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Минатогодишната кражба на документите од ООН е дело на грчко-кипарската тајна служба, чија цел беше да се прекинат тогашните директни разговори за обединување на островот.
Секретаријатот на ООН верува дека Грчко-кипарската администрација е вмешана во инцидентот и доколку преговорите пропаднат, тогаш тоа ќе ја рефлектира нивната зла намера.
Намерата беше да се прикажат ООН како виновни за кражбата, односно да се дискредитира медијаторот во спорот и да се попречи учеството на ООН во истиот.
Greek Cypriot intelligence stole UN documents
The Greek Cypriot intelligence agency, or KIP, was behind last year's theft of documents from the United Nations, the biggest in the organization's history, according to Greek Cypriot media, Anatolia news agency reported.
Parts of the 6,500-page secret documents were published in the Greek Cypriot Fililefteros newspaper. KIP was allegedly involved in stealing the said documents and leaking parts of them to the press.
The daily Politis claimed Sunday that the theft was part of an attempt by the Greek Cypriot administration to smear the U.N., saying the “clear goal” was “to derail the ongoing direct talks” on the island’s reunification.
"The U.N. General Secretariat believes the Greek Cypriot administration is involved in the incident and if the Cyprus talks fail, it will evaluate their involvement as a show of ill intention,” Politis said.
The daily also said Greek Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias had claimed "the U.N. was using the documents to give the impression that I [Christofias] was resisting while the U.N. was arbitrating," and added that the documents were stolen just as the U.N. was expected to play a more crucial role in the second round of talks that began on Sept. 10, 2009.
The theft was made in such a way to make the source of the leak look like the U.N., Politis' report said.
"It was clear that the leak was intended to prevent the U.N.'s active participation in the talks and hurt [U.N. Cyprus Envoy Alexander] Downer's reputation," Politis said.
UN investigation points finger at Greek Cypriot administration
A U.N. investigation into the incident concluded that the Greek Cypriot administration was responsible for the leak, Politis' report said.
As part of the theft, Downer's aide's e-mails were illegally accessed 11 times, according to the report, adding that his e-mails were checked while he was out of the country since hackers were apparently aware of his movements.
An employee working at the hotel where Downer's aide was staying vanished after the secret documents were published in the Greek Cypriot press.
Ultimately, there was no information in the leaked files that could be used against Christofias, the report said.
October 25, 2010
Секретаријатот на ООН верува дека Грчко-кипарската администрација е вмешана во инцидентот и доколку преговорите пропаднат, тогаш тоа ќе ја рефлектира нивната зла намера.
Намерата беше да се прикажат ООН како виновни за кражбата, односно да се дискредитира медијаторот во спорот и да се попречи учеството на ООН во истиот.
Greek Cypriot intelligence stole UN documents
The Greek Cypriot intelligence agency, or KIP, was behind last year's theft of documents from the United Nations, the biggest in the organization's history, according to Greek Cypriot media, Anatolia news agency reported.
Parts of the 6,500-page secret documents were published in the Greek Cypriot Fililefteros newspaper. KIP was allegedly involved in stealing the said documents and leaking parts of them to the press.
The daily Politis claimed Sunday that the theft was part of an attempt by the Greek Cypriot administration to smear the U.N., saying the “clear goal” was “to derail the ongoing direct talks” on the island’s reunification.
"The U.N. General Secretariat believes the Greek Cypriot administration is involved in the incident and if the Cyprus talks fail, it will evaluate their involvement as a show of ill intention,” Politis said.
The daily also said Greek Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias had claimed "the U.N. was using the documents to give the impression that I [Christofias] was resisting while the U.N. was arbitrating," and added that the documents were stolen just as the U.N. was expected to play a more crucial role in the second round of talks that began on Sept. 10, 2009.
The theft was made in such a way to make the source of the leak look like the U.N., Politis' report said.
"It was clear that the leak was intended to prevent the U.N.'s active participation in the talks and hurt [U.N. Cyprus Envoy Alexander] Downer's reputation," Politis said.
UN investigation points finger at Greek Cypriot administration
A U.N. investigation into the incident concluded that the Greek Cypriot administration was responsible for the leak, Politis' report said.
As part of the theft, Downer's aide's e-mails were illegally accessed 11 times, according to the report, adding that his e-mails were checked while he was out of the country since hackers were apparently aware of his movements.
An employee working at the hotel where Downer's aide was staying vanished after the secret documents were published in the Greek Cypriot press.
Ultimately, there was no information in the leaked files that could be used against Christofias, the report said.
October 25, 2010