21 февруари 2006
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Грижата за сопствената слика, во тоа лежи судбинската недораснатост на човека.Толку е тешко да се биде рамнодушен спрема сопствената слика. Таквата рамнодушност ја надминува човечката сила. Човек ја достигнува дури по смртта. И тоа не веднаш.Долго по смртта.



You need a fucking hobby, bitch!
Член од
23 март 2007
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Quad me nutrit me destruit. - Latin proverb
Што ме храни ме убива.

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