Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)


Женкар, Илуватар
Член од
17 март 2014
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Според украински разознавачки служби, најкасно за две недели се очекува голема руска офанзива од кај Харкив во правец Купјанск. Веднаш после оваа офанзива ќе била најавена мобилизација на 500к нови руски војници. Веќе се носела техника накај Купјанск од страна на Украина.
Член од
16 октомври 2020
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Според украински разознавачки служби, најкасно за две недели се очекува голема руска офанзива од кај Харкив во правец Купјанск. Веднаш после оваа офанзива ќе била најавена мобилизација на 500к нови руски војници. Веќе се носела техника накај Купјанск од страна на Украина.
Нека донесат и накај Запорожје, таму веќе се расцепи линијата. :icon_lol:
Член од
16 октомври 2020
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The offensive of the Russian army on the Zaporozhye front, January 22

Russian Army is coming closer to Orekhov.

Kamenskoye is reported as liberated

This is definitely not a "gray zone" — the village was an important node of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kamenskoye — Orekhov line.
Член од
17 август 2009
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Се случува целосен распад на украинските одбранбени линии. :kuracc:
Ете тоа ти е една погрешна проценка и губиш на две места. Да го напуштеа Соледар и Бахмут и да не се бранеа тврдоглаво украинците, барем ќе го држеа сигурен овој фронт кај Запорожје.. Они носеа единици и ги преместуваа баш од Запорожје и сега ќе ги изгубат и двата фронта.

Нешто слично се случи и со русите, бранејќи го Херсон (западно од Дњепар) ги ослабија линиите од Харкив и на крај и двата фронта ги изгубија.
На Суровкин колку и да беше болна таа одлука за повлекување од Херсон ќе биде една од најдобрите и најклучните одлуки далекусежно гледано и по крајот на војната.
Член од
6 декември 2022
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Се ложат неонацистиве на америчко оружје, еве што РедЕфект, главниот хејтер на советскиот/рускиот оклоп има да каже за Абрамс тенковите:
Пази како дечкиво употребува "Soviet tanks meanwhile..." после секое спомнување на некој атрибут на Абрамс. Бензинскиот турбомотор дефинитивно ќе добие многу љубов од Корнетите. Посебно при бакнеж од страна. До ден денешен нема автоматско полнење на топот. Командирот на екипажот добива свој перископ и свои команди за движење на куполата дури во најновата верзија. Подјачан оклоп на куполата само во новата верзија. Оклоп тенок дури и за артилерија од Втората Светска Војна, додека не го подновиле со осиромашен ураниум. Soviet tanks meanwhile..
Знаејќи како на укронацистите никој не им праќа подновена верзија на тие дарувани оружја (северџања не ги ни поднови своите Т-72, бидејќи “Пали? Да. Се вози? Да. Е па не му треба подновување“) освен Словенија нивните франкенштајн 55-ици, и ако сенилниот Бајден им прати Абрамси, тие нема да бидат од поновата верзија. Што ќе значи многу солзи и сокршени ега низ неонацистичкиот кружок.


mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Since Russia’s surprise decision to voluntarily withdraw from west bank Kherson in the first week of November, there has been little in the way of dramatic changes to the frontlines in Ukraine. In part, this reflects the predictable late autumn weather in Eastern Europe, which leaves battlefields waterlogged and clogged with mud and greatly inhibits mobility. For hundreds of years, November has been a bad month for attempting to move armies any sort of significant distance, and like clockwork we started to see videos of vehicles stuck in the mud in Ukraine.

The return of static positional warfare, however, also reflects the synergistic effect of increasing Ukrainian exhaustion along with a Russian commitment to patiently attriting and denuding Ukraine’s remaining combat capability. They have found an ideal place to achieve this in the Donbas.

It has gradually become apparent that Russia is committed to a positional attritional war, as this maximizes the asymmetry of their advantage in ranged fires. There is an ongoing degradation of Ukraine’s warmaking ability which is allowing Russia to patiently maintain the current tempo, while it organizes its newly mobilized forces for offensive action in the coming year, setting the stage for cascading and unsustainable Ukrainian losses.

