Symptoms: Your driving skills are excellent, except when you take business or holiday trips out of your country, in which case you start behaving like you've got your first driving lesson.
Things are getting really worse when your partner/fellow passengers start complaining about your driving and navigation skills..
Symptoms: On motorways you tend to stay within 2 seconds of travel distance of the car in front of you, preferable blinking with your headlights.
Advise: Consider emigrating to Malawi, Afghanistan or North Korea ,where the number of cars per 1000 inhabitants is less than 1 and the chances of persisting your habit are 0.
Symptoms: When standing besides annother car in front of a traffic light, you try to persuade the other to a jackrabbit start through short accelarations and consecutive breaks.
a 'wannabe Cairo' driver
While driving, you seem to acquire a certain death-wish.
You use your break only at the point of destination, in the mean time your claxon will make things move out of your way.
In case you have fellow passengers, always first make sure they do not have some kind of heart condition.
You would make an excellent taxi driver in Cairo, Egypt.
Symptoms:Your driving skills are excellent, except when you take business or holiday trips out of your country, in which case you start behaving like you've got your first driving lesson.
Things are getting really worse when your partner/fellow passengers start complaining about your driving and navigation skills..
Symptoms:You are the worst kind of driver imaginable.
In traffic you transform to a real monster.
Symptoms are sudden acceleration, braking, close tailgating, cutting others off in a lane, deliberately preventing someone from merging, sounding the horn or flashing lights excessively, rude gestures (such as "the finger"), shouting verbal abuse, obscenities or threats, intentionally causing a collision between vehicles, exiting the car to attempt to start a confrontation, including striking someone else's vehicle with an object, threatening to use or using a firearm or other deadly weapon, throwing projectiles from a moving vehicle with the intent of damaging other vehicles.
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