Зошто лажеш бе?
Еве ти од википедија за твојот омилен експеримент.
Although it is not possible to predict the trajectory of any one particle, they all obey determined probabilities which do permit some prediction.
Еве ти карактеристика на детерминизам:
- difficult or impossible to make long-term prediction!
- deterministic - same initial conditions lead to same final state - but the final state is very different for small changes to initial conditions
Ова е битно да се напомене.
Stephen Hawking explains, the result is not traditional determinism, but rather determined probabilities. In fact, as far as prediction goes, the quantum development is at least as predictable as the classical motion, but the key is that it describes
wave functions that cannot be easily expressed in ordinary language.
Хаосот се експлоатира во многу технологии денес како ласери, динамика на флуиди(weather patterns), плазма итн.