In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Sun Also Rises, a formerly wealthy, now down on his luck character is asked how he went bankrupt. “Two ways”, he replies, “gradually and then suddenly.” Someday we may ask how Ukraine lost the war and receive much the same answer.

Verdun Redux

It is safe to say that western regime media has set a very low standard for reporting on the war in Ukraine, given the extent to which the mainstream narrative is disconnected from reality. Even given these low standards, the way the ongoing battle in Bakhmut is being presented to the population is truly ludicrous. The Bakhmut axis is being spun to western audiences as a perfect synthesis of all the tropes of Russian failure: in a nutshell, Russia is suffering horrible casualties as it struggles to capture a small town with negligible operational importance. British officials, in particular, have been highly vocal in recent weeks insisting that Bakhmut has little to no operational value.

The truth is the literal opposite of this story: Bakhmut is an operationally critical keystone position in the Ukrainian defense, and Russia has transformed it into a death pit which compels the Ukrainians to sacrifice exorbitant numbers of men in order to hold the position as long as possible. In fact, the insistence that Bakhmut is not operationally significant is mildly insulting to the audience, both because a quick glance at a map clearly shows it at the heart of the regional road network, and because Ukraine has thrown a huge number of units into the front there.

Let’s take a step back and consider Bakhmut in the context of Ukraine’s overall position in the east. Ukraine began the war with four operable defensive lines in the Donbas, built up over the last 8 years both as part and parcel of the simmering war with the LNR and DNR, but also in preparation for potential war with Russia. These lines are structured around urban agglomerations with road and rail links between each other, and can be roughly enumerated as follows:

The Donbas is a particularly accommodating place to construct formidable defenses. It is highly urbanized and industrial (Donetsk was the most urban oblast in Ukraine prior to 2014, with over 90% of the population living in urban areas), with cities and towns dominated by the typically robust Soviet buildings, along with prolific industrial complexes. Ukraine has spent much of the last decade improving these positions, and the frontline settlements are riddled with trenches and firing positions that are clearly visible on satellite imagery. A recent video from the Avdiivka axis demonstrates the extent of Ukrainian fortifications.

So, let’s review the state of these defensive belts. The first belt, which ran roughly from Severodonetsk and Lysychansk to Popasna, was broken in the summer by Russian forces. Russia achieved a major breakthrough at Popasna and was able to begin the full rollup of this line, with Lysychansk falling at the beginning of July.

At this point, the frontline sits directly on what I have labeled as the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian defensive belts, and both of these belts are now heavily bleeding.

The capture of Soledar by Wagner forces has severed the connection between Bakhmut and Siversk, while around Donetsk, the heavily fortified suburb of Marinka has been almost completely cleared of Ukrainian troops, and the infamous keystone Ukrainian position in Avdiivka (the place from which they shell Donetsk city’s civilian population) is being flanked from both directions.

These positions are absolutely critical for Ukraine to hold. The loss of Bakhmut will mean the collapse of the last defensive line standing in the way of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, which means Ukraine’s eastern position will rapidly contract to its fourth (and weakest) defensive belt.

The Slavyansk agglomeration is a far worse position for Ukraine to defend than the other belts, for several reasons. First and foremost, as the belt farthest to the west (and thus the farthest from the February 2022 start lines), it is the least improved and least fortified of the belts. Secondly, lots of the, shall we just say “good stuff” around Slavyansk is to the east of the city, including both the dominating high ground and the major highways.

All this to say, Ukraine has been very anxious to hold the Bakhmut line, as this is a vastly preferable position to hold, and accordingly they have been pouring units into the sector. The absurd levels of Ukrainian force commitment in this area have been well noted, but just as a quick refresher, publicly available Ukrainian sources locate at least 34 brigade or equivalent units that have been deployed in the Bakhmut area. Many of these were deployed months ago and are already shattered, but over the full span of the ongoing battle this represents an astonishing commitment.

Russian forces, primarily Wagner PMC and LNR units, have been slowly but surely collapsing this Ukrainian stronghold by making liberal use of artillery. In November, now former Zelensky advisor Oleksiy Arestovych admitted that Russian artillery on the Bakhmut axis enjoyed roughly a 9 to 1 tube advantage, which is turning Bakhmut into a death pit.

