Американскиот Еврејски Совет ја строи Грчката Православна Црква

Член од
17 март 2005
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Време беше да ги ребнат малку заради отворените анти-семитски изливи на Митрополитот Серафим од Пиреј.

Истите глупости дека Евреите го контролираат светот, и нивното поистоветување со монструпзни типови како Сорос, Рокфелер итн., кои, за жал, можеме да ги читаме и тука понекогаш...

AJC Calls on Greek Orthodox Church to Condemn Priest’s Anti-Semitic Libels

December 22, 2010 -- New York -- AJC is calling on the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Greece, Archbishop Ieronymos II, as well as Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to condemn unequivocally the blatant anti-Semitic libels expressed by Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, one of the church’s highest officials.

"Metropolitan Seraphim's horrendous lies on Greek TV demonstrate that anti-Semitism is alive and well within the Greek Orthodox Church,” said Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's International Director of Interreligious Affairs. “It is the responsibility of the church leadership to condemn and uproot anti-Semitism.”

Metropolitan Seraphim’s comments came during an interview on the morning show of the largest Greek TV station.

“Adolf Hitler was an instrument of world Zionism and was financed from the renowned Rothschild family with the sole purpose of convincing the Jews to leave the shores of Europe and go to Israel to establish the new Empire,” said Seraphim. He also charged that Jews such as "Rockefeller, Rothschild and Soros control the international banking system that controls globalization.”

Rabbi Rosen said, “Jews worldwide had hoped that this kind of outrageous bigotry, which in the past was sustained and nurtured by the Christian world, had been consigned by the Church to the dustbin of history.”

AJC, the premier global advocacy organization, has long maintained close relations with the Greek government and Jewish community, and is a pioneer worldwide in building interreligious understanding.



Член од
31 јули 2007
Поени од реакции
И поповите не се веќе тоа што беа, и они почнаа да се мешат во политики, омрази...


Член од
4 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
Грчките попови се мешаат во политика.
Грчката православна црква функционира како политичка партија благодарение на ваквите изјави на нејзините митрополити.
Ако само вака нека продолжат сите нека ги научат што ѓубриња се.


И поповите не се веќе тоа што беа, и они почнаа да се мешат во политики, омрази...
Грчките попови се сатанистички попови и проповедници.
Ни „П“ немаат од православие и христијанство.
А вахабист, а грчки поп исто ти се фаќа.
Член од
7 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Грчките попови се сатанистички попови и проповедници.
Ни „П“ немаат од православие и христијанство.
А вахабист, а грчки поп исто ти се фаќа.
Баш така, грчката црква е една од водечките шовинистички и расистички организации, ставено целосно во служба на ширење на хеленизмот при што промовира омраза меѓу народите наместо љубов меѓу луѓето. А како одговор на критиките на еврејските организации ширум светот, Серафим изјавил дека ги и сака Евреите како и секој друг народ но го мрзи ционизмот и дека држи до се што претходно го кажал!! Меѓу другото, Серафим вика дека ционизмот бил сатанизам и дека Хитлер бил инструмент на ционизмот??:kesa:

On the occasion of the concerns raised by the European Jewish Congress with regard to my interview with the MEGA television channel on December 20, I have to say the following:

1. The things I said during my television appearance on the show “Society Hour Mega” are strictly my personal views and opinions, which I have repeatedly expressed… verbally and in writing.

2. I respect, revere and love the Jewish people like any other people of our world according to the teaching of the incarnated Son of God and the true Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior and Redeemer, who was heralded by all the Prophets and was incarnated through the Jewish nation.

3. My public vehement opposition against International Zionism refers to the organ that is the successor of the “Sanhedrin” which altered the faith of the Patriarchs, the Prophets and the Righteous of the Jewish nation through the Talmud, the Rabbinical writings and the Kabbalah into Satanism, and always strives vigorously toward an economic empire set up throughout the world with headquarters in the great land beyond the Atlantic for the prevalence of world government and pan-religion.

4. I consider like any sane person on the planet the Nazi regime and the paranoid dictator Adolf Hitler as horrible criminals against humanity and take a stand with all honor and respect against the Jewish Holocaust and any other heinous genocide such as that of the Pontic Greek and Armenian people. Besides, the Greek nation mourns thousands of martyrs from the criminal Nazi atrocities.

+ The Metropolitan of Piraeus, Seraphim

Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Треба да ги потсетиме Евреите дека јужниве и Хитлер го злоупотребија...

A Greek Orthodox Christian Bishop (Metropolitan of Piraeus Seraphim (real name: Christos Mentzelopoulos)) on the morning show of the largest television station in Greece blamed world Jewry for Greece's financial problems on Tuesday, December 22th 2010. Among others, he said that Hitler was an instrument of a Zionist conspiracy, and that the Holocaust was a part of a greater Zionist plan to establish a Zionist Empire.



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