Слободата (Liberty) е еден од четирите зраци кои доаѓаат од Законот (Law). И за неа најпрво се зборува во
Liber CL, De Lege Libellum:
"IS OF LIBERTY that I would first write unto you, for except ye be free to act, ye cannot act. Yet all four gifts of the Law must in some degree be exercised, seeing that these four are one."
- Liber CL, A∴A∴ Publication in Class E.
"Ye shall be free.
Ah, slaves! ye will not — ye know not how to will."
Liber VII, Ch.VII:37-38
"True kingship is realizing this.
He who believes himself to be a slave is in fact, a slave. But there are slaves and slaves. The Beast himself was the prophet and slave of the beauteous one.
One can be a slave through passion and devotion, and never flag in the understanding that one is accomplishing one’s Will in noble service, as very god of very god. But the slave who serves unwillingly, with resentment in his heart, has turned his back on his own divine nature, his own True Will. No-one can free such a slave but he himself, because he is in fact a slave to his own ignorance, to his own blinded ego.
If we know ourselves each to be elaborations and extensions of the divine, then how can anyone have undue power over us? How can we be dominated by any other creature without our sovereign consent? We can be deprived of our money, our property, our health, our limbs, our loved ones, even our individual lives; but, once we understand our true nature, we can never be deprived of that.
And this makes us rather dangerous."
- Excerpt from the
Address delivered by National Grand Master General Sabazius X° to the Eighth National Conference of the U.S. O.T.O. Grand Lodge