The battle is being presented in the west as one where Russians - usually stereotyped as convict soldiers employed by Wagner - launch frontal assaults on Ukrainian defenses and take horrible casualties attempting to overwhelm the defense with pure numbers. The opposite is much closer to the truth. Russia is moving slowly because it irons out Ukrainian defenses with artillery, then pushes forward cautiously into these pulverized defenses.

Ukraine, meanwhile, continues to funnel units in to more or less refill the trenches with fresh defenders. A Wall Street Journal piece about the battle, while trying to present a story of Russian incompetence, accidentally included an admission from a Ukrainian commander on the ground who said: “So far, the exchange rate of trading our lives for theirs favors the Russians. If this goes on like this, we could run out.”

The comparisons have been liberally made (and I cannot take credit for them) to one of the most infamous battles of World War One - the bloody catastrophe at Verdun. While it does not do to exaggerate the predictive value of military history (in the sense that a thorough knowledge of the first world war does not allow one to predict events in Ukraine), I am, however, a great fan of history as analogy, and the German scheme at Verdun is a useful analogy for what’s happening in Bakhmut.

The Battle of Verdun was conceived by the German high command as a way to cripple the French army by drawing them into a preconfigured meatgrinder. The notion was to attack and seize crucial defensive high ground - ground so important that France would be forced to counterattack and attempt to recapture it. The Germans hoped that France would commit their strategic reserves to this counterattack so that they could be destroyed. While Verdun failed to completely sap French combat power, it did become one of the most bloody battles in world history. A German coin commemorating the battle depicted a skeleton pumping blood out of the earth - a chilling but apt visual metaphor.

Something similar has indeed occurred in Bakhmut, in the sense that Russia is pressing on one of the most sensitive points on the front line, drawing Ukrainian units in to be killed. A few months ago, on the heels of Russia’s withdrawal from west bank Kherson, the Ukrainians talked ecstatically of continuing their offensive efforts with a strike southward in Zaparozhia to cut the land bridge to Crimea, along with continued efforts to break through into northern Lugansk. Instead, forces from both of these axes have been redirected to Bakhmut, to the point where this axis is actively draining Ukrainian combat strength in other areas. Ukrainian sources, previously full of optimism, now unequivocally agree that there will be no Ukrainian offensives in the near future. As we speak, Ukraine continues to funnel forces into the Bakhmut axis.

At the present moment, Ukraine’s position around Bakhmut has badly deteriorated, with Russian forces (largely Wagner infantry supported by Russian army artillery) making substantial progress on both of the city’s flanks. On the northern flank, the capture of Soledar pushed Russian lines to within spitting distance of the north-south highways, while the near simultaneous capture of Klishchiivka on the southern flank has propelled the frontlines to the dootstep of Chasiv Yar (firmly in Bakhmut’s operational rear).

The contact line around Bakhmut, Jauary 20, 2023 (Map by me)
The Ukrainians are not presently encircled, but the continued creep of Russian positions ever closer to the remaining highways is easily discernable. Currently, Russian forces have positions within two miles of all the remaining highways. Even more importantly, Russia now controls the high ground to both the north and south of Bakhmut (the city itself sits in a depression surrounded by hills) giving Russia fire control over much of the battle space.

I am currently anticipating that Russia will clear the Bakhmut-Siversk defensive line by late March. Meanwhile, the denuding of Ukrainian forces on other axes raises the prospect of decisive Russian offensives elsewhere.

At the moment, the front roughly consists of four main axes (the plural of axis, not the bladed implement), with substantial agglomerations of Ukrainian troops. These consist, from south to north, of the Zaporozhia, Donetsk, Bakhmut, and Svatove Axes (see map below). The effort to reinforce the Bakhmut sector has noticeably diluted Ukranian strength on these other sectors. On the Zaporozhia front, for example, there are potentially as few as five Ukrainian brigades on the line at the moment.

At the moment, the majority of Russian combat power is uncommitted, and both western and Ukrainian sources are (belatedly) becoming increasingly alarmed about the prospect for a Russian offensive in the coming weeks. Currently, the entire Ukrainian position in the east is vulnerable because it is, in effect, an enormous salient, vulnerable to attack from three directions.

