- Член од
- 17 март 2005
- Мислења
- 11.493
- Поени од реакции
- 1.588
Mnogu pozitiven tekst za vlezot na Makedonija, Hrvatska i Albanija vo NATO i bitna izjava na Ramsfeld za Grcite. Toj veli deka idninata na NATO i negoviot kredibilitet kako primaren politichki i voen instrument na svetskite demokratii se premnogu vazhni za da bidat sputani zaradi semantika ili taktika na plashenje (od strana na Grcija) koja e karakteristichna za minatiot vek:
"...The administration, bipartisan majorities in Congress, and most members of NATO have expressed support for extending membership to nations in Southeastern Europe and for partnerships with those nations beyond. Why then the hold up? Aside from Russia's opposition, Greece has threatened to issue a sole veto over Macedonia's entry because Macedonia refuses to change its country name. The future of the trans-Atlantic alliance -- and its credibility as the pre-eminent political and military instrument of the world's democracies -- are too important to be constrained by narrow disputes over semantics or to intimidation tactics more befitting the last century. ..."
"...The administration, bipartisan majorities in Congress, and most members of NATO have expressed support for extending membership to nations in Southeastern Europe and for partnerships with those nations beyond. Why then the hold up? Aside from Russia's opposition, Greece has threatened to issue a sole veto over Macedonia's entry because Macedonia refuses to change its country name. The future of the trans-Atlantic alliance -- and its credibility as the pre-eminent political and military instrument of the world's democracies -- are too important to be constrained by narrow disputes over semantics or to intimidation tactics more befitting the last century. ..."