Two operational depth objectives in particular have the potential to shatter Ukrainian logistics and sustainment. These are, respectively, Izyum in the north and Pavlograd in the South. A Russian thrust down the west bank of the Oskil river towards Izyum would simultaneously threaten to cut off and destroy the Ukrainian grouping on the Svatove axis (S on the map) and sever the vital M03 highway from Kharkov. Reaching Pavlograd, on the other hand, would completely isolate the Ukrainian forces around Donetsk and sever much of Ukraine’s transit across the Dneiper.

Both Izyum and Pavlograd are roughly 70 miles from the start lines of a prospective Russian offensive, and thus offer a very tempting combination - being both operationally significant and in relatively manageable reach. Beginning yesterday, we started to see Russian advances on the Zaporozhia axis. While these consist, at the moment, mainly of reconnaissance in force pushing into the “grey zone” (that ambiguous interstitial frontage), RUMoD did claim several settlements taken, which could presage a genuine offensive push in this direction. The key tell would be a Russian assault on Orikhiv, which is a large town with a genuine Ukrainian garrison in it. A Russian attack here would indicate that something more than a probing attack is underway.

It is difficult sometimes to parse out the difference between what we predict will happen and what we want to happen. This, certainly, is what I would choose if I was in charge of Russian planning - a drive south along the west bank of the Oskil river on the Kupyansk-Izyum axis, and a simultanious attack northward past Zaporozhia towards Pavlograd. In this case, I believe simply screening Zaporozhia in the short term is preferable to getting bogged down in an urban battle there.

Whether Russia will actually attempt this, we do not know. Russian operational security is much better than either Ukraine’s or their proxy forces (Wagner and the LNR/DNR Milita), so we know significantly less about Russia’s deployments than we do about Ukraine’s. Regardless, we know that Russia enjoys a strong preponderance of combat power right know, and there are juicy operational targets within range.



Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Германците не сакаат да ги пратат Леопардите од проста причина што секоја држава која ќе ги испрати своите ќе добие/купи Абрамси и со тоа за секогаш е изгубена како клиент на Германија.

Неизбежните загуби се само дополнителен проблем, т.е. лоша реклама, пак плус за Абрамсите.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Германците не сакаат да ги пратат Леопардите од проста причина што секоја држава која ќе ги испрати своите ќе добие/купи Абрамси и со тоа за секогаш е изгубена како клиент на Германија.

Неизбежните загуби се само дополнителен проблем, т.е. лоша реклама, пак плус за Абрамсите.
па тоа циљаат американците, да и ги земат клиентите на Германија, наскоро после Полска ќе почнат и други да ги даваат Леопардите на Украина за Абрамси. И Абрамсот никогаш нема да се бори у војнава, win win ситуација за нив е ова. Германците како игорчета нека мислат дека не се дупени.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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па тоа циљаат американците, да и ги земат клиентите на Германија, наскоро после Полска ќе почнат и други да ги даваат Леопардите на Украина за Абрамси. И Абрамсот никогаш нема да се бори у војнава, win win ситуација за нив е ова. Германците како игорчета нека мислат дека не се дупени.
Плус германците веќе имаат предходни нарачки на Леопарди што треба да ги исполнат но нарачките се од пред санкциите кон Русија така што цената на производство сега е зголемена.
Член од
17 август 2009
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Polish PM Morawiecki: We intend to formally offer Germany to agree to the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine. But in case they refuse, we will still transfer these vehicles to Kyiv as part of a small coalition of countries.
Па и овие пољациве изглеа затоа и запнуваат да се отарасат од германските тенкови, за да не станат понатака зависни од резервни делови и поправки од нив.

И така си порачаа од тие јужно корејските и амерички тенкови у меѓувреме.

Кои дилови се само у игра сега.. САД највечи воени профитери, овие шишмишиве од ЕУ незнаат кај тераат.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Па и овие пољациве изглеа затоа и запнуваат да се отарасат од германските тенкови, за да не станат понатака зависни од резервни делови и поправки од нив.

И така си порачаа од тие јужно корејските и амерички тенкови у меѓувреме.

Кои дилови се само у игра сега.. САД највечи воени профитери, овие шишмишиве од ЕУ незнаат кај тераат.
Али каква лудница е што мртви ладни планираат да прекршат потпишан договор и Германците не смеат да писнат